Alternate Steele2

Harry smiled as he watched Laura's brown eyes take in the sights of London as the cab neared Daniel's house. He took her hand in his to get her attention. "We'll go to Daniel's and you can wait there while I take care of the other business."

Laura smiled nervously. "Are you certain your friend won't mind my showing up?"

"Not at all," Harry assured her, kissing her knuckles. "Daniel's going to absolutely love you." He pushed to the back of his mind the thought that Daniel hadn't been quite so sanguine about Harry's association with Laura, or about his decision to bring her back with him. Once he met Laura, Daniel would understand. Daniel always seemed to understand Harry better than anyone else.
As the cab pulled to a stop before the Tudor mansion, Laura's eyes widened. "Harry, you never said anything about-"
"It's just a house, Laura," he told her, giving the driver some money as the man finished putting their luggage on the drive. "Thanks, mate."
The driver grinned. "Thank YOU, sir," he said, grinning toothlessly as he saw the tip he'd been given.
Laura started to pick up her case, but Harry shook his head and pulled her against his side. "Someone else can do that. Let's go inside." He glanced at her face. "Buck up, Laura. You're not going to your execution."
"Then why do I feel as if I am?" she questioned as he opened the door. Removing his jacket, he tossed it onto a coat rack as though he had been here many times.
"Daniel?" he called, only to have a short, middle aged woman come from the back of the hall.
"Harry, really. No need to shout, lad."
He smiled. "Mary. You're a sight for sore eyes," he said, giving her a friendly hug.
"And you're still far too full of the blarney," the woman said, but her smile gave lie to her stern words. "And who is this lass?" she asked, turning her attention to Laura.
"Laura Holt, this is Mary O'Shea. Daniel's housekeeper."
"Miss Holt. Tis a pleasure."
"Thank you."
"Our cases are in front, Mary," Harry told her. "Where's Daniel?"
"He went out a few minutes ago," she said. "Said he'd be back soon."
"Then we'll wait in the parlour," Harry decided.
"And I'll see to your cases," the housekeeper returned, shaking her head as the couple went to the doors of the parlour. For a moment, she considered warning Harry, but he was already opening the door, and it was too late.
"Michael, darling!" a cultured feminine voice purred, and Laura found herself watching as a tall blonde woman draped herself on Harry, locking her hands behind his neck and lifting her face for his kiss. When he didn't respond, she pulled his head down to hers kissing him as if they were the only people in the room.
Harry drew back, his eyes catching Laura's in apology. "Felicia. What are you doing here?"
She pouted prettily, her hands still on his shoulders. "I arrived yesterday darling. It's been so long since I've seen you-"
"Not that long," Harry told her, removing her arms and withdrawing from her clutches to pull Laura to him. "Laura, this is Felicia- a friend."
Felicia smiled tightly as she touched Harry's sleeve with a well manicured hand. "A VERY close friend," she said.
"Evidently," Laura said archly, glancing at the hand. "But if you don't take your hand off of his arm, you're going to lose it."
Felicia sighed, but she removed her hand. "Really, Michael. Where DID you find this little -urchin?"
Harry saw the sparks in Laura's eyes, and tightened his hold on her waist. "In Los Angeles, actually. Do you know where Daniel got off to?"
Sounding bored, Felicia moved away. "He didn't say. Was he expecting you?"
"I called him last night," he told the woman. He needed to go and see the owner of the painting that was tucked securely away in his suitcase, but there was no way he was going to leave Laura alone with Felicia. Laura was a scrapper, but Felicia had years of fending for herself over the younger woman. "I think we'll wait for him upstairs," Harry decided. "Later, Felicia." He gave her a pointed look. "Unless this is a quick visit and you'll be leaving -"
Felicia leaned against a chair. "Oh, no, darling. I've come for a long visit this time. I had a bit of a problem with the last job, and need a place to stay for awhile."
"You know how Daniel feels about someone coming here that could draw attention-"
"Oh, it's not that bad, Michael. It was Daniel's idea that I stay for awhile, to tell the truth."
Hearing that, Harry frowned. "When did he make that suggestion?" he asked, his hand on the doorknob.
"I can't recall, darling. Does it really matter?"
"It might, Felicia," Harry said grimly. "It might." He opened the doors and pulled Laura from the room, about to apologize to her as the front doors opened and a tall, dark haired man with graying temples and laughing dark eyes entered the house. "Daniel." Harry's eyes lit up as he moved toward his mentor, and Laura watched the men embrace with genuine affection.
"Harry, my boy. How did it go?"
Harry grinned. "Without a hitch," he said. "Thanks in part to this young woman," he said, drawing Laura forward. "Laura Holt, Daniel Chalmers."
Daniel took Laura's hand and bowed over it, bringing it to his lips. "Miss Holt."
"Mr. Chalmers."
"You've never been much for understatement before, Harry," Daniel said. "She's lovely."
Laura felt herself blushing, and cursed her fair complexion as she heard Felicia come into the entry hall. "Thank you."
He drew Laura's hand to his arm and led her toward the parlour again. "Forgive my not being here to greet you. I had some business to attend to." He glanced back at Harry, who was trying to disengage his arm from Felicia's grasp again. "Have you delivered the painting, Harry?"
"Not yet. I thought to get Laura settled here and then go."
"And excellent plan. I'm sure she'll be fine while you're gone, won't you, my dear?" he asked Laura.
She smiled at him, aware that his eyes were telling her things that his words weren't. "I'll be more than fine, Harry. It will give Mr. Chalmers and myself a chance to get to know each other."
Daniel met her look squarely, like a man who had accepted a challenge and refused to back down. "See, my boy? Go and take care of your business. I'll tend to Linda-"
"It's Laura," she told him carefully. "Harry didn't mention your hearing problem, Mr. Chalmers," Laura said sweetly, her voice a trifle louder than before.
Harry covered his mouth quickly to hide the smile that Laura's response brought to his lips as Felicia gasped. But Daniel made no effort to hide his own smile. "Touche, Laura." He turned to the younger man again. "You see, Harry? She'll be fine. Go on and collect your fee."
Harry stood there, watching as Felicia circled the room, reminding him of a panther waiting to strike once the intended victim's protector was out of sight. "I think I'll show Laura upstairs first." He extended a hand toward her, and was pleased when she smiled at him, taking that hand. "It was a long flight, and you're probably tired."
She wasn't. She was still running on adrenilin, the excitement of being in London made the idea of sleep impossible. But she knew that Harry wanted her to go upstairs with him, so she nodded.

Daniel went to the door to watch them climb the stairs as Felicia commented, "Not his usual type, is she?"
"No, she's not. But she has a great deal of courage, I think."
Daniel ignored the blonde woman. He'd never seen Harry with quite that contented look on his face. It reminded him of another face, years ago. And the girl reminded him of someone from long ago, as well. But he wasn't ready to give Harry up just yet. He would have to find a way to convince Miss Laura Holt that she needed to return to her life back in Los Angeles. But how?
Harry opened the bedroom door, ushering Laura inside. Closing the door, he pulled her into his arms for a long kiss. "I've been wanting to do that for hours," he told her.
"Then why didn't you?" she asked. "Who exactly is Felicia?"
He grinned. "As I said. An old friend. You don't have to worry about her, Laura. You don't have to worry about anyone. All that matters is you and I. Once I get the fee for the painting, I'll make the arrangements for us to go to Switzerland. And from there, Paris."
He kissed the tip of her nose before movng to where his case was sitting on the bed.
"How long will you be gone?" she asked, watching as he unfastened the case and pulled out the cardboard tube marked as blueprints. Laura smiled, remembering that when questioned about the tube by customs, architect Douglas Quintaine had assured the clerk that the blueprints were for a wealthy client, his "dream house", which he was quite insistant not be copied by ANYONE else. That if the seal on the end of the tube were broken, the client would refuse to pay him his commission, and would quite probably sue anyone involved. The clerk had backed off, passing "Mr. Morrell" and his assistant through quickly.
"Oh, not more than an hour, I should think." He turned blue eyes on her. "Will you be all right here, on your own?"
"You noticed it too, then." When he lifted a brow in silent question, Laura shrugged. "Your friend Chalmers doesn't like me."
"Nonsense, Laura. Once you get to know Daniel, you'll understand. He's just -"
"Jealous?" she questioned.
Harry grinned. "In a way." He unpacked his case with the ease of long practice. "I left some room in the closet and dresser for your things," he told her. "I'm going to take a quick shower and change before I go." At the door to the connecting bath, Harry turned, a smile on his face. "Care to join me?" he asked softly.
Laura's dimples appeared as she went to his side. "I thought you would NEVER ask, Harry."
Later, as he watched her brush her hair, Harry fastened his shirtcuffs. "I'll get back as soon as I can," he promised. "Don't let Daniel or Felicia intimidate you." He put his hands on her shoulders. "Maybe you should just stay up here and rest -"
Laura shook her head negatively. "I can't hide from them forever, Harry. It's best to face them now and let them know that I'm not going to shrivel up like some little wallflower at the first sign of trouble." She put down her brush, and turned to him and went still as she saw something in his blue eyes that frightened her. It was quickly hidden, but it HAD been there. And Laura Holt was certain that she wasn't ready to acknowledge what she'd seen. It was too soon, she told herself. Too quick.
"Laura?" Harry asked, concern now filling his eyes. "Are you all right?"
She searched his face again, then relaxed. "I'm fine." Maybe she'd only imagined it.
"Let's go downstairs, shall we?" She rose, looking down at the dress she'd chosen to wear.
"Are you certain this will be okay? I mean, I didn't expect to have to -"
Harry turned her around slowly, examining the dark blue skirt and cream blouse. "You'll do fine. We can do some shopping before we leave for Switzerland," he told her. "Which reminds me. I need some names for the passports we're going to get for you."
"I'll see what I can come up with," she told him, her eyes shining at the thought.
Opening the door, he held out his arm. "Shall we?"
Daniel watched them come downstairs. She carried herself like a princess, he decided.
Certain of herself even in these unfamiliar surroundings. "I had almost given up on seeing either of you again this afternoon," he commented as they reached the marble floor of the entry hall. He kissed Laura's hand once again. "Mary asked me to tell you that she'll have dinner ready in two hours, Harry, and that you're not to be late. She's prepared something special just for you, I believe."
"Where's Felicia?" Harry asked, looking past Daniel into the parlour.
"She went upstairs for a few minutes, I believe. Wanted to freshen up." He smiled at Laura. "Not that I mind having Lind-" He smiled. "Laura's attention all to myself for a few minutes. Go on, Harry, collect your fee."
Harry gave Laura a quick kiss. "I'll be right back," I promise. "Remember what I told you."
She smiled at him. "I will."
When the door closed behind him, Daniel turned Laura toward the parlour. "What did Harry tell you?"
"Not to let you intimdate me," she told him honestly as she sat on the divan.
"Now why on earth would Harry feel it necessary to tell you something like that?" Daniel wondered as he poured himself a drink. "Would you care for something?"
"Not at the moment," she said. "Perhaps he realizes as I do that you don't like me very much."
Daniel took a sip of his drink. "Nonsense. Any woman who can make Harry trust her as he evidently trusts you, I find very interesting."
"He doesn't trust very easily, does he?"
"No," Daniel responded. "Has Harry told you anything about his- past?"
Laura sat back. "A little. He's an orphan - raised in various homes, by various families - and he met you when he was fourteen and picked your pocket."
Daniel nodded. "Which is more than he usually tells ANYone, my dear. Even Felicia didn't know that much about him until she'd known him at least a year. Or, she wouldn't have if I hadn't filled her in."
"Which you did to further that relationship," Laura guessed.
He shrugged. "Felicia's not under discussion at the moment, Lin- Laura. Why did you decide to come to London with Harry? Why didn't you turn him in when you discovered that he was there to steal that painting?"
Laura shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that, from the moment I first saw Harry, it was as if-" she paused, searching for the right words. "As if something more powerful than either of us had taken control. As if we were fated to meet each other. I know," she said, settling back again, a slight smile on her face, "That probably sounds- silly. But I was ready for a change in my life. There was nothing to keep me in Los Angeles."
"But to help commit a robbery - that's more than a simple change. It's a complete turn around."
"Not really. I've never done things that were expected of me, Mr. Chalmers. My mother gave up on ever turning me into her version of a lady a long time ago."
"Why don't you call me Daniel?" he suggested, looking to the door as Felicia hovered there. "Ah, Felicia, my dear. So pleased you could join us. Would you care for a drink?"
"Thank you, Daniel. I'll have my usual," she said, slinking into the room to sink into the chair across from Laura. "So, Lisa. What do you think of London?"
Laura took a deep breath, deciding to ignore the deliberate wrong name. "I haven't seen much of it," she told the woman. "Just what little there was between here and the airport."
"Why don't you and I go do some shopping tomorrow?" Felicia suggested. "You really need some clothes if you're going to stay around very long-"
"I'm not planning on going anywhere-" Laura pointed out, "Unless it's with Harry." She took note of the simple black sheath that Felicia was wearing, the pearls around her neck and at her ears. The woman looked the very picture of sophistication. "And, thank you for the offer, but, I think I'd prefer to buy my own clothes. I'm not sure someone your age would know what a younger woman might like."
Daniel's eyes revealed the smile he was trying to hide as he noticed Felicia's narrowed gaze. "She has a point, my dear. I think Laura will do very well for herself," he murmured.
Felicia sat back, clearly angry. "I won't be spoken to in that manner by a - a -"
Daniel placed a hand on her shoulder. "Now, Felicia. Let's remember that Lin-Laura is our guest. Do you know who I saw the other day? I was leaving my tailor and looked up and there he was."
Felicia looked at him curiously. "Who?"
She smiled. "What on earth is he doing back in London? I thought that after that fiasco a few years ago he had decided that he would be safer in other parts."
Daniel shrugged. "You know Nigel. He came back to see if the heat was off enough for him to return to England."
Laura sat there, listening, watching as they talked about the mysterious Nigel. She knew what they were doing, of course. Trying to show her that she was an outsider, and that she would always be an outsider in their little world. Laura Holt had never been one to let herself be ignored. "Excuse me?" she said, interrupting their conversation. When Daniel turned to look at her, she said, "Who's Nigel?"
"Oh, an old friend of mine. He and I go way back. I think you worked with him just before he departed England for fairer climes, didn't you, Felicia?"
Felicia nodded. "Yes. He wanted to involve me in that last fiasco, but I didn't like the set up -"
"I felt the same way," Daniel agreed. "I think he spoke to every con in town about joining up with him." He sighed. "Of course, if more of us had, he might not have come to such grief."
Laura stopped grinding her teeth. They were doing it again! "And what was this scam that caused his self-exile?"
"Oh, I'm sure you wouldn't be interested, my dear. Surely you would be bored -"
"Not at all," Laura assured him. "Consider it the next part of my education, Daniel."
Daniel looked at her, seeing the sincerity in her eyes. And his estimation of her began to climb again. Perhaps he might have made a mistake, being so hard on the girl. "Nigel was good. Better than I am, actually," he said, and Laura smiled at the sound of ego in that voice. "But about six years ago, he decided that it was time for him to pull off the ultimate con -. . ."
Laura sat, listening, enthralled by Daniel's story of a confidence game gone seriously awry. It was a wonder that Nigel had escaped with his life, she thought, and said so as Daniel finished. "That's what I told him when I sent him off to France," Daniel said. "Every con has to learn the difference between a game that's winable and one that could cost more than he has to lose."
"Excellent advice, Daniel," Harry said from the doorway, causing Laura to turn toward him as Felicia rose from her seat to saunter toward him.
"Darling. I was wondering if you were going to be late for dinner," she said, her hand on his arm.
Laura had moved quickly to get to Harry, and now looked pointedly at Felicia's hand. The other woman merely smiled at her, until Harry used his right hand to pull Laura close enough to kiss. "Miss me?"
Felicia's hand fell, and she turned away, obviously angry. Harry winked at Laura. "Of course I did."
"Well, Harry?" Daniel asked. "Did you get it?"
Harry nodded. "He was- most appreciative at having the painting returned," he told Daniel. "Gave me a rather sizable bonus."
Daniel slapped the younger man on the back. "Good show." He saw Mary in the dining room door across the entry hall, and extended an arm toward Laura. "I believe dinner is ready. My dear-?"
Laura sighed at Harry, but allowed Daniel to lead her into the dining room, knowing that Harry would be forced once again into Felicia's company.
The dining room was as ornate as Laura had imagined it would be, and the china was REAL china, with gold trim. Mary served the meal with quiet grace, smiling at Harry's delight at the veal she placed before him. "Ah, Mary. You're a treasure. If I were a few years older, I'd marry you."
"As if I'd ever marry an Irishman again," she said. "Had enough of that once, don't intend to make the same mistake again." But her cheeks had reddened suspiciously, Laura noticed. The housekeeper was truly fond of Harry. Almost as fond of him as Daniel was.
She listened as Daniel told Harry about Nigel's return, and gained more information on the mistakes that the unfortunate man had made. "You're lucky they didn't catch you as well, Harry."
Laura put down her wine glass quickly, her eyes wide. "You didn't tell me that Harry was the accomplice-" she began, looking at Daniel - .
Harry grinned. "I was young, Laura, and determined not to listen to Daniel or anyone else. I thought I was ready to do something that big. And I thought that Nigel knew what he was doing. I made a mistake -"
"You mustn't be so hard on yourself, Harry," Daniel said. "It wasn't your fault that the con fell apart. It was simply poor planning on Nigel's part."
"Yes, well, I don't know that he'll see it that way."
"He did ask about you," Daniel confirmed. "But he didn't seem to be holding any hard feelings. I'm sure he'll stop by before long-"
"Laura and I won't be here," Harry said, taking a sip of his wine, his eyes on Laura.
"What? Where are you going?"
"I promised Laura a tour of Europe. We'll be leaving day after tomorrow for Switzerland," he announced.
Daniel frowned. "But, Harry, - I had something I wanted to discuss with you. An idea-"
"I'm sure it will wait until we return, Daniel. We shouldn't be gone for more than a month- Or two."
"And if it won't, I'm sure Felicia would be more than willing to help you out, isn't that right?" he asked, looking at the woman.
"I - " Felicia's eyes found Daniel as she sought for an excuse why she couldn't agree. Before she could say anything more, Mary entered with dessert, and seeing it, Laura's eyes widened.
Harry smiled at her reaction to the chocolate torte. "I think you've just won Laura's heart as well, Mary," he said with a grin.
"Well, the lass could stand some meat on her bones," Mary sniffed. "Doesn't do for a woman to be all angles, a man likes something soft to hold to." Her gaze slid from Felicia's shocked, angry face to where Laura sat, her face reddening. "Eat up, lass. And you'll think you've died and gone t'heaven."
Laura moved her eyes to the plate before her, and picked up her fork. Taking a bite, she closed her eyes, but refused to let the moan escape. "It's- delicious, Mary."
"If you think mine is good, you'll have to get Harry to make one for you. His is ten times better."
Laura's eyes widened as they looked at Harry. "You can cook?"
"Cook? Like an angel," Mary sighed, as Harry smiled again.
Daniel hadn't touched his torte. He was still looking at Harry with a concerned glint in his eyes. "Mary, do you mind? We were discussing something important-"
"Aye, that you were. And if I've any say about anything in this house, then I think you should be glad that our Harry has found this young woman. And now that I've had my say, I'll be going back to the kitchen."
Daniel shook his head. "That woman-"
"Is right, Daniel," Harry pointed out. "Why are you so against my taking Laura to
Europe?" he asked. "When we return -"
"He's afraid I'll convince you not to come back at all," Laura said with sudden insight.
"Isn't that right, Daniel?"
"Not at all. I just -"
Harry finished his dessert and pushed the plate away, wiping his mouth with the napkin before rising from his chair. Coming around, he pulled Laura's chair out as well. "I'm sorry, Daniel, but my mind is made up on this. Day after tomorrow, Laura and I are leaving for Europe. And if you can't accept that, she and I will simply find a hotel -" he turned toward the door, and Laura glanced up at his expression, saw the satisfaction there as Daniel spoke again.
"You don't have to go to a hotel, Harry. This is your home as well as mine. Go to Europe. Show Linda the sights, and I'll just find someone else to help me."
Harry nodded. "Good night, Daniel. Felicia."
"Goodnight," Laura echoed.
Daniel finished his wine and pushed the uneaten dessert away, knowing that Felicia was watching him carefully. "What are we going to do now?" she asked.
"I need to think," he told her. "We've got another day to come up with something."
"Too bad Nigel isn't angry with Harry," Felicia sighed. "If he were to try to do something foolish, Harry might just send his little Lisa packing back to America for her own safety."
Daniel's smile returned. "I think you've just hit upon our plan, my dear. I need to find
"He used to spend most of his time gambling," she told him.
"So he did. And I think I know where he might be this evening. Can you be ready in fifteen minutes?"
Felicia smiled. "Give me twenty, and I can guarantee Nigel's cooperation, Daniel."
The smile widened.
Upstairs, Laura and Harry were oblivious to the devious plans being drawn up below them. Laura watched Harry close the door and loosen his tie before saying, "You don't do that very often, do you?"
"Argue with Daniel?" he asked. "No. Usually it's not worth the effort. He wins more than I do." He sat down and pulled her into his lap. "But this is worth as much effort as I can muster. And this time, Daniel WON'T win."
Laura frowned. "He backed down too easily," she pointed out. "As upset as he was, - I don't understand his attitude toward you."
Harry pulled her against him. "Daniel's always been that way. It's something I've learned to accept. The teacher not wanting to lose the prize pupil, I suppose. Wanting to be there to share in whatever I do as a result of my association with him. I owe Daniel more than you could ever know, Laura. He took a starving, tough as nails pickpocket with no home but the streets, no name of his own, and turned him into someone that he could be proud of, I hope."
"I know he's proud of you. Of your work." She shook her head. "I don't know. There just seems to be something missing. Some reason-"
Harry kissed her forehead. "There's that private detective's instinct coming out again. Any mystery-"
"What do you know about Daniel's past? Where he came from?" she asked between kisses.
"Later, Laura," Harry whispered. "Later. Right now, I want to discuss other things."
Laura slid her arms around his neck. "Anything I might find interesting?" she asked.
"Oh, I believe you'll find it VERY interesting," he returned, standing to carry her to the bed.
Daniel and Felicia weren't around when Harry and Laura left the house after breakfast the next morning. Instead of waking Mary, Harry had surprised Laura by preparing breakfast for the two of them himself, proving to her doubting mind that he could indeed cook.
"Harry, it's a wonder some woman hasn't snapped you up," Laura said.
He finished his own omelete and pushed the plate away. "A few have tried," he admitted, and when Laura's eyes widned, he leaned across the table to kiss her. "But none of them had brown eyes like yours or a smile that lights up a room. Are you ready to go?" he asked.
"What about the dishes?"
"Mary will take care of them." Seeing Laura's look, Harry sighed.
"I might not be able to cook," she told him, "but I can clean up a kitchen. And I refuse to leave my mess for Mary." She got up and went to the sink with their plates.
"Mary doesn't let anyone work in her kitchen but me, Laura," he warned. "She won't be happy -"
"He's right, Lass," Mary said, appearing in the door that led to her own room beside the kitchen. "I appreciate the thought, but you and Harry best be off."
"If you're sure, Mary?" Laura questioned.
"Go now. And Harry -"
He turned. "Yes?"
"Watch your back, lad." She turned to the sink, and Harry knew that he'd get no more than that simple warning out of her.
"Let's go, Laura."
They had gone first to the man who would make the new passports, and Laura gave him her list of names. "Tracy Lord," the man read, "Ilsa Lund," Laura saw Harry grin.
"You don't look like an Ilsa," he pointed out.
"No more than you look like a Paul Fabrini," she countered.
"Point taken. Any more?"
"I was stumped," she admitted.
"Okay. Those two will do for now," he told the man. "When will they be ready?"
"Tonight, I think. And I'll need the money now."
Harry shook his head. "Half now. Half when I pick them up."
"Spent too much time with Chalmers, Harry. Suspicious of your friends."
"Sometimes that suspicion is deserved, Charlie. Do we have a deal?"
"Half now," Charlie agreed, but he smiled nonetheless. "Be back here at seven."
"We will be," Harry said.

Laura smiled up at him as the cab started back into traffic. "Well. He was certainly a colorful character. Known him long?"
"On and off for ten years. And yes, before you ask, I knew him before I ever met Daniel."
"Speaking of Daniel, you never answered my questions last night."
He put an arm around her. "As I recall, we ventured into other areas."
Laura dimpled, but refused to be distracted this morning. "Harry-"
Harry's arm fell, and he sighed heavily. "You just don't give up, do you, Laura? Very well.
Daniel's never spoken to me about his past at any length. I do know that he was born in Wales -"
"Wales? He doesn't sound -"
"Daniel can sound as American as you do when he wants to, Laura. His talent for voices is phenomenal."
"What else do you know about him?"
"He was an orphan like myself, never knew his father, his mother died when he was young. He's never talked about those early days beyond that. He was in the Royal Hussars, and he'll tell you he was an officer -"
"Seargent Major. And he was kicked out for gambling."
"He's never married?"
"Not that he's mentioned. Really, Laura, I don't know what you expect to find out from these questions -"
"I don't either," Laura admitted. "But I still feel that there's SOMETHING more to Daniel's attitude toward you than you realize."
"Why mess with something that's fine the way it is?" Harry questioned. "He's been there for me when no one else was, and I'm not going to start digging around behind his back -"
Laura looked at him for a long moment. "He really means a lot to you, doesn't he?"
"As hard as it is for me to say this, Laura, Daniel's been the father that I never had. I don't know what my father was like, and if I ever saw the b-" He paused a moment, looking down at Laura's gentle touch on his arm. "I'd probably beat him to a pulp, but I don't really care if I never find him, never find out who I really am."
"Because you have Daniel," she said softly.
"And you," he added, putting his arm around her again. "You're even more precious to me."
There was that look again, and Laura felt as if the entire world had gone totally still as she gazed into those eyes and read what they were telling her. "Where are we going now?" she asked, wanting to break the spell he had woven.
"I promised to take you shoppping, remember? Some new clothes?" She smiled, remembering the previous evening. Seeing it, Harry looked at her. "What's that smile about?" Laura told him about Felicia's offer to take her shopping, and about her reply. Harry groaned, laying his head back against the seat. "It's a wonder she didn't scratch your eyes out," he said. "What did she say?"
"Nothing, really. Daniel stopped her before she could say very much. That's when they started talking about Nigel." She could have kicked herself for mentioning the subject when his expression clouded over. "Were you responsible for what happened?"
"I don't think so. But I was so young and inexperienced with anything on that scale - I should have listened to Daniel when he warned me off the scheme." The cab stopped before a row of exclusive ladies shops, and Harry sent the cab on its way as he steered Laura to the first one, effectively changing the subject to what kind of dresses Laura might like.
He arranged for their purchases to be sent to Daniel's, then hired a cab to take them to lunch in a very exclusive looking restaurant. As they were drinking coffee after the delicious meal, Laura saw Harry's eyes widen slightly, and started to turn around. He grabbed her hand, and shook his head. "No, Laura."
"What -"
"Nigel's here. He just arrived -Ohh, and he's headed this way." He pasted on a nervous smile and rose to his feet. "Nigel. It's good to see you again. Daniel mentioned that you were back -" He extended a hand in friendly greeting.
Nigel ignored the hand. "Still Chalmer's little puppy dog, eh, Harry? He told me you were in the States -"
"I was. I only returned yesterday -" He saw Nigel glance at Laura. "Are you planning on staying in London?" Laura coughed slightly at the stench of Nigel's cigar as the smoke drifted her way.
"Haven't decided yet. It depends on a few things."
"Such as?"
"How much payment I can exact for what happened. For having a partner who messed things up so badly that I almost got caught-"
"Nigel, I - I didn't do anything. Your plan was-"
"My plan was perfect, Harry. I should have known better than to take on someone still wet behind the ears. Chalmers tried to tell me that you weren't ready, but I didn't listen. I should have. Maybe then I wouldn't have been forced to spent the last six years away from England."
"Stay out of my way, Harry. It's the only warning I'll give you. Because the next time I see you, I'm going to kill you." Nigel turned and nodded toward Laura "And anyone else who gets in my way." He moved away toward the back of the restaurant.
Harry sat down heavily, and Laura noticed that he had gone pale. "Harry?"
"We need to get out of here, Laura," he said. "Now."
She nodded and watched as he signed the check before pulling out her chair. "Wait a minute, Harry. He just threatened you." She stood on the street at his side waiting for a cab to stop. "You need to go to the police-"
"And tell them what? That Nigel wants to kill me because he thinks I messed up a con six years ago?"
"I suppose you're right. What are you going to do?"
"The first thing I'm going to do is send you back to Los Angeles," he announced. "You can convince everyone that you had no idea that I was a thief -"
Laura turned him around to face her. "Like HELL!" she said loudly enough for several people to turn in their direction.
Harry sighed gratefully as a cab stopped at last, and he pushed her inside, giving the driver Daniel's address. "Laura, you heard him. He just threatened you, too. I can't risk his missing me and hurting or- even killing- you."
"Harry, I'm not going anywhere except to Europe with you," she told him. "I can take care of myself -"
"Against street thugs in Los Angeles, perhaps. But you're dealing with something entirely different here, Laura."
"I won't go back to LA, Harry. There has to be a way to stop Nigel -"
"I'll discuss it with Daniel," he said. "But if he can't come up with something, then I'm
putting you on an airplane back to the states this evening."
"It's going to be very difficult to do that, Harry, because the only way I'm getting onto anything like that is with you. If not, then you'll have to tie me up. And THAT would cause a lot of questions."
"You're a stubborn woman, Laura Holt."
"You're damned right I am, Harry," she told him.
Daniel was coming from the library when Harry and Laura returned. "Your packages arrived," he told them. "Mary put them in your room."
"Thank you." Harry turned to Laura. "Why don't you go on up-"
"No. This concerns me as much as it does you, and you're not going to shut me out."
Daniel watched them for a moment as they continued to argue. "Excuse me," he said quietly into a moment when neither of them were talking- or rather, yelling. "But what the devil is this all about?"
"Nigel threated Harry and me, Daniel."
"He what?" Daniel asked, looking at Harry.
"We were at that little place on High Street - you know the one -"
"Of course."
"Nigel came in and told me that he intends to kill me for causing his scheme to fail six years ago. And then he looked at Laura and said that he'd kill anyone who got in his way."
Daniel looked shaken. "Good Lord. I was afraid the man might have gone round the bend, but - to threaten someone like that - there's only one thing you can do, Harry."
"What's that?"
"Send Laura home for her own safety -"
"NO," Laura said. "I'm not going anywhere," she insisted.
Daniel put his arm around her. "Now, my dear. I think, between Harry and myself, we can stop Nigel. But if Harry's distracted by worry about you, then -"
"I can take care of myself-"
Harry lifted his hands and shook his head.. "I give up, Laura, You're not stubborn. You're absolutely pig-headed. Don't you understand that this man will kill you if it means getting to me?"
"Then let me help you stop him."
"This isn't something that an amatuer needs to be involved in," Daniel pointed out. "One false move -"
"Then I'll stay here, in this house, until you've done whatever it is you need to do." She put her hand on Daniel's arm. "I'll be safe here, won't I?"
Harry nodded. "She's right, Daniel. She could stay here until you and I-"
"I don't know," Daniel said uncertainly, turning to walk into the parlour, leaving Harry and Laura to follow him.
Once in the room, Laura watched Daniel pour himself a drink. "I think it's the best way to do this," Laura started saying, only to have Harry turn to her.
"Sit down, Laura." Her eyes narrowed in anger, but she sat heavily in an arm chair, as Harry started trying to convince his mentor that they could indeed protect Laura if she remained in the house.
She smelled a familiar aroma, and turned to find the butt of a cigar in the ashtray beside the chair. Picking up the remnant, she sniffed it, then held it away from her. Nigel. He smoked cigars like this one. Smelly, huge things that tended to make Laura sick. She held up the cigar as Daniel glanced at her.
"Harry, -" she began, only to have Daniel speak quickly.
"Let me speak to Nigel again," he said, keeping Harry's attention on him instead of the object in Laura's hand. "He and I ARE old friends, after all. Perhaps I can mollify him somehow. In the meantime, you and Lin-" Laura gazed consideringly at the cigar. "Laura schedule your trip to Europe and forget about Nigel. Now that he's back in England, I doubt he'll be willing to leave to go chasing after you."
Harry looked at Daniel, frowning at his friend's sudden change of heart. Then he sighed in relief. Daniel would take care of everything. He always had. As he turned toward her, Laura put the cigar into the pocket of her sweater. "I told you he could take care of it, didn't I?"
She nodded. "I think Daniel could probably take care of just about anything," she agreed.
"Oh, I don't know about that," Daniel said, his eyes on Laura. "Why don't you tell me where Harry took you today?" he suggested.
"While you two are discussing that," Harry announced, "I'm going to go make the reservations for our trip. I'll be in the library."
"You set it all up, didn't you?" Laura asked Daniel once Harry was out of earshot. "To get him to think I was in danger and send me back to Los Angeles."
He smiled widely. "You have to admit, it almost worked, my dear."
"Why are you so determined to get me away from him?" Laura asked. "Why is he so important to you?"
Daniel's face held a deep sadness as he replied. "You can't know everything, Laura."
"I love mysteries, Daniel. And this is one I intend to solve. One way or the other."
"Are you going to tell Harry about Nigel?"
"No. IF you don't try and stop us from leaving tomorrow."
"You have my word. I won't stop you. But this isn't finished, Laura. Not by a long shot."
"You know, Daniel, Harry's not the only one who can't resist a challenge, is he?" She saw
Harry returning and want to meet him. "I'm going upstairs. Daniel thinks it will be all right
for us to go out this evening after all, so I think I'll take a long, hot bath before I get dressed." She gave him a long kiss and then smiled at Daniel. "Later."
Harry watched her go up the stairs, a smile on his face. "She's really something, isn't she, Daniel?"
Daniel took a deep breath. "Yes, indeed, Harry, my boy. She's something, all right. Where are you going in Europe?"
When Laura came downstairs later, Daniel had to admit that the gold velvet gown was perfect for her. And he also had to admit that he was grateful to her for putting that light in Harry's eyes again. He'd been worried that Harry was tiring of the life, was ready to pack it all in before that trip to Los Angeles. And she certainly knew how to take care of herself, he thought. So why was he so concerned? Because she might just be able to ferret out the truth, he told himself. And if she did, he would lose Harry forever. He and Felicia had gone to see Nigel that afternoon, telling him that the game was up, that they had failed.
Harry was showing Laura the intricacies of Baccarat at the gaming club that evening when he looked up and saw Nigel entering the room. The croupier asked if he wanted to let the bet stand, and since he was distracted, Laura nodded yes. They won, and Laura's delighted laughter brought Harry's attention to her glowing face. "Laura?"
"We won, Harry!" she told him as a pile of chips was placed before them.
"So we did," he observed before added grimly, "Nigel's here."
Laura looked in the direction he indicated. "Daniel told you that he spoke to Nigel," she reminded him.
"He's coming over here. Get the chips, Laura. We're cashing out-" she picked up the plastic circles and was letting him guide her across the room when their way was blocked by the very man that Harry was trying to avoid. "Nigel. It's good to see you again - I hope?"
"Yes, Harry, it is." He shook his head and held out his hand. "I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier. I haven't been myself since I got back. So many changes. I don't blame you for what happened. It was my fault, not yours. Forgive me?"
Harry shook the hand heartily. "Indeed, yes, Nigel. I want you to meet Laura."
"Laura," Nigel said, bowing over her hand. "I hope you can forgive me as well? I'm simply a foolish old man." His eyes told her that Daniel had explained her involvement in the plan's failure, and Laura could have sworn she saw a glimmer of respect in those hazel eyes.
"I think I can manage it," she told him. "Harry was just showing me how to play Baccarat -"
"He's an excellent player," Nigel told her. "Few here can beat him consistantly. I know the owner of the club tends to fade a bit when Harry comes in. He knows he'll lose money."
Laura joined in his laughter. Harry shook his head. "I'm going to go cash these in, Laura, and then we'll go to dinner."
"I'll stay here with Nigel," she told him, putting her arm through that of the older man.
"I don't know how you managed it," Nigel told her, a bit of awe in his voice. "When Daniel and Felicia came to me last night and presented their plan, I thought nothing would convince Daniel to back down. You're everything he said you were, Laura."
"I'm not sure how to take that, Nigel," Laura told him, but she smiled.
"As a compliment, I assure you. And if I'd met you before he came to me, I would have told him to bug off, old friend or no. Daniel tells me you and Harry are leaving for Europe tomorrow."
"I've spent most of the last six years there. I think you'll enjoy it."
"I know I will. I'll be with Harry, after all."
"Stay with him, Laura," Nigel said, watching Harry start back across the room. "I think you're good for him. Daniel's had a hold on the lad for too long."
"Do you know why he's so interested in Harry? Why he was willing to-"
"Let's just say that Harry's probably the most important thing in Daniel's life, shall we?" He looked at Harry as the younger man returned. "Well, I have a seat in the back room to fill. A couple of high rollers from the States who are just dying to be relieved of their ill gotten gains. You two enjoy your trip."
"We will, Nigel," Harry assured him.

"What did you and Nigel talk about?" Harry asked Laura as they drove toward the restaurant in Daniel's Mercedes.
"Oh, nothing very much. He's quite fond of you." She paused before asking, "How long has he known Daniel?"
Harry gave her another look. "More questions?"
"I can't help it," Laura said, shrugging. "You know how I am about mysteries."
"They knew each other well before I ever met Daniel. That's all I know for certain. But I overheard them talking one night after they'd had a bit too much to drink, and Nigel mentioned something about a heist that went wrong and Daniel ending up in prison as a young man. I knew he'd been in prison for a year a few years ago, but not before that.
When I asked Daniel about it, he refused to discuss it, said it had been a long time ago, and he preferred to forget about it."
"Did you ask Nigel?"
"The subject never came up."
Laura hoped that Nigel would be around when she and Harry returned. She wanted to have a long talk with him about his old friend, Daniel Chalmers.
At the restaurant, Laura found herself noticing the looks that Harry recieved from most of the women present, as well as the looks of pure envy directed her way. Glancing up at him, she had to admit that he was quite likely the handsomest man in the room. "Something wrong?" he asked., pulling out her chair to seat her.
"Not a thing," she assured him, smiling.
"Good. Then I suppose I should give you this now," he said, sliding a long, black velvet box across the table toward her.
"Harry?" She looked at it with suspicious eyes.
"Before you say anything, I bought it. This morning while you were trying on dresses. I saw it in the window and it had your name on it. It's nothing very fancy, but I thought you would appreciate something simple."
Laura nodded. "I'm not exactly the dripping with diamonds type, am I?" she said nervously. "I'll leave that sort of thing to Felicia -"
"Stop talking and open it, Laura," Harry said quietly, his smile revealing his own nervousness.
She picked up the box and lifted the lid to reveal a simple gold chain which held a gold heart shaped locket. There was a small diamond- at least, Laura assumed it was a diamond, on the cover of the locket. "Oh, Harry-"
"Do you like it?" he asked.
"It's lovely. Thank you." She started to open the heart, but Harry reached out to stop her.
"Let me put it on for you." The gold felt curoiusly warm against her skin, and Laura smiled as she saw the envious look she was given by a woman at the closest table. Harry fastened the clasp, then bent to place a light kiss on her nape. "Would you care to dance?"

It wasn't until later, after Harry was asleep, that Laura was able to open the locket. Inside were two small pictures. One was of her - the passport photo taken earlier by Charlie. And the other was of Harry, probably from the same source. So that's what had taken him so long when they had stopped to pick up the passports. She brought those documents out now. Tracy Lord, England, and Ilsa Lund, Sweden.
"Laura?" Harry called softly, his hand moving across the empty bed beside him.
"I'm over here, Harry," she told him, closing the locket.
He blinked, looking at the clock. "It's three am, Laura. Come back to bed."
"I couldn't sleep," she told him, sliding back beside him. "Too excited, I suppose."
She felt his lips curl into a smile against her hair. "I think I can remedy that."
"Please do, Harry," she returned, lifting her face toward his.
Daniel drove them to the airport, leaving Felicia behind still asleep. "Keep in touch,
"I will, Daniel," he promised, then turned his attention to making sure the baggage was properly tagged.
"And YOU keep an eye on him," Daniel charged Laura.
"I will," said said, meeting his eyes. She pulled something from her pocket and slipped it into his hand. "I don't think I'll need this now," she told him.
Daniel looked down to find the cigar, securely fastened in a plastic bag. "You're sure you don't want to keep it for insurance? Make certain I don't send Felicia after you to cause trouble-"
"After my little chat with Nigel last night, I think he'd be willing to back me up if I were to tell Harry the truth now," she told him, smiling as he shook his head. "I'll see you when we get back," she told him.
"I'm finding myself looking forward to that," Daniel said, taking her hand to bow over it. "Until then, my dear Laura."
Harry returned. "They've just called for our flight to board," he told them. "I'll call, Daniel," he promised.
"Enjoy yourselves."
"Oh, I think we will," Laura said, those dimples appearing as she smiled at him. "Take care of yourself. And I promise to bring him back in one piece."
Daniel stood in the terminal long after the aircraft faded into the distant sky. She had promised to bring Harry home. And he would have to learn to trust her as much as Harry did, he supposed. They'd be back. And when they were, he'd find some way to stop Laura's prying into matters that she had no business meddling in. But he smiled anyway, though his concern, remembering Harry's eyes. Had he ever seen them look at a woman the way he looked at Laura Holt? He doubted it. And the thing was, he wasn't certain that either of them had even seen it.
Shaking his head, Daniel turned his steps back toward home. He wondered if Felicia would feel up to going to the club this evening. He needed something to divert his attention.
To Alternative Steele3

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Original content ©2001 by Nancy Eddy