Alternative Steele5/2

It was nearly twelve midnight when Laura let herself into the hotel room to find Harry bent over a table working on some hastily drawn plans of the gallery. "You're back earlier than I expected you to be," she told him, tossing her stole and handbag onto a chair and stepping out of her high heels.

"I seem to have lost my capacity for vapidity," he told her with a smile, "How was your evening?"
"The man's an octopus!" she declared.
Harry put down his pencil. "What happened?"
"He - seemed to think that I would be grateful for a night in his bed after being alone in Paris. Talk about an ego- "
Harry came to put his hands on her shoulders. "Tell me."
"He didn't have the chance to do anything," she told him. "Once he made it clear that he expected something in return for dinner, I made it clear that I wasn't so easily bought and walked out."
"You walked out? Left him sitting in a restaurant-?"
Laura nodded, a smile slowly coming across her face. "I haven't done that since my first date with Wilson," she told him. "And he called the next day to apologize."
"I wouldn't count on Davenport doing that." He turned his attention back to the plans.
"I'm not. He won't have to call. I'll be at the museum, remember? But it wasn't a total loss. I might have gotten some information."
"I think he knows Kessler and Neff."
"What makes you think so?"
"I asked him if he'd noticed them, said that they gave me the creeps. He said they were business associates."
"Business associates?" Harry repeated.
"That's what he said. Of course, he had no way of knowing that I knew who the REALLY are."
"No, he doesn't."
She watched him pace the room a few times. "Do you think he's in with them? Planning to let them steal the gems?"
"It's possible. And if that's the case, we might have to move more quickly than I had anticipated. Let's dangle a carrot in front of Davenport tomorrow."
"A carrot?"
"Another buyer for the gems. You've already shown an inordinate interest in them. Tell him you know someone who would pay a king's ransom for the stones."
"And if he refuses to take the bait?"
"Then we know he's either clean, or he's too frightened of Kessler and Neff to cut a private deal."
"And if he does take it?"
"Then we have him. He'll practically hand the gems over."
Laura watched as he examined the plans again, running her hand up his back. Harry put down his pencil again to put his arm around her, looking at her for a long minute. "You're certain that you're all right?" he asked, his eyes filled with concern.
"I'm fine," she assured him. "And I'd be more the happy to prove it to you," she said, untying his tie and using it to gently pull him toward the bed."
"Laura, the plans-"
"Will wait until later," she said, sliding his jacket from his shoulders. "I won't."
Harry's lips met hers and she felt his hands on the zipper at the back of her dress as it was lowered inch by agonizing inch. He lifted his head and held her face in his hands, his eyes on hers. "I love you, Laura."
Laura pulled his head back down to hers. He hadn't meant it. It was the excitement of the heist, the worry about her evening with Davenport. He hadn't meant it, she insisted to herself as she unbuttoned his shirt, then she stopped thinking as his mouth began an onslaught designed to prove to her that he did, indeed mean precisely what he'd said.
Harry knew she wasn't asleep, but she was still, trying to keep her breathing even. She didn't want to talk. He could tell that. So he slid out of bed and put on his robe before turning on the light on the table where the plans were. Maybe he'd been wrong. Maybe she didn't love him as much as he loved her. Maybe he'd been lying to himself all this time. The pencil broke with a loud snap, and he glanced at the bed to see her jump slightly. "Alright, Laura. We're going to talk. Now."
She pulled a pillow over her head. "No. I don't want to," she said in a muffled voice. "I'm going to sleep-"
"Like bloody hell you are," Harry said, coming to sit beside her on the bed and prying the pillow out of her hands. "I know you heard what I said earlier -"
"Yes," she admitted in a small voice. "I heard you."
"That kind of admission usually requires a response of SOME kind, Laura, even if it's only to tell me to bug off."
She turned on her back to look at him. "I don't want that, Harry," she said.
"Then what DO you want?"
"I don't want things to change," she told him. "I'm happy with the way we are now."
"And saying those words changes things?" he asked.
"I'm afraid they will. Wilson said he loved me, and then he tried to change me, to turn me into someone I could never be."
Harry smoothed her chestnut hair with a smile. "I don't want to change you, Laura. I only want to love you. For the rest of my life. I want to be with you, to wake up next to you - maybe even to have a family someday. I've never wanted those things before -"
"And I want those things too. Just not right now. Oh, the first part's fine. Being with you, but -I'm not ready to think about - anything else."
"Will you be, someday?" he asked her.
She lifted a hand to touch his cheek. "Yes."
He turned his head to press a kiss into her palm. "I worry sometimes that I've been unfair to you."
"Unfair? How?"
"Taking you away from your family, your friends, your life."
"I didn't HAVE a life before I met you, Harry. I was just existing, waiting."
"For me?" he asked, smiling.
"I like to think so."
"I worry too that I might lose you to that life again. That you'll tire of this life and decide to go home."
"I could, you know. No one there suspects that I was involved with that robbery. Or that you were, either. When we disappeared at the same time, Wilson just decided that you couldn't face him after stealing me away from him, so you left. He has no idea that you had anything to do with the robbery. And Mother simply thinks I need some time to settle down before going home. But I'm not going. I couldn't imagine what Los Angeles would be like without you there with me."
He smiled. "Would you like to go for a visit?"
"No. Thanks anyway. The further I am from my mother the better we get along.."
Harry's head dipped to hers. "Do you mind if I still tell you that I love you?"
Laura shook her head as she ran her fingers through the dark hair on his chest. "No."
"But you can't say it."
"Because it would change things. Has my saying it changed anything, Laura?" he challenged.
"Yes. We're arguing."
"No, we're not arguing," he told her. "Believe me, if you and I were arguing, the entire hotel would be able to hear it."
She smiled. "I suppose you're right." He started to move away. "Where are you going?"
"To finish with those plans. I'll have to get a full set tomorrow -"
"I can do that," she told him. "And since we've agreed on that, then there's no reason for you to stay out of bed."
"Let me turn off the light," he told her. He removed his robe and returned to her side. If this was all he could get right now, then so be it. It would have to be enough. At least she was here, with him. And by her own admission, she wasn't planning on going anywhere.
"Thank you, Laura."
"For what?" she asked, her breath warm on his shoulder.
"For just being here."
"Always, Harry. For always."
It was a long time before Harry finally slept that night.
Harry was already dressed when Laura opened her eyes the next morning. "You're the early bird today," she commented, peering at her watch. "Eight? You're NEVER up this early."
"Lot's of things to do," he told her, making a final adjustment on his tie. "If we're going to try for those gems tonight."
Laura sat up, her adrenelin starting to flow. "Are we?"
"Depends," he said, "On the outcome of your discussion with Niles Davenport." There was a knock on the door. "That should be our breakfast." Laura scampered from the bed to the bath before he could open the door. He signed the check, then looked at the food before telling her, "While you go and pay a visit to your friendly octopus, I'll go and see if I can't locate the blueprints for the museum in case we need them."
She appeared in the doorway, brushing her hair. "Sounds good to me."
"Just keep an eye out for Kessler and Neff, okay?"
She returned to sit in the chair he held for her. "Thank you. I will," she told him.
"I should be back here before eleven, if you need to call." He watched her pick up a
crossaint, and then chuckled softly.
"Just thinking. I still can't believe that Daniel suggested this. It was he who put me off going after those gems the first time."
"Because of security, probably."
Taking a bite of food, he nodded. "He said that it would be a direct ticket to prison. The museum in South Africa had a state of the art security system that was almost inpenetrable."
Laura looked at him. "ALMOST?"
He shrugged. "I found their only weak spot - and I could have done it, Laura. But Daniel had an elaborate con going- and it would have jeopardized that."
She placed a hand over his on the table. "You'll have them tonight," she said.
"Perhaps." He emptied his coffee cup, then folded his napkin neatly. "I'll go on. You watch yourself." he bent to kiss her lightly. "I wouldn't want anything to happen to you."
"It wouldn't dare," she said, smiling. "I'll see you later."
Laura entered the museum with more confidence than she felt. After the way she'd walked out, it was possible that Niles Davenport wouldn't speak to her at all. She smiled at the receptionist, a smile made brighter by the memory of Harry's words about her. "Is Mr. Davenport around?" she asked.
As if he'd been listening for her, the door to his office opened and Niles Davenport came out. If he were embarrassed or angry, there was no sign of it in his greeting. "Laura! I was hoping you would be here today. Why don't we go into my office? We can talk there."
Seeing her expression, he grinned. "I assure you, I'll keep my hands off you."
Laura smiled at him, moving past him into the office. "I wanted to apologize for over reacting last night," she said when he had closed the door. "I didn't handle things very well-"
"No, no. It was my fault. I was rushing you, and I shouldn't have. Can you forgive me?"
"I suppose I can," Laura told him, smiling at him.
"Dinner this evening?"
"I'm not sure if I can -" She sat forward. "Can we speak frankly, Niles?"
"Of course, my dear."
"I'm curious about the Royal Lavulite- was it really stolen from South Africa?"
Niles met her eyes for a moment before moving to sit behind his desk. "Yes. They were. But they were sold by the thief in Rome-"
"And now everything is tied up in court as to their legal status."
"You know a lot more about those gems than you let on last evening, my dear."
"I told you, " she said, smiling, "Gems are a - hobby of mine."
"I always encourage hobbies, Laura, but what reason do you have for asking me these questions?"
Laura rose to move around the office, aware that Davenport was watching her every move.
"What if I were to tell you that I have someone who would be willing to pay a king's
ransom for those gems?"
"Are you suggesting that I help you steal the gems, Laura?"
"It's just a hypothetical question, Niles," she told him, her eyes wide and guileless.
"If it's just pretend, then, I suppose my response would be how much money are we talking about?"
"Six million."
Niles went still. "Six million. That's a lot of money -"
"And- if this were real, I'd be willing to split it with someone who helped me," Laura said, coming to sit on the edge of the desk near him.
"How much would you be willing to share?"
"Even split," Laura decided. "Three million each." That should up the ante, she decided.
Davenport's breathing was laboured for a moment as he considered his options. "Who is this buyer?"
"I told you, he's hypothetical-"
"Time for truth, my dear."
"He would prefer to reamain anonymous," she said. "But I can call him - "
He indicated the telephone. Laura picked it up and turned the phone so that he couldn't see the number she dialed. "Hello?"
Harry picked up the telephone, "How is it going?"
"Oh, famously, sir. I approached the museum manager as you suggested -"
"And he's suspicious, I would guess."
"You're absolutely correct."
"Any sign of Kessler or Neff?"
"Not at all," she assured him. "The reason I'm calling is that he wants proof that you really exist-"
"You know for certain that I exist, my love," he whispered in a voice that sent delightful shivers through Laura. He was going to pay for that one.
"And I think it might be a good idea if you were to talk to him. To help him make a decision -"
"Tell him that I insist on total anonymity. That I refuse to speak to anyone except you, but that I am willing to up the price if he will help you steal the gems."
"Very well." She looked at Davenport. "I'm sory, but he's too worried that you might somehow recognize his voice - it's very important that no one know about this. He's willing to increase the price -"
"How much of an increase?"
"Sir, how much-"
"Pick a number, love."
Laura smiled, then said to Davenport, "Another million."
"When does he want them?" Davenport asked. "And how do we deliver them and get the money?"
"I think I can handle things from here now, sir."
"Good. Get back here as soon as you can, okay?"
"As soon as I can," she promised. Hanging up, her face was a careful mask. "As soon as we have the gems in hand, I'm to call him. He'll transfer the funds to a Swiss account that you can verify before I take the gems to him."
Davenport brought her hand to his lips. "When do you want to do this?"
"Tonight?" she suggested. "And you don't even have to be here. Just give me the code to get inside -"
"You're right. It would be better if I'm somewhere else, wouldn't it? Very well."

As they left the office a hour later, Davenport was smiling- until he saw the two men standing near the entrance to the gem room. "You'd better go now, my dear. I'll see you later."
"Count on it." She smiled brightly at Kessler and Neff as she passed them on her way to the door. Outside, she watched as Davenport approached the two men.
Entering the hotel room, Laura threw herself at Harry as he sat looking over the blueprints. "It worked! I have all the codes to enter the building," she told him, laughing.
"What about Kessler and Neff?"
"They arrived just before I left," she informed him. "They're not going to be very happy when he doublecrosses them, are they?"
"He might end up in the same shape as the courier who sold the gems," Harry told her, burying his lips in her hair. "He was found stabbed to death three days after the sale."
Laura shivered. "I'd hate to think that they might kill Davenport-"
"They might not even realize that he's involved," Harry said. "We need to get some rest before this evening," he said, standing with her in his arms to carry her to the bed.
Laura's hands were busy with his shirt buttons. "I don't feel in the least sleepy, Harry."
"And who said anything about sleeping?" he returned, lowering her to the bed.
Harry paid a late evening visit to the museum, asking Ingrid to tell him that Ben Pearson was there. "Oh, I am sorry," she said. "Mr. Davenport is not here."
"He's not?"
"No. He left me a message that he was going to be out for the rest of the day, that I should close up for him."
He could see Kessler and Neff in the gem room, hovering about the lavulite case. "If he should call in, let him know that I was here, will you?"
"Of course."
He went into the room to look at the stones once again, noticing that the two men moved away, but seemed nervous. Especially Neff. Had they somehow discovered what
Davenport was up to? At last they moved toward the door, and Harry watched as they left the museum. Something didn't feel right.
"Nerves, Harry," he muttered to himself. "Just nerves."
It was nearly midnight when Harry and Laura entered the building using the code that Davenport had given to her. She followed him through the dark building into the gem room, where Harry carefully unsealed the glass cube that covered the gems as Laura kept watch on the doorway.
"Come to papa, little darlings," he muttered, and she smiled, moving around the heavy base. He jostled the stand slightly, and Laura gasped. Harry froze. "What is it?"
She looked down, and he saw she was pale. "There's a hand on my leg -" she whispered.
Carefully, Harry moved around and knelt. "Oh, god." Davenport's body was stuffed in the hollow interior of the base. "He's dead." As he opened the panel wider, the body fell to the floor on its stomach, revealing a bloody wound on his back. Harry saw that Laura was pale.
"Let's get out of here."
"But- the gems-"
"Leave them. I've an idea that the police are already on their way." As he spoke, the sound of sirens nearing reached their ears. Knowing that the front entrance would be unusable, Harry led her out and into Davenport's office to the window on the back wall.
Opening it, he lifted her through, and then pulled himself through as he heard the police at the front door.
"What now?" Laura asked as they sat there on the ground.
He removed his mask, as did she. "Down the alley," he told her. "And through to the next street. I want at least four blocks between us and the museum before we hail a cab."

Back in their room, Harry grabbed her suitcase and his. "Harry-"
"Get your things," he told her. "We're catching the first flight back to London."
She stood there, not moving. "Harry, could you hold me?"
He stopped packing and looked at her. She looked so small, so frightened. "Come here, love." He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her shaking. "It's all right, Laura. We'll be fine. As soon as we get back to Daniel's, this will all seem like a bad dream." He held her for what seemed like hours before she released her hold him. "Better now?" he asked, looking down at her.
She nodded. "Thank you."
"My pleasure. Let's get packed, okay?" He didn't mention that he wasn't certain that Kessler and Neff could possibly track them down here. He hoped that the two men would have already left Paris- but he doubted it. They would stay to make certain that the gems were safe - before they followed them to London. Closing his case, he called the desk, informing him that they were checking out - and asked for a taxi to the airport. Then he called to reserve two seats on the next flight home. "You ready?" he asked, picking up their cases.
"Yes. Let's go." He smiled at her still pale face as they moved into the hall.
He'd exposed Laura to far too much danger this time. It wouldn't happen again. The next time he went after those gems, he'd go it alone.
To Alternative Steele 6 Part 1

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Original content ©2001 by Nancy Eddy