Alternate Steele3

Laura Holt lay on a blanket on the small, secluded area of beach, her cheek resting on her hand, her eyes closed. This was the life, she decided. In the three weeks since she and Harry had left London, they had been to Switzerland, Paris, Rome, and now Cannes. She reached behind her, unfastening the top of her swimsuit, thinking that the new evening dress that Harry had insisted she buy wouldn't look right with tan lines marring the low cut back. Settling back down, she smiled again. The last three weeks had been absolutely wonderful.

Drops of cold water on her back made her gasp as Harry said, "You're starting to burn, Laura." He knelt and poured some lotion into his hands to warm it before putting it onto her skin with gentle fingers.
"It might be worth it to have you keep doing that," she murmured, laughing softly as he bent lower to place a light kiss between her shoulder blades. "That feels nice."
"What say we go back to the hotel?" he suggested. "We could both use some rest before dinner."
Laura turned over, meeting his eyes. "Why do I have the feeling that 'rest' is the last thing you have on your mind, Harry?" She pulled him down to her. "And why do we have to go back to the hotel?" she asked. "This place is far enough out of the way -"
Harry nodded toward the road above them on the edge of the mountain. "You're forgetting that road up there, aren't you?"
"There hasn't been one car pass by here since we arrived," she said, sliding her hands down his chest.
Harry caught her hands. "And I don't relish getting a sunburn. Come on."
"Then we'll have to come back tonight after dinner," Laura told him, noticing that his attention was caught down the beach where the road first came into view. "What's wrong?" she asked, sitting up.
"That car's going too fast. There's no way he can make that turn above us unless he slows considerably." He rose to his knees again to watch the vehicle's progress.
"There's a car behind him," Laura said, pointing to the corner again as she put on the white gauze cover that went with her bikini. The sound of gunfire caused both of their eyes to widen, and Harry quickly pulled Laura toward the rocks at the base of the cliff as the first car went careening through the white fence to land squarely on the blanket where they had been sitting moments before.
"My God," Harry breathed, listening as the other car drove past. "Laura-" he looked around to find that she was heading for the car. "Laura!"
He could smell gasoline as he followed her, could see the smoke coming from the front of the car. Laura wrenched open the driver's door and reached inside. "He's alive, Harry!" she said as he joined her.
Harry reached inside and pulled the man from the vehicle, dragging him away from it. When he got a look at his face, he sighed, "Oh, Archie. What have you got yourself into this time?"
Laura looked at him. "You know him?"
Archie moaned, looking up at the two people who stood over him. "Harry?" he said weakly, grabbing for the shirt that Harry had put on. "Harry, dangerous. Take -" He coughed, and Harry winced as blood appeared on the man's lips. Archie's left hand opened to reveal a black velvet bag. "Careful. They'll kill -"
Harry took the bag, feeling the weight, the movement within, but he didn't open it. "We'll get some help-" he began, but Archie shook his head.
"Goner. You be careful. Fortune - thought I could retire for good-" he said, his laughter turning into more coughing, then he fell still.
The car exploded, sending a ball of flame into the air, and Harry glanced back toward the road as he felt a bullet pass his ear. "Let's get out of here, Laura," he said, grabbing her hand and pulling her down the beach, around the burning mass of metal to the narrow path that would take them back to where they had parked the rented Jaguar.
Even when they reached the car, Harry held back, watching, making certain that no one else was around, before getting Laura into the passenger seat and then going to the driver's side. "Who was he, Harry?" Laura asked, turning to watch behind them, as worried as he was that they would be followed.
"Archie. We'd seen each other around. He was pickpocket. One of the best I'd ever seen. He must have gotten himself into something bigger than he could handle -"
"Obviously. What's in the bag?" she asked.
Harry shook his head as she would have taken it from him. "Not here. Let's wait until we're safely in our room at the hotel."
Even though there was so sign of a tail, Harry rushed Laura back into the bungalow he had taken for their stay, and securely locked all three locks on the door before he breathed any easier. Turning on the light on the desk, he untied the top of the velvet bag and poured the contents between himself and Laura.
She gasped upon seeing the glittering array. "Are those-"
Harry picked one up, inspecting it in the light. "Diamonds," he confirmed. "Most at least a carat, a few larger -"
"There must be -"
"Well over a million pounds, I should think, considering current market value," Harry said, still examining the stones. "Oh, Archie. What wrong pocket did you take these out of?" he asked.
"What are you going to do with them?" Laura asked.
"Sell them, of course."
"What are you going to do about Archie's murder?" she wanted to know.
"There's nothing I CAN do, Laura. He gave me the gems, -" He shook his head. "Laura-"
"You mean you'd let a friend be murdered and not do anything to find out who did it? Not do everything you could to see that they got what they deserved?"
"Laura, if I'm right about this, Archie probably took these off of some underworld figure who was planning to use them to buy drugs or weapons." He stopped, seeing the expression on her face. He's seen it in Paris when that old woman's purse had gone missing. She'd convinced him to help her track it down. "This isn't like Paris, Laura. You're not dealing with a bunch of kids out on a lark that you can intimidate. These people mean business -"
"Couldn't you at least ask a few questions? Find out if anyone else knows what Archie was up to?"
Harry put the diamonds back into the velvet pouch and began searching for a safe place to put them. "I can ask, Laura, but- I really think it would best if we leave Cannes for some other place tomorrow." He glanced at her. "We can go to Athens -"
"And just forget that Archie is dead? Murdered?"
Harry took a deep breath. "You know, I'm discovering that it's almost as pointless to argue with you as it is with Daniel. I can't seem to win with either of you. I'll see what I can find out," he told her, putting the bag into the bottom of one of Laura's shoes in the closet. "But if I don't get any leads, can we please leave?"
"Sounds fair to me," she agreed. She shivered in the air conditioned room, and Harry pulled her to him.
"That rest I mentioned sounds good at the moment."
"But I think I'm going to take a shower first," Laura told him. "Care to join me?"
Harry grinned, lifting her into his arms to carry her toward the bathroom. "Now THAT is an excellent idea, Laura. One I think we can both agree on wholeheartedly."
They left the bungalow early, and Harry drove the car toward a part of town that he hadn't shown Laura during their tour two days before. Parking the car before an abandoned building, he looked up at it uncertainly. "Stay here," he told her. "I won't be a moment."
"No way. I'm going with you," she told him, opening her door.
Knowing that arguing with her wouldn't accomplish anything except a delay in dinner, Harry locked the car and held out his hand. "Stay close. And let me do the talking. Please?"
"When have I ever NOT let you -" She fell silent when she saw his expression. "Not a word," she promised, letting him lead her around to the back of the building, where he knocked six times in cadence. A beat later, he knocked once more.
A window on a floor above them opened, and Laura would have looked up, but Harry squeezed her hand in warning, shaking his own head in a quck movement. The door opened moments later, and Harry entered first, pulling Laura behind him, keeping his body between her and any possible danger inside.
"Harry?" a feminine voice asked. "Is it really you?"
He grinned as he saw the red haired woman who came into the light. "Pearl. I'm hear to deliver some bad news, I'm afraid. About Archie -"
"I've already heard," the woman said, shaking her head. "I warned him he was getting into things that could kill him. But would he listen?" She looked at him. "How did you know about it?"
"We were on the beach when his car went off the road."
Pearl's dark eyes widened. "Was he alive?"
"Yes. We drug him from the car before it exploded."
The dark eyes took on another light. "And did he- give you anything before he died?"
Harry looked at her for a long moment. "No," he lied, hoping Laura wouldn't give him away. "Nothing. What was he into, Pearl?"
Her face had fallen when he'd responded negatively to her question. "Said he'd found out that some local organized crime boss was going to buy a shipment of heroin with a million and a quarter's worth of untraceble diamonds. He found out where the guy was going to be, and said he was going to pick his pocket, take the gems, and disappear to the South Seas. Even offered to take me with him." She sniffed, and Harry handed her his handkerchief, wincing as she blew her nose noisily into the linen. "At least he was with someone he knew when he died. Guess he hid the gems before they started chasing him."
"Apparently. Unless they were in his car -"
"Wasn't his m.o.," Pearl said. "He always kept the loot on him, would never have let it go unless he knew he had no choice."
"He was pretty dazed after the accident," Laura commented. "Maybe he, dropped them in the car."
Pearl looked at her suspiciously. "Who's she?"
"A friend," Harry quickly assured the woman, giving Laura a look to remind her that she had promised to be quiet. "But she might be right. When we dragged Archie from the car, he didn't have anything in his hand."
"I guess I'll contact his son in New York. He might want to know about his father's death."
"Archie had a son?"
"Fifteen years old. Attending some military academy there."
Harry frowned. "Well, we'll be going, Pearl," he said. "If you need anything -"
She shook her head. "I'll probably be leaving myself in a day or two," she told him. "But thanks for the offer. You always did have a heart of gold, Harry. Sometimes I think it's too soft for you to be in this line of work. To easy to get it hurt, you know?"
"Yes, Pearl. I know. Take care, eh?"
"You too."
In the car, Laura waited until he started the engine before speaking. "Why didn't you want her to know about the diamonds? Was it simply because you want them for yourself?"
"You cut me to the quick, Laura. She was too eager to find them. Archie would never have told her that much about what he was up to. I think she got her information somewhere else."
Laura perked up. "Then we're staying?"
Harry sighed. "I suppose so. Something about all of this bothers me. And I guess I owe it to Archie to find out if he was sold out by one of us." He took another breath. "But now that Pearl knows that we're asking questions, she'll alert the people who killed Archie -"
"IF she knows them," Laura pointed out. "We still don't have any proof that she does."
"Believe me, she knows them." He reached out to take her hand as they stopped before the restaurant. "The point I'm trying to make, Laura, is that we might be in danger - If these people decide that I lied to Pearl about the diamonds, they'll come after us."
"Then we need to come up with a plan."
Harry gave the parking attendant the car keys, scanning the area as he took Laura's arm.
"And quickly," he told her.
"Because that black Mercedes over there has been following us since we left Pearl."
"You're sure?" Laura asked.
"Quite sure. And it's also the car that was following Archie."
"I guess she does know them after all," Laura commented, entering the restaurant at Harry's side.
"They won't do anything here. Or at the casino. They're going to try and find out where we're staying so they can search for the diamonds."
"Should we have left them in the room, then?" she asked.
"They'll have to follow us back to the hotel. I think I can get us out of here without going past them." He opened the menu he'd been given. "How about the veal?" he asked her.
"I'll leave the choice up to you," she said. "How-"
Harry reached out to take her hand. "Laura, no more. Right now, I just want to try to forget that we were witnesses to a murder today, and that we're being followed by the people responsible. I want to simply enjoy this evening in the company of a beautiful woman." He smiled at her. "I didn't tell you how much I like the dress, did I?"
"You should," she said, returning his smile, "You bought it." He let go of her hand to look at the wine list.
After the meal, Laura sat back in her chair. "Between the restaurants and your cooking, Harry, I'm going to have to be careful that I don't get fat."
He returned her smile as his blue gaze scanned the room for signs of trouble. Looking at her again, he lifted is brows. "Ready?"
Laura nodded, carefully folding her napkin. "See you later."
He rose as she did. "Be careful," he admonished. He remained standing, watching her disappear into the ladies' room, making certain she wasn't followed. Sitting down again, he signalled for the waiter, complimenting him on the food. "My - lady friend was particularly fond of the veal- and it would go a long way toward furthering my cause with her if I could convince your chef to give me the recipe for that sauce. Is there anyway I might speak to him?"
The man looked uncertain. "He is very busy, m'sieu."
"I don't mind going to the kitchen if I have to," Harry assured him, then leaned closer with a conspiratorial air. "The young lady is very-special to me. And finding out the secret ingredient in that sauce would make her QUITE happy."
The Frenchman smiled in understanding. "I understand, m'sieu. If you would come with me-"
Harry put his napkin on the table and followed the waiter through the swinging door that led to the kitchen. He followed to the back of the kitchen as the man stopped at the rear exit. "How was that, Harry?" he asked, grinning.
"Wonderful as always, Henri. I owe you one."
"You owe me several," Henri pointed out, then shrugged. "But who's counting? Be careful, my friend."
Harry nodded as he opened the door cautiously to peer out into the dark alleyway.
Laura had easily slipped through the ladies' room window, dropping the two feet to the ground with ease. She had moved quickly to hide behind a trash dumpster with a clear view of the kitchen door of the restaurant. "Come on, Harry," she whispered, then froze as she saw the shadow of a huge hulking man near the door as well, hidden behind some boxes.
Harry opened the door and looked around, but missed the man hiding in wait. He closed the door and turned toward the dumpster, as Laura saw the giant make his move toward him. "Look out, Harry!" she called, but her warning came too late.
The man moved quickly for one so big, pinning Harry to the wall with one hand as his other fist slammed into his abdomen.
Laura ran from her hidng place, jumping on the man's back, but he flung her off like she was a feather. She found herself sitting on the pavement, listening to Harry grunt as he was hit again. Laura's left hand felt something cold, hard, round. A length of pipe.
Grasping it with both hands, she rose and swung at the giant. He wnt down without a sound as Harry slid down the wall, trying to regain is breath. "Be- hind you,- Laura-" he managed.
Laura swung the makeshift club, hearing it connect with bone and winced as the second man went down. Dropping th pipe, she ran to Harry. "Are you all right?" she asked.
He nodded. "I will be." He started trying to get to his feet. "I think we'd better get out of here before those two wake up."
"I'm not sure one of them will," she told him, frowning as she helped him to his feet, putting his arm around her shoulders. "Which way?"
He nodded toward the right. "Out there. We should be able to get a cab back to the hotel."
As they moved quickly toward the better lit street, Harry managed a grin. "Thank you. You saved my life back there."
"I wasn't about to try and face Daniel if he'd killed you," she returned, trying to keep things light. She didn't want to think about what might have happened.
"All the same - thanks."
She looked up at him. "It was my pleasure," she assured him, then concentrated on trying to hail one of the cabs that passed by.
Vehicle after vehicle passed them, and Harry smiled at Laura's growing frustration. "I should have thought about this. This time of night -" He paused as Laura lifted the hem of her dress to reveal a length of shapely leg. "What are you-"
She grinned at him, but kept her attention on the cab coming down the street. "It Happened One Night"she reminded him.
Harry nodded. "Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, 1934." That was something else about Laura, he mused. She was willing to sit through any movie he asked her to, some more than once. "It won't work," he told her.
A cab pulled to a stop, and Laura glanced at him over her shoulder. "Really?" She opened the door of the cab and helped Harry into the back seat before joining him. Giving the driver the name of their hotel, she said, "And take the long way, driver."
When he looked at her without understanding, Harry repeated her words in French, and the man smiled, saying something in return as he put the vehicle into motion again.
Seeing Harry's smile, Laura asked, "What did he say?"
"That he would keep his eyes to the front," he told her, then pulled Laura toward him, wincing as the movement caused him some pain.
"Maybe we should find a doctor. He hit you pretty hard-"
Harry shook his head. "Keep a watch behind us," he said. "A doctor would ask too many questions," he told her. "I'll be fine. See anything?"
"Not a thing. I don't think we're being followed this time."
Harry relaxed, tightening his arm around her, pulling her back down as he told the driver to take them directly to the hotel as quickly as possible.

In their bungalow, Harry told Laura to make certain the doors were locked- and then dug the shoe out that he had hidden the diamonds in. They were still there. "We can't risk staying here, Laura. It won't take them long to trace us -"
"Where are we going to go?"
Harry pulled out his suitcase with some mild effort and put the gems into the secret compartment. "There's only one place that I know we'll be even halfway safe."
"Where's that?"
"Daniel's villa. It's about fifteen miles up the coast -"
"You said you didn't want to stay there," she said.
"I know. But right now, I don't think we have much choice." He started putting his clothes into the case, then winced.
"Sit down," Laura told him. "And I'll finish this." As she worked, she said, "Why exactly didn't you want to go to the villa?"
Harry watched her carefully. "Daniel's there. He arrived a week ago."
Laura turned slowly to look at him. "Why?"
He lifted his shoulders, then thought better of the movement. "How should I know? He told me that he decided he needed some time away from London. Usually means he's just pulled something off and thinks it would be best to lay low for awhile."
Laura finished packing his case, then turned her attention toward her own. Just wonderful. Daniel. Just the thing she needed to finish out this trip. After what had just happened this evening - She realized her hands were shaking as the realization that Harry might have been killed in that alley hit her like a ton of bricks.
"Laura?" Harry asked, noticing the she had stopped packing to stare into nothing. When she didn't respond, he pushed himself to his feet and went to her, taking her into his arms. "Laura?" She was shaking, and Harry new that reaction had finally set in. "It's all right, honey. It's all right. We're both fine-"
"He could have killed you, Harry."
"But he didn't. Thanks to your being there."
"It was all my fault. If I hadn't insisted that we stay and find out who killed Archie-"
"We were still witnesses, Laura. They would have come after us no matter what we did. My bruises will heal, and I'll be as good as new. And Daniel might even be able to help us find a way to bring Archie's killer to justice."
"After he suggests you send me back to LA for my own safety," she told him, placing a kiss on his chin.
"Well - you won't go, will you?"
Laura heard the concern in his voice, the fear that she would say yes, that she wanted to go home, away from him. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, Harry."
He pulled her to him, then winced in pain. When Laura would have drawn back, he shook his head. "No. I can stand it, as long as it's because you're in my arms." He lowered his lips to hers. When he lifted his head, her eyes were shining up at him. "Finish packing. I'm going to call Daniel and ask him to send a car for us."
"Yeah. Give him time to prepare another volley against me."
Harry gave her a sideways look as he dialed the number. "Now, Laura- " His attention turned toward the telephone as he asked someone to put Daniel on. "Daniel? Daniel, it's Harry. I think Laura and I are going to take you up on your offer after all - " Laura winced at the false brightness in Harry's voice, smiling as Harry said, "What? Nothing's wrong, Daniel. We just-" So Daniel had heard it as well, she guessed. "Yes. I know about Archie. That's why I'm calling - Could you send a car to pick us up? Something- nondescript, I think -" He smiled. "That will do nicely. We'll see you in an hour." He hung up the telephone.
"You're never going to learn not to lie to him, are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"He saw through you like you were made of glass. Hell, even I saw through that."
"What do you expect? I've lost an old friend to gangsters, inherited a fortune in diamonds, been chased by gangsters, and been beaten within an inch of my life. It's been a long day, Laura. I'm not at my best."
Laura fastened her case and smiled, putting her arms around him. "Well, it's still good enough for me, Harry. Is the car going to meet us here?"
"No. He said he would have it meet us somewhere else. I have to check us out and get a cab."

They took a cab to the harbour, and Harry smiled as he saw the dark blue BMW parked there. He'd had the driver take a circuitous route to the meeting area, just to be certain they weren't being tailed, and now he dismissed the cab. They approached the BMW, cases in hand as the driver's window came down. "What have you gotten yourself into, Harry?" Daniel asked.
"Why don't we discuss it later?" Harry suggested, putting the cases into the back of the car. "Right now, I think we really should get out of the area."
Daniel waited for them to get into the back seat of the car. "You look like hell, my boy."
"Thanks, Daniel. Hard to keep from getting one's feathers ruffled when you're being beaten to a pulp."
Laura saw Daniel's eyes harden slightly as they moved to her. "And what were you doing while this was going on?"
"She was saving my life," Harry told the other man.
"Don't bother, Harry," Laura said. "I don't think Daniel wants to hear about that."
The eyes in the mirror were different now. "You saved his life?"
"Well, I couldn't very well come back to you and tell you he was dead, now, could I?" Laura returned, feeling Harry's hand clasp hers.
"About Archie, Harry- what happened?"
Harry put his head back against the leather seat. "Can't it wait until we get to the villa, Daniel?"
"I suppose it will have to, won't it?" Daniel's eyes met Laura's again, and this time she could see the concern in their dark depths.

Daniel's villa was even larger than his house in London was, and Laura began to wonder about the investments that Harry had told her that Daniel had made over the years. He certainly didn't need to continue in the life, she thought. He could probably simply retire to this villa and never have to worry about money again. But he didn't. If an opportunity presented itself, Daniel took advantage of it. Harry sank into a chair in the living area gratefully. "Was the job successful?" he asked Daniel.
Daniel poured them each a drink. "What do you think? Of course it was, my boy. But I thought it best to get out of town for a few weeks - "
"And is Felicia with you?" Laura asked.
Daniel smiled at her over the glass of whiskey. "No. She decided to go elsewhere- " He looked at Harry. "About Archie, Harry-?"
"Laura and I were in the cove below the spot where his car was run off of the road this morning," Harry said tiredly. "We pulled him from the car before it exploded, and were chased off the beach by the men who killed him."
"They saw you?"
"Quite likely."
"Why didn't you leave Cannes then? You could have come here - or gone back to London? Why stay?"
"I suppose I felt I owed it to Archie to find out who killed him, Daniel. To give him some justice-"
"Justice? You're hurt worse than I thought you were, Harry," Daniel commented.
"It wasn't Harry's idea," Laura admitted, drawing that dark gaze.
"Really? Then it was your idea to place both of you in danger-"
"Daniel -"
"I didn't think that it would turn out this way," Laura told him.
"You have one thing right, Linda. You didn't THINK at all. Didn't Harry tell you how dangerous these people are?"
"He told me. But I just couldn't let the man die that way without-"
"Excuse me-" Harry said, loudly enough at last to get both Daniel's and Laura's attention.
"It wasn't entirely Laura's fault, Daniel. After we got away from the beach, we went to see Pearl, to see if we could find out what Archie had been into."
"Archie wasn't the type to broadcast a job, Harry. You know that. The fewer people in on it the better. And he certainly wouldn't have told Pearl anything -"
"Then how is that she knew PRECISELY what Archie had been planning?" Daniel went still, frowing. Harry nodded. "And when we left her, we were followed. By the same car that was chasing Archie."
"You think Pearl double crossed him." Daniel refilled his drink. "So, what <was> Archie into?"
"He discovered that the local mob boss was taking delivery of a rather large amount of untraceable diamonds with which to pay for a shipment of drugs. He planned to relieve the man of the diamonds before the exchange could take place."
Daniel frowned. "There wasn't any report of diamonds found in the car or on the body -"
Harry smiled. "Because Archie gave them to someone else, Daniel." He had retrieved the black pouch upon their arrival at the villa, and now he brought it from his pocket to toss it across the room to Daniel.
Daniel caught it with a deft touch, and poured the gems onto the table before him. Laura watched as he picked several up to examine them in the light, much as Harry had earlier. "They're all perfect. And they're untraceable, you said?"
Harry came from the chair. "Daniel-"
"Sorry, my boy. Forgot myself for a moment. Shiny objects and all that." He watched as Laura returned the diamonds to their pouch and returned it to Harry. "So. How did you wind up in this condition?"
Harry filled him in on the events in the restaurant alley, making sure to give Laura full
credit for saving his life. "If she hadn't been there, Daniel-"
"Then you would probably have been here, out of danger," Daniel finished.
Harry sighed. "Daniel-"
"He's right, Harry," Laura agreed. "It was my fault-"
"I give up. I can't win with either of you. If you don't mind, I've had long day, and I'm going to turn in." He stopped and turned back to look at Laura. "Coming, Laura?"
"In a moment, Harry. I have to discuss something with Daniel."
"Just don't argue too loudly, okay?" he asked, bending to kiss her on the top of her head.
"And try to remember that I made the decision to stay."
"Good night, Harry," Daniel said as the younger man left them alone.
Harry lifted his hand in silent acknowledgement as he moved toward the stairway.
"What did you want to discuss, Laura?" Daniel asked, watching the woman carefully.
She smiled at the realization that she was "Linda" in front of Harry, yet when they were alone, he had no problem remembering her name. "You could have gone anywhere else in Europe. Why here?"
"At the moment, I'd be grateful that I AM here, if I were you. I might be the only one that can keep you and Harry alive. The people that killed Archie don't play games, Laura," he told her earnestly. "Those men could have killed you both tonight."
"But they didn't," Laura reminded him, pouring more wine into her own glass. "It frightened me as well, Daniel. But I knew I wouldn't have been able to face you again if anything happened to Harry."
It was an admission of something Daniel wasn't certain he wanted to hear from her. "And you <wanted> to be able to face me again?"
Laura's smile was filled with amusement. "For some strange reason, yes, I did. Can't we come to some- compromise, Daniel? Agree to share him? I kow he means a lot to you," she said softly. "He means a lot to me, too."
"But that's the point, my dear. Once you've had your fill of living Harry's kind of life, your fill of the excitment, the danger,, you'll decide it's time to go home and resume the life you left. Harry doesn't have that option. THIS is the only life he's ever really known. I think, Laura, that you could hurt him. More than anyone else ever could, you could."
Laura shook her head slowly. "Hurting Harry is the last thing I want to do, Daniel. And as for tiring of the excitement - the life- I don't think that's going to happen for a long time. I haven't even really gotten started, have I? I mean, one easy heist- "
Daniel laughed softly. "You sound hungry, Laura. But you've still got a lot to learn -"
"Then <teach> me. You and Harry could teach me to steal the crown jewels if necessary - and I'm willing to learn, Daniel." She turned to face him. "I don't want to take Harry away from you. I just want to be a part of his life."
Daniel didn't want to get further into this scene. It was dangerous ground. He turned around, clearing his throat. "First things first. We have to find a way to hoist Archie's killer by his own petard."
"You're willing to let me help?"
"It's only fair. Your meddling DID get us into this little mess. Might be a good object lesson for you, having to clean it up."
Laura smiled and crossed to give Daniel a kiss on the cheek, surprising the man. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Good night, Laura."
The light was on beside the bed, and Laura closed the door behind her as quietly as she could. Harry's eyes were closed, and she didn't want to wake him. He's been through so much - She began removed her jeans and was unbuttoning her blouse when he spoke.
"Took you long enough."
She turned to see him looking at her appreciatively at the view of her bare legs.. "I didn't mean to wake you," she apologized.
"You didn't. I wasn't asleep. Did you and Daniel get things sorted out?"
"For the time being," she told him, sliding between the sheets beside him.
"Good." He rubbed her back. "And did you solve our little delimna?"
"I'm still thinking about what our next step should be. Is there anyone else in Cannes that you can trust? That would be willing to bring Pearl and Archie's killer down?"
"I'd have to check and see who's around. Daniel might be able to help with that."
"I'll talk to him tomorrow. Harry, what are you going to do with those diamonds?"
"I was thinking about having them made in to a necklace for you," he said, looking at her.
"Or maybe a ring."
Laura went still. "Harry-"
"I haven't decided yet, Laura. I've a couple of ideas, but we have to finish this first." He held her tightly, knowing that he'd said too much. He'd felt her tension the moment he'd mentioned the word "ring". <Slow and easy Harry>, he told himself. They had time. All the time in the world.
Laura was already out of bed and downstairs when Harry woke the next morning. Sighing, he showered and dressed, finding her in the living room with Daniel. "I think we may have found someone who can help, Harry," Laura told him, as he entered the room. "How are you feeling this morning?"
"Sore," he told her. "Good morning, Daniel."
"There's some coffee on the table over there," Daniel told him as he and Laura studied something.
"What's so interesting?"
Daniel looked up. "Do you remember Wallace, Harry?"
"From Paris. Last year, I believe. Helped with the - Yes. What about him?"
"He's in Cannes, and he needs some money-"
"Because he's got a two hundred dollar a day habit," Harry pointed out. "I'm not certain he's reliable-"
"You'll be able to decide for yourself in a few minutes. He's on his way here."
"Daniel, when Wallace is clean, he's good. But I've heard lately that he's -"
"It can't hurt to talk to him, can it, Harry?" Laura asked. "Daniel says he knew both
Archie and Pearl. He might be the only way we can get close enough to her to end this."
Harry looked from one face to the other and gave up again. "I'm going to see if I can find some breakfast," he announced.
"It's nearly lunchtime," Daniel told him as the doorbell rang. "That should be Wallace now."
Wallace Innel was almost Harry's height, with an infectious grin that he habitually wore.
He shook Daniel's hand, then smiled at Harry. "Jimmy. When Daniel told me you were
here- and in trouble -"
Harry searched the man's face. "How are things going these days, Wallace?"
"Some days better than others."
"How's your daughter?"
"She graduates college next week," he said proudly. "And beautiful - looks just like her mother."
Harry looked at him again. His eyes were clear. "Has Daniel filled you in on what's going on?"
"A little," Wallace admitted.
"I didn't have much time, Harry," Daniel said. "Trying to keep from garnering too much attention."
Wallace smiled at Laura, and Harry turned toward her. "Wallace, this is Laura."
"Hello, Wallace."
"You're American. Can't tell you how good it is to hear someone who doesn't have an accent."
"I know what you mean," Laura agreed.
Daniel looked around as the housekeeper appeared. "Ah. Lunch is ready, I believe." He extended an arm toward Laura. "My dear-?"
Harry stood there, drawing a deep breath. This had to stop. One way or the other.
Over the meal, Harry and Laura filled Wallace in on the events surrounding Archie's death and their own troubles. The burglar shook his head sadly. "I was afraid that Pearl might be ready to do something like this."
"What do you mean?" Laura asked.
"She's been acting strange the last couple of weeks. Disappearing for days at a time. Archie said he thought she had a rich guy taking care of her. Wouldn't tell me anymore. Said he was going to pull the job off and retire."
"I know asking you to do this could be dangerous, Wallace, but do you think you could get close enough to Pearl to gain her confidence?"
He looked at Laura. "If she's responsible for Archie's death, yeah. I could do it."
"You'd be amply paid for the time, Wallace," Harry assured him.
"I could use the cash," Wallace admitted, rubbing his left arm. "But I wasn't expecting-"
"You'll get it after the job's done, Wallace," Harry said, his eyes meeting those of his friend.
Wallace nodded, understanding Harry's reasons. "Don't do anything foolish, Wallace. Just find out if she can give you a name. That will be enough to point the authorities in the proper direction. And once they have that name, we'll let it be known that Pearl gave it to them."
Harry and Daniel both looked at Laura. Daniel smiled as he realized where she was going.
"And to keep her skin intact, Pearl will cooperate with the authorities. Excellent, Laura."
Harry grinned. "I told you she was good, didn't I, Daniel?"
"I'm just beginning to appreciate how good, Harry," Daniel said, his eyes on Laura.
The plan went like clock work, and within a matter of days Archie's killer was in jail, while Pearl was in protective custody. Harry, Laura, Wallace, and Daniel celebrated the news with champagne at the villa, and afterwards, Harry held out an envelope to Wallace. "Use it wisely, Wallace," he said.
Wallace's smile widened. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you what I'm going to do with this, Jimmy."
"I think I would."
Wallace shook his head. "I'm clean, Jimmy. For the first time in- since I can't remember when. I'm gettin' out. Going back to the states."
Harry smiled, really smiled at him for the first time since Wallace had agreed to join them. "I'm glad, Wallace. Going to see your daughter?"
"I'm going to start there."
"Good luck. And thank you."
"I didn't do anything except follow Laura's plan. You take care of this lady, okay?"
Putting his arm around Laura, Harry nodded. "I intend to do precisely that. Get in touch with me before you leave for the states, okay. I may have something I want you to deliver for me."
"Sure, Jimmy." He shook Daniel's hand and left.
Harry took the diamonds from his pocket and put the pouch on the table before him. They had managed to keep them out of everything, Wallace suggesting to Pearl that Archie had dropped them somewhere before the accident. Now, three pair of eyes looked at the black velvet bag thoughtfully. "How difficult do you think it would be to sell these, Daniel?"
"They're untraceable," Daniel reminded him. "If you sell them a few at a time - I should think any dealer would give you a fair price for them. What did you plan to do with the money- if you don't mind my asking?"
"I'll keep a portion of it - the rest -" He poured the gems on the to table, picking up the largest. "Did you know that Archie had a son, Daniel?"
Harry's attention was still on the diamond in his hand, so he missed the expression that crossed Daniel's face. But Laura saw it, and when Daniel looked up, his eyes were open to her for the briefest second before he looked away. "Really?"
"A fifteen year old son. He's in New York - attending school. I'm going to send most of the money from the diamonds to him. It's his by right, really."
Harry glanced up then, having expected Daniel to argue the point. Daniel turned quickly away to refill his glass from the bottle of champagne. "I think that it's an excellent idea, my boy. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going upstairs to pack. I'm returning to London tomorrow morning."
"Goodnight, Daniel."
Daniel stopped before leaving the room, turning back to Laura. "Your plan was very good, Laura. I think you just MIGHT work out after all."
"May I take that as a compliment, Daniel?" she asked softly.
"I meant it as one. Good night."
Alone, Laura watched Harry return the diamonds to the pouch. "That's nice of you, giving most of the money to Archie's son."
"I know what it's like to be alone, Laura. To have to scrounge for even a simple meal. I don't want to think of any other child having to do the same thing."
She slid into his lap. "Pearl was right about one thing, you know."
"What was that?"
"That you've got a soft heart."
"I think you've finally managed to win Daniel over," he said, finishing his champagne.
Laura wasn't as certain about that. "We'll see what happens when we get back to London." She touched his lips with hers. "Let's go to bed, Harry. We have to catch that plane tomorrow too, remember?"
"I was thinking. Why don't you and I spend another week here after Daniel's gone? There's a private beach below the villa -" he reminded her.
Laura smiled at him. "I DO like the way you think, Harry. But YOU are going to tell Daniel. I don't want to be the one to tell him we're staying. And make sure he knows it's YOUR idea."
"I will, darling," he said indulgently, returning her smile. "I will." He let her get up, then joined her, picking up the bottle of champagne and grabbing both of their glasses before leading her upstairs.
To Alternative Steele4 Part 1

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Original content ©2001 by Nancy Eddy