Steele Curious
Episode 8
by Nancy Eddy

Harry felt someone lying beside him, and sighed, realizing that Laura had curled up next to him sometime during the night. Turning his head, he watched her sleep, thought how she looked like an angel - or perhaps a sprite, he revised. With those almond eyes and that pointed little chin- he sighed again, looking up at the dim bulb above them. It was going to be difficult as hell to put her behind him when the time came. But he had to. He had to give her the space she needed to grow up, to become the remarkable woman he knew she could be.

A sound at the door brought him fully awake, and he moved away from Laura as she woke as well. Signaling for her to remain quiet, he pointed at the door. She nodded, and followed him.

Both were sitting against the wall, their hands behind their backs, when the door opened. Flynn's two goons appeared, both carrying guns. "On your feet," the one called Eddie told Laura, reaching down to pull her up. Seeing her opening, she came up quickly, hitting Eddie squarely in the stomach with enough force to knock the wind out of him, sending his gun flying across the room. Harry took advantage of the other one's surprise to kick his feet out from beneath him.

Rolling to his own feet, Harry grabbed the second man's gun and took Laura's hand, pulling her from the room, pausing only long enough for her to lock the door behind them. Unless there were more men than those two in there, the only obstacle to their freedom now was Flynn himself. Watching cautiously, jumping at every shadow, Harry kept Laura behind him as they moved through the warehouse. The feel of the gun was almost a comfort - something he didn't usually feel about the things. He much preferred using his wits to get out of scrapes. Quite likely, if he'd been alone, he'd have left it. But he wasn't. And he wasn't going to take any risks getting Laura out.

They had to cross an open section of warehouse to get to the door, and as they waited, they could hear Eddie and his cohort banging on the door, calling Flynn, telling him that they had escaped. Harry waited a moment, hoping that Flynn would choose to release his men before trying to recapture them. Indicating that Laura wait there, Harry ran across the open area to the doorway, still hearing Eddie yelling, banging on the door. Why hadn't Flynn released him yet, Harry wondered.

When he turned around to signal Laura to join him, he discovered the reason. Flynn had his arm around Laura's shoulders, a gun to her head. Harry froze. "Put the gun down, Harry and slide it away."

"Let her go, Flynn. She's just a kid. If you hurt her-"

"Whether or not I hurt her is up to you- and her father. Now, lad, I'll tell you once more. The gun." When Harry still hesitated, his eyes on Laura's, Flynn pulled the hammer back on the weapon. "Don't make me do this, Harry." Harry knelt slowly and put the gun on the floor, kicking it away. "Good lad. Let's go. And keep your hands where I can see them," he warned, letting Harry go ahead of him and Laura.

They returned to the door and as Flynn watched, Harry lifted the bar to release Eddie and John. "Sorry, boss," Eddie apologized. "We thought they were still tied up -"

"I didn't hire you to think. I hired you to keep an eye on these two. Of course the first thing they did was to free themselves. Your gun's near the door, John. Go get it and join us in the office, please," he said pointedly. John swallowed heavily and nodded before turning away. "Now, Harry, Miss Holt, after you."

Laura's movements were stiff as they moved toward the office that Flynn spoke of, and Harry knew she was angry with herself. "It was worth the try," he whispered.

"It was stupid," Laura returned as they entered the small room.

"You're quite right, Miss Holt, it wasn't a very smart move on either of your part," Flynn agreed, indicating the chairs before the desk. "Please sit down. And I don't think I have to remind either of you to keep your hands where I can see them." He seated himself behind the desk, placing his gun within easy reach as John returned. "John, why don't you get our guests something to drink? Are you hungry? I have some food -"

"Guests?" Laura asked. "If this is how you treat guests, Mr. Flynn, I'd hate to see how you'd treat an enemy."

"Really, Miss Holt. I know we haven't gotten off to a very good start, but I'm hopeful that can change. Once Chalmers and your father give me what I want, you'll both be free to go. There's no reason why the next twenty four hours have to be uncomfortable for you - unless you choose to make them that way."

Harry remained relaxed, his eyes glittering. "I'd call it more than uncomfortable to be forced to sleep on a bare floor, Flynn - with no food or water since before you kidnapped us."

John brought them something to drink as Flynn glanced at his wristwatch. "It's time," he said, dialing the telephone on his desk. To Eddie and John, he said, "Keep an eye on them. If they try anything - " He spoke into the mouthpiece. "Chalmers."

Daniel glanced to where Mitchell was listening on the other line. "You said we could talk to Harry and Laura, Flynn," Daniel reminded him.

"So I did. They're both right here. And quite well, I can assure you. And they'll stay that way as long as you do what I say." He rose and moved around, the telephone in his hand. "You first, Harry." He held the receiver to Harry's ear.


"Harry. Are you and Laura all right?"

"As well can be expected," Harry replied, aware that Eddie's gun was at Laura's temple. One wrong word and he'd pull that trigger.

"You take care of yourself - and her."

"Not an easy task, Daniel -" Harry said, only to have the telephone withdrawn, and Eddie's gun on his temple as Flynn held the telephone to Laura's ear.

"Daddy?" she asked, and Harry could hear the trembling in her voice, the fear. Icy calm, Laura, my girl, he thought. Icy calm.

"Thank God. Are you okay, honey?"

"I've been better, Daddy. Don't compromise, Daddy. Don't-"

Flynn brought the telephone to his own mouth. "Don't listen to her, Holt. If you do, she'll be dead. You know what you and Chalmers have to do - you have twenty four hours to get those gems. I'll call you tomorrow."

Mitchell spoke quickly. "If anything happens to Laura, Flynn, I'll hunt you down. There won't be anyplace you'll be safe."

"That goes for Harry as well, Flynn," Daniel added.

"Their safety is entirely in your hands, gentlemen," Flynn reminded them. "Good bye."

"What gems, Flynn?" Harry asked. "I've a right to know what you've asked for ransom, I think."

"Chalmers and Holt are going to break into Philip Bryce's house - and steal the delivery of rare gemstones that he got today."

"Holt installed Bryce's security system," Harry recalled. "Should be easy enough -"

"It *would* be," Flynn agreed, "if Bryce weren't going to receive an anonymous telephone call, warning him of a plan to steal the gems." He grinned, and Laura shivered. "Bryce will increase security even more than they are expecting ."

"You're setting them up," Laura realized. "You don't want the gems, you want Daddy and Mr. Chalmers to get caught committing that robbery and wind up in prison like you did."

"Very smart, lass. Time to return to your room -" He picked up his gun and rose, indicating that they should do the same.

"You can't get away with this, Flynn," Laura insisted. "It won't work-"

"Ah, lass, but it will." He led them to another door, exactly like the last one, but leading to another room. "You'll find this one more comfortable, I should think. And I wouldn't suggest trying to escape again. Eddie and John won't fall for that trick again."

Laura preceded Harry into the room, turning as the door closed behind them, placing her hands on the cold metal. The bar falling into place echoed in the small room, and Laura sighed. "We've *got* to get out of here and warn Daddy and Mr. Chalmers, Harry," she said, turning at last to see what had gotten his attention. Where the last room had been devoid of furniture, this time there was a table, two chairs, a narrow cot against one wall, - and a second door. Laura flew to that aperture, throwing it open, only to discover a small toilet. She lifted a disappointed face to Harry. "I should have known it wouldn't lead anywhere."

Harry turned and went back into their cell, looking around. Something wasn't right. "Laura, why go to all this trouble is he's going to let us go tomorrow?" he asked.

"Because he's not going to let us go. He *can't*. At least, not until Mr. Chalmers and Daddy are in prison somewhere. Harry, there's got to be some way we can warn them that they're walking into a trap." She looked so frightened, so worried, that Harry pulled her into his arms and held her.

"We'll figure something out, Laura," he promised. Trouble was, he hadn't the faintest notion of what that something might be. Smiling, he said, "But next time, let's plan it a bit better, okay? I don't think butting someone with your head will work again."

Laura returned his smile. "I saw a chance, and took it. You told me to do that, remember?"

"So I did. It was my fault that we didn't get out earlier. I shouldn't have left you behind. I knew Flynn was somewhere in the building. I was counting on his freeing Eddie and John before coming to find us." He shook his head. "Your idea was good - it was my implementation that was lacking."

"You were being cautious," Laura reminded him. "You didn't want us both to be shot crossing that space," she said. "I understood that. I should have been more careful." She put her head on his chest, protesting softly when he drew away and turned toward the cabinet in the corner.

"I wonder if there's anything here to eat?" Harry mused, looking through the items he found.

"How can you think of food at a time like this?" Laura asked. "My father and Mr. Chalmers may be facing prison and all you can think of-"

"We have to eat, Laura," Harry reminded her. "Won't do any good for us to starve ourselves, will it? Now be a good girl and come over here and help me find something."

With a deep sigh, Laura joined him, ignoring his triumphant grin.


Daniel looked up from the plans spread out on the desk before him and watched Mitchell pace across the room and back. "You say he increases security when he has a packet in the house. How exactly?"

"He's got a tiered system. One level for normal circumstances, mostly bells and whistles to scare someone off. The next level has that, but it also locks everything down tight as a drum - and the third level alerts the police to a break in at the same time."

"You still have the master code to the system, don't you?"

Mitchell nodded. "It's the one thing Bryce can't change. His own code, yes, but the master one, the one that shuts *everything* down, only he and I know it." He ran a shaking hand through his brown hair. "In order to disable the system, I have to get close enough to the house - and if he's on the third tier, there are motion detectors that will pick me up before I get within twenty feet of that box." Sitting down, he looked at his hands. "Daniel, I haven't cracked a safe in ten years. I'm not even sure I can do it anymore."

Daniel poured them each a drink, then sat down in the other chair. "What kind of safe does he have?"

"Standard wall safe. It's just that - the idea of Laura's life being *literally* in my hands - She's the only thing in my life that's worth a damn, Daniel."

Daniel looked into his glass. "I understand, Mitchell. Losing her would be like losing a part of yourself. Something you'll do whatever you have to in order to prevent."

Mitchell looked across at his friend. "You're thinking about Harry, aren't you?" They had never discussed the secret that Daniel had shared with him ten years ago after he'd been shot and thought he was dying. Daniel had never brought it up after he recovered, and Mitchell hadn't wanted to pry any further. "You know, I wondered at first why a man who always swore that he didn't need anyone else would take that boy under his wing. Took me a couple of years to figure it out. You've never told him, have you?"

"No. And I won't. You've heard him talk about his father, Mitchell. Even now, I think he's still got enough anger in him that if he knew the truth, I'd never see him again. I can't risk that happening." Both men were quiet for several moments, each lost in their own private thoughts.

"Let's get back to those plans, shall we?" Mitchell suggested at last. "Those kids are counting on us to get them out of there." Rising, his eyes met Daniel's. "And we *will* get them out. Alive and well."

They had no choice. Because the alternative was something neither one of them wanted to even think about.


Laura watched as Harry tossed the playing cards they had found against the wall in some strange game. She paced once, twice, across the small floor. "Stop pacing, Laura," Harry told her.

She pushed her hair back from her face. "I wonder what time it is."

He tossed another card. "I've no idea."

Laura turned to look at him, hands on her hips. "How can you sit there so calmly when Daddy and Mr. Chalmers might be-"

Harry sighed, tossing another one. "What good is it going to do them if I wear myself out pacing the floor and worrying, Laura?"

"Are you trying to tell me that you're *not* worried?" She wrapped her arms around her waist. "Of course, I'm worried about *my* father. You're just concerned about a friend."

"A friend," Harry repeated, looking at the card in his hand. The King of Spades. For some reason, he'd always associated that card with Daniel. "Daniel's more than a friend, Laura. He's probably the closest I've ever had to family. Yes, I'm worried about him." He got up and retrieved the cards. He knew he needed to find some way to get Laura's mind off of what might be going on outside these walls. If she'd been a few years older, he'd have had no problem keeping her occupied. As it was, however- "Has anyone ever taught you to play poker?" he asked, returning to his chair.

Laura shook her head, frowning. "No."

He smiled, shuffling the cards as she watched. "Sit down, then," he told her. "Because you're going to learn now."

To Be Continued-----