Steele Curious
Episode 10
by Nancy Eddy

Upon entering the Park, Daniel and Mitchell saw Flynn almost immediately. He was standing beside a dark van, hands in the pockets of his coat. But there was no sign of Harry or Laura - or of Flynn's men. "Right on time, gentlemen," Flynn said. "I must admit some surprise that you're able to attend this little meeting - "

"You thought we'd be caught?" Daniel asked. "But you forget that Mitchell installed that system in Bryce's house, Flynn. We had no problem at all."

"Apparently. D'you have the diamonds?"

Mitchell patted his jacket pocket. "They're secure, Flynn. We want to see Harry and Laura first."

Flynn didn't turn as he said, "All right, Eddie." The sliding door on the side of the van moved away to reveal Laura and Harry, sitting on the floor of the vehicle, hands behind their backs. "As you can see, they're both well and unharmed."

Mitchell looked at Laura. "Are you okay, honey?"

Laura nodded jerkily as John's gun remained at her temple. "I'm fine, Daddy."

"Harry?" Daniel asked, his eyes saying much more. He only hoped Harry could read the message he was trying to impart.

Harry's eyes narrowed as Flynn signaled Eddie again, and the door closed. "Now, Chalmers. The diamonds. I want to see them."

Daniel spread his hands. "Here? In the open? Is that a good idea, Flynn?" he asked, moving away from the van, keeping Flynn's back to the vehicle.

"You're not calling the shots here, Chalmers. I am." Mitchell drew out the black velvet pouch and opened the top to pour the gems into Daniel's hands. Flynn picked one up, holding it to the sunlight. "Lovely. Absolutely lovely."

Mitchell and Daniel returned the gems to their pouch. "Let Laura and Harry go, Flynn. We had an agreement- the gems for their freedom."

Flynn smiled. "The agreement's been- slightly modified, I'm afraid," he told them, watching as the police cars approached their location. Flynn backed toward the van as Mitchell and Daniel turned. "If I were you gentlemen, I would give serious consideration to running before the police get here."

"Why should we run?" Daniel asked, tossing the black velvet bag into the air and catching it, seemingly without a care in the world. "We've done nothing wrong."

"You broke into Philip Bryce's house," Flynn reminded him. "The police take a very dim view of breaking and entering in order to commit a robbery."

"It's true that we broke in," Mitchell confirmed. "But we didn't steal anything."

"But- the diamonds -"

Mitchell's eyes flickered behind Flynn then back. "Bryce loaned them to us to free Laura and Harry," he explained.

"Then your daughter's dead, Holt. And so is Harry," he said, whirling toward the van- as the door opened to reveal two policemen freeing Harry and Laura. Eddie and John were already in handcuffs. Flynn's hand tightened on the cold metal in his pocket. "I won't be beaten, Holt. Not by you." He saw the police moving closer, knew he would only get one chance.

Laura saw Flynn's hand begin to move out of the coat pocket. "Look out, Daddy!" she called, cold fear making her legs shaky as she tried to run toward them.

She was too late. But Harry passed her as Flynn pulled the gun from his pocket and fired it at Mitchell Holt a split second before Harry knocked the Irishman to the ground. Laura and Daniel moved to Mitchell's side, Laura pulling her father's head into her lap. "Daddy?" There were tears on her cheeks. "Daddy, wake up. Please!"

Harry gave Flynn over to the police, then joined Laura and Daniel, watching as Daniel examined the chest wound. He glanced up at Harry, shaking his head, his dark eyes filled with sadness.

Laura glanced up a the policeman who stood nearby. "Someone call an ambulance! Daddy? Daddy, don't leave me. You promised you wouldn't leave me."

Mitchell opened his eyes, lifting a hand to touch her face. "Laura? You're okay?"

She nodded. "I'm fine, Daddy. Hang on. Help's on the way."

He shook his head, coughing, wincing. His eyes focused on Daniel and Harry. "Take care of my little girl, Daniel. Needs someone to look after her- even if she won't admit it."

"You're going to look after me, Daddy," Laura insisted. "You're not going anywhere. You promised."

"There aren't any guarantees, Laura, honey," Mitchell told her, his hand falling away. "I love you. Don't- ever forget that." He coughed again, and there was blood this time. Then he relaxed, his eyes becoming still and glassy.

"Daddy?" Daniel's hand touched Mitchell's neck, then moved up to close those dark eyes for the last time. "Help him!" Laura pleaded. "There's got to be something -"

Harry put his arm around Laura. "He's gone, Laura."

"NO!" She cried. "He *promised*," she said, turning her face toward Harry's chest as the tears began to fall. "He promised, Harry," she whispered. Harry drew her away as the attendants prepared to take Mitchell's body. Daniel accompanied them to the ambulance, speaking quietly.

"Shhh," Harry said, "It's all right, Laura. It's all right." He held her tightly against him as sobs shook her- and his heart.


That evening, back at Daniel's house, Laura was sitting by the window overlooking the stable when Daniel found her. "Have you called your mother, yet?"

"No," she said, determination lifting her chin. "And I'm not going to call her."

Daniel looked to where Harry was sitting, his blue eyes on the girl. "Laura, my dear, the funeral is tomorrow -"

"Mother won't care," Laura told him. "And she won't come all the way to London for the funeral."

"What about your sister?" Harry asked. "Frances, isn't it? Doesn't she deserve to know that her father's dead?"

"She and mother *both* just let him walk away without a fight," Laura told them. "They didn't care about Daddy when he was alive - so what makes you think they would now that he's -" her voice broke slightly. "Dead."

Daniel picked up the telephone. "Then I'll call her myself. It should be easy enough to find the number-"

Laura turned, frowning. "Don't you understand? If she finds out that Daddy's dead, she'll expect me to come back to Los Angeles."

"What are you going to do, Laura? With your father gone, - you belong with your family -"

"Couldn't I stay here?" she asked. "I mean, Daddy *did* ask you to take care of me- and I wouldn't be any bother, really I wouldn't."

Daniel took her hands in his. "As much as I would *love* having you here, my dear, I'm afraid that this isn't a suitable place for you.-"

"Why? Because you and Harry are con men and swindlers?"

Daniel lifted his brows, turning to look at a sheepish Harry. "Laura, -"

She rose to her feet. "I'm *not* going home, Mr. Chalmers. Even if it means I have to run away, I won't go back to live with my mother."

Daniel sighed deeply, looking over her head at Harry. "We'll discuss this tomorrow," he told her.

"I won't change my mind," she insisted.

"Mary will have dinner ready soon. Why don't you go change? I've something to take care of- I'll be back before you know it."

She nodded, and left the room. Harry frowned at Daniel. "She could be a problem."

"Could be, my boy? I think it's more likely that she's *going* to be a problem. I'll call her mother this evening." He looked at Harry. "I'm glad you're all right, Harry. But I *would* like to know what went on between you and Laura - "

"Nothing, really, Daniel," Harry lied. "She's a child, Daniel." When Daniel's dark eyes didn't waver, he modified his statement. "Admittedly a very charming child, -"

"WE are going to have a long talk this evening," Daniel decided. "I'll be back -"

"Where are you going?"

Daniel pulled out the black velvet bag. "To return these to Philip Bryce and thank him for his assistance."

Harry watched Daniel's car through the gate, then went upstairs. As he went toward his room, he heard Laura sobbing quietly, and turned to her door instead. "Laura?" he said softly, tapping once before opening the door. She was sitting on the bed, her dark hair covering her face, her knees drawn up to her chest, crying as if her heart were broken. And he supposed it was. Harry sat beside her, pulling her into a protective embrace. As he held her, he wondered what his reaction would be if he were to learn that his errant father were dead. Would he mourn as deeply as Laura was doing? Or would he simply walk away as he'd always done from deep emotions?

When her sobs subsided, he realized that she had exhausted herself, and was asleep. He tried to ease her down onto the bed, but when he pulled way, Laura's arms tightened in protest. So Harry laid beside her, his arms around her. Just a few minutes, he told himself. She needed to sleep. Tomorrow was going to be a difficult day.


Daniel returned to the house and found Mary in the entry hall. "Sorry I'm late, Mary," he told her. "I'll just change and be right down-" he said, already halfway up the stairs.

"Don't be in any big rush, Daniel," the Irish woman said. "The other two aren't down yet, either."

Daniel frowned. "They're not?"

"Harry went up just after you left. They're both in Laura's room." She sighed. "That poor child needs her mother right now. Not you and Harry."

"I know, Mary," Daniel agreed, sighing. "But she's stubborn. I'm going to call Mrs. Holt this evening. Perhaps if Laura speaks to her -"

"I wouldn't count on it. I think the only one who's going to be able to talk any sense into that girl is Harry. And it's going to take every bit of charm that boy possesses to do it."

"I'll remind them about dinner on my way to change," Daniel told her, continuing upstairs. As much as he wouldn't mind having Laura around, he knew that Mary was right. If he went by what was best for Laura Holt, as Mitchell would want him to, then she would go home, back to her mother, back to the life she had planned out. A life that didn't hold any place for a charming con man.

He started to knock on the door, but at the last moment, turned the knob and peered inside. Harry and Laura were laying on the bed, sound asleep. As Daniel stood there, debating whether or not to wake them, Harry opened his eyes and turned his head, looking at him. Daniel put on his best disapproving face as Harry slid his arm carefully out from beneath Laura, pausing once as she moaned in soft protest. At last he was free. Glancing at Daniel, he drew the quilt over Laura before joining his friend. "Daniel-"

But Daniel shook his head and moved toward the door, Harry close behind. They went down to the study, stopping to tell Mary that Laura was sleeping and that he and Harry would wait until she woke to eat. In the study, Daniel poured himself a glass of brandy, watching as Harry stood before the fireplace. "Care to talk about it?"

"Nothing to tell," Harry responded.

Daniel's eyes narrowed slightly. He knew Harry well enough to know that when he was ready to talk, he'd talk. But for now - "Harry, you know that normally I wouldn't- interfere in your life, but Laura *is* my responsibility at the moment - at least until I can hand her safely over to her mother - and I'm going to need your help to get her there."

"I know, Daniel. And as much as I wish Laura didn't have to go, I also know that she can't stay here. I wish I knew how, in such a short time, she managed to get so far under my skin that I don't know if I'll ever be able to put her behind me."

"I'm not suggesting that you never see the girl again, Harry," Daniel said quietly. "Only that you give her some space. As you said earlier, she's still a child - "

Harry laughed. "A child with big plans. We talked about her wanting to be a private detective. You know, I really think she can do it. And that's another reason for her to go home. I'll do what I can to convince her, Daniel." He saw Daniel reach for the telephone. "Wait."

"Harry -"

"Why not let her stay until her birthday? I mean, it's going to be bad enough going back to her mother without - I just think she'd prefer to spend her birthday here -" He smiled at Daniel. "It's only another few days - What harm can it do?"

"Through Saturday, then," Daniel agreed. "But Sunday morning, either she calls her mother - or I will." He sat down before the fire. "Now, suppose you tell me how that young lady upstairs found out the truth."

"I told her." Seeing Daniel's disapproval, he shrugged. "She wanted to know why her father would know someone like Flynn," Harry explained. "And I was afraid that if I didn't tell her the truth, that Flynn might tell her before he let us go."

"Mitchell would have been furious, you know."

Harry nodded. "Until he realized that it didn't make any difference to Laura. Oh, she was shocked, but she accepted the truth far easier than I expected her to."

"Even the fact that you and I- ?"

"Laura's full of surprises, Daniel. She's sixteen going on twenty - One minute she's a child , the next, she's -" He looked toward the ceiling.

"Harry, give it time," Daniel suggested. "At the moment, what Laura needs most is to know that we're both here for her. You, more than me, I should think. She's come to depend on your being here - So I can't suggest that you take a little trip until Saturday. But I can remind you that she's also very vulnerable at the moment -"

"Don't worry, Daniel. I'm not going to take advantage of that vulnerability. For the remainder of the week, Laura's my - little sister- and I won't let *anyone* do anything to hurt her."

Mary tapped one the door. "Laura's coming downstairs," she said.

Daniel finished his brandy and followed Harry out, hoping he wasn't making a mistake by letting her stay until the end of the week. The more time Harry spent with the girl, the more difficult her leaving would be.

To Be Continued-----