Alternative Steele
Updated 13 Oct 2001!
Posted Alternative Steele 6-3

Alternative Steele -What if a free spirited, excitement seeking Laura Holt had met her Mr. Steele at the end of her relationship with Wilson Jeffries?
Alternative Steele2 -The further adventures of Laura and Harry.
Alternative Steele3 - Laura and Harry's trip to Europe ends with a murder involving gangsters, diamonds, and betrayal.
Alternative Steele4 - Laura discovers Daniel's secret, gets to join in her first con.
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Alternative Steele5 - Three years after leaving LA, Laura lures a bored Harry to Paris to steal some rare gems, gets more than she bargained for.
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Alternative Steele6 - Harry decides to leave Laura out of the game- while Laura sets up a game of her own with Daniel. COMPLETE!
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