Steele Curious
Episode 9
by Nancy Eddy

Laura looked at the cards in her hand. "Let me see -"

"Either place a bet or fold, Laura," Harry said.

She picked up the "chips". "Two ginger snaps," she decided at last, "and three crackers."

Harry's eyes narrowed. She was bluffing. She *had* to be bluffing. *No one* had luck like this just starting out. Surveying his few remaining "chips", he scowled and pushed the entire lot into the center of the table. "I see your bet, and call. What ya got?"

Laura spread her cards. "Four tens," she said.

Glancing at the full house in his own hand, Harry threw his cards onto the table. "You have the most phenomenal luck -"

Her eyes widened. "You mean I won *again*?"

"Again," he said. "The pot's yours." He watched as she carefully stacked her bounty. If he didn't know better, he'd have sworn that she had been scamming him, pretending not to know the game while soundly trouncing him.

Laura shuffled the cards. "Want a chance to recoup your losses?" she asked.

Harry looked at her. "What are you suggesting?"

"One last hand. Winner take all," she said.

"I'm afraid I'm tapped," he reminded her with a crooked grin. "Nothing left to bet."

"Surely we could think of *something*." She looked across the room. "Let's see. How about, if you win, you get all the chips -"

"And if *you* win?" Harry asked, uncertain that he wanted to hear her answer.

She lifted those brown eyes to his. "I get another kiss," she said slowly. When he hesitated, she smiled at him. "What's the matter, Harry? Afraid?"

Hell, yes, he was afraid. He was terrified of the way he'd felt after their *last* kiss.

Laura sighed. "I guess you just can't beat a sixteen year old kid at poker," she said. "And Mr. Chalmers said you were such a good gambler."

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Deal the cards, Laura," he told her. He drew two more cards, Laura took only one. Two of a kind, Harry mused. Tens over threes. Not bad, he thought, glancing at Laura. He couldn't read a thing from that face. "All right. I call."

She shook her head. "You first," she said. Slowly, he showed her his hand, his worry intensifying as she began to smile. One by one, she placed her cards on the table. The Ace of hearts, then the Jack, six, four and three of the same suit. "An Ace high flush, I believe," she told him.

"Good Lord." He watched as she rose from her chair. "Why do I have the uncomfortable feeling that I've been snookered?"

"You don't believe in beginner's luck?" Laura asked.

"NO one is that lucky," Harry insisted.

"No matter. Time to pay up," she told him softly.

"Now, Laura. You don't really expect - I mean-"

"Oh, but I *do* expect you to honor your wager, Harry," Laura said, sitting in his lap. "You'd really *hate* for it to get out that you're a welsher, wouldn't you?"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me," she challenged, putting her arms around his neck.

"Just remember, Laura, that *you* asked for this," he said, turning his head to meet hers. Her lips opened willingly to him, giving as good as she got. Harry felt that he never wanted the kiss to end. Laura felt so right in his arms, fit so perfectly against him . . .


"Oh, Harry," Laura sighed, looking up at him. "When you pay off a bet, you don't mess around, do you?"

Harry realized that they were both on the narrow cot. When had they moved over here? he wondered. He didn't remember leaving the chair, didn't remember Laura unbuttoning his shirt - He sat up, putting his head into his hands. "I'm sorry, I -"

Laura placed a hand on his back. "You don't have anything to apologize for, Harry," Laura assured him.

He stood, buttoning his shirt again. "It shouldn't have happened - "

"Harry, *nothing* happened. We just kissed, that's all -"

"Laura, you're sixteen years old. In most places I could be put in jail for evening *thinking* about - "
He shook his head. "And if your father even suspected that I - that we -"

"He won't, Harry," Laura assured him, her thoughts returning to her father and Daniel Chalmers. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. About your not being worried, I mean. I know you're close to Mr. Chalmers -"

Harry took a deep breath. Until Laura's advent into his life, he'd never really thought about how much anyone or anything meant to him. Somehow she'd managed to stand his entire world in its ear in just two days. Turning, he saw her sitting on the edge of the cot, head down, staring at the floor. He sat down beside her, putting his arm around her. "Come here. Daniel and Mitchell are survivors, Laura. They'll be fine. And we'll get out of here. You'll see." He only hoped he was right.


From the safety of a car parked down the block, Mitchell and Daniel watched the black limo exit the gates before they closed securely behind it. "Well, that takes care of Bryce," Daniel commented. "Should give us at least half an hour to get in and out before he discovers that there was no break in at his office." Daniel had called Bryce on the pay phone down the street, claiming to be a police officer, asking him to come into town to find out if anything had been taken in a robbery. He dropped over the fence beside Mitchell, crouching in the darkness. "So far so good."

"The fence isn't the system perimeter," Mitchell reminded him. "That line of trees over there is the outer boundary on this side of the house." He glanced at Daniel. "You ready?"

"It's your show, Mitchell."

"Then let's do it." He watched as Daniel moved away, keeping outside the boundary line, still within sight of his partner. Mitchell nodded in Daniel's direction, moving forward. Daniel reached into the pouch he carried and brought out the pebbles, tossing them toward the house. Immediately the motion detectors lit the area with an eerie white glare. Mitchell saw Daniel head toward the window of the study as he went to the back of the house nearest him, cutting the fastener on the main alarm control box, opening it. He pressed the buttons in the proper sequence, hoping that he had been right about Bryce not changing the master code. It *was* possible to do, but it wasn't something most people took the time to do. The green light came on, and he pressed the final button.

Daniel counted the time on his watch, then slipped the lock on the study window, half expecting the alarm to sound. Silence. No bells, no whistles. He watched as Mitchell came back around the corner, then climbed into the room, standing aside as Mitchell joined him. "Where is the safe?" Daniel asked.

"Over there, behind that painting," Mitchell said, pointing toward it with the flashlight, only to pause as they heard a soft "click". Both men froze in place, turning toward the sound.

"Not another step, gentlemen," someone said from the doorway as the light came on. Philip Bryce stood there, a gun in his hand. "Keep your hands where I can see them. We'll just wait- " His eyes widened as he saw who they were. "Good God. Is that you, Mitchell?"


Eddie tossed the dice against the wall, then stepped back, grinning as John groaned. Across the office, Flynn was watching a small television. "Quiet!" he ordered, his attention caught by something the early morning newscaster was saying. "This is it!" He smiled triumphantly as he saw Philip Bryce's mansion. "Good bye, Chalmers and Holt," he muttered, turning up the volume.

"A burglary last night at the home of well known gem dealer Philip Bryce netted the thieves over a million dollars in diamonds," the announcer said. Flynn's smile faded. "Mr. Bryce told police that he was called away to check out a possible break in at his office, probably a diversionary tactic to get Mr. Bryce out of the house. He told police that whoever broke into the house knew exactly what to do to overcome the state of the art security system- police have no leads at this time."

Eddie and John both swallowed heavily as their boss picked up the television set and hurled it across the room where it hit the wall and erupted into a shower of sparks and flame. "NO! They were supposed to get caught!"

"What are we gonna do now, boss?" Eddie asked.

"Well, Chalmers and Holt got the diamonds - and they will expect to trade them for our guests."

"You going t'do that?"

Flynn smiled. "Of course I am. But there's no guarantee of the condition of those two when they're returned, is there, now?"


At ten o'clock, Flynn dialed the telephone number, and was pleased that Daniel picked it up on the first ring. "We got what you asked, Flynn," he said.

"So you did, Chalmers."

"How do you want to do this?"

"The Park. Noon. Grand Street entrance." He hung up, the made another call. "Mr. Bryce, if you want the men who stole your diamonds, they'll be at the Grand Street entrance to the Park at twelve-thirty." He hung up.

"You gonna get the diamonds, boss?" Eddie asked.

"You let me worry about that, Eddie. Get the van ready."

Flynn took out his gun and checked the ammunition. If Bryce didn't take those two down, he'd do it himself.

To Be Continued-----