Steele Curious4
Episode Five

After introducing the "Remington Steele Agency's most able and valued associate, Laura Holt," and watching as Laura rose and sat back down stiffly, Harry yielded the podium back to Gordon Hunter. Not ready to go back and face Laura's obvious anger, he remained near Hunter as the man revealed his creation, the Hunter Jetstar 6000.

Once done, Harry knew he could no longer put off returning to the table and Laura. She was sitting there, furious, her chest rising and falling as she attempted to control her temper. As he slid back into his chair, he said softly, "I'm sorry, Laura. I didn't know he was going to do that."

"How DARE you," she said in a controlled voice. "What are you going to do when Mr. Steele arrives?" Laura asked, hitting his arm.

Harry smiled, straightening his tie, as a camera's flash went off in his direction. "I'd like to meet the man whose shoes I'm attempting to fill. How am I doing so far?"

"Atrociously," Laura sneered. "You're NOTHING like Mr. Steele. He's HONEST," she rose slightly as she continued. "Dedicated-" Harry pulled her back to her seat so not to create a scene, smiling at passersby. "Better looking. You're nothing but a treacherous liar," she hit him again with her hand, "a cheap crook, a cut-rate CON MAN!" She used her purse to hit him once more, then rose quickly, starting toward the dance floor -away from him. But Harry moved to follow her, taking her into his arms. "Let GO of me!" she orders him. "You LIED to me!"

Harry smiled again as several heads turned in the direction of her voice and led her into the steps of the dance. "No, I didn't," he said pleasantly, "I simply allowed you to believe something that you already believed. That wasn't a lie."

"You're splitting hairs," Laura pointed out, still breathing heavily. "Dammit Harry, how am I ever go to explain all of this to-"

"To Mr. Steele?" Harry finished. "Impeccable man, your Mr. Steele. You know, there's not a piece of lint, a speck of dandruff, a hank of hair on any of his suits? And he obviously wears a shirt once and then discards it, since there's no laundry marks to be found. The same with the shoes. The soles seem never to have touched the ground. Not one single, solitary scuff mark."

Laura met his look. "The man's fastidious. Almost to a fault."

"Bald too?"

"Of COURSE not!"

"Then he's blessed. I'm forever plucking stray hairs out of my comb and brush. Positively demoralizing, but an inescapable part of the human condition." He paused. "Does any of this say anything to you, Laura? It does to me.." They stop dancing as he says, "It fairly shouts: Remington Steele in an elaborate ruse. He does not exist." He watched her face. "You invented a male employer out of whole cloth because no one would hire a female private detective. Admit it."

"And if I did?" Laura asked warily. "What are you going to do about it? Use it go get what you want and then disappear out of my life again?"

Harry shook his head, pulling her close again and moving with the music. "I don't want the gems, Laura. I've told you that they're quite safe as long as they're in your custody." He saw her look of patent disbelief. "I never planned to become Remington Steele, Laura. I was trying to find a way to evade Kessler and Neff. They were none to happy with their night in a Los Angeles jail, and when they found me this morning, they were prepared to kill me. Answering that page for Remington Steele seemed to be the only way out- and then Hunter was there, taking me to the security office -"

"You could have told me -"

"What? 'Oh, by the way, Gordon Hunter thinks I'm your boss for some reason?' I can just see that." He sighed. "Laura, I had two reasons for coming to Los Angeles. First, I wanted to make certain those gems were safe from those two cretins."

"And the second?"

"To find out more about the mysterious Remington Steele," he told her. "Not my idea. Daniel's concerned that he's never met the gentleman. Apparently you've never told him?"

"No," Laura said, catching sight of Murphy and Bernice entering the room. Both looked agitated, and Bernice was waving at her. "But I might have to tell Murphy about YOU," she muttered. Pulling away, she said, "Stay here."

"I will," he told her. A local businessman approached him and introduced himself as Laura moved to where Murphy and Bernice were standing.

"That guy's a fake, Laura," Murphy told her, holding out the photo. "I KNEW there was something about him."

"I know, Murphy. I know," she agreed in a resigned tone.

"Murphy was right, wasn't he, Laura?" Bernice asked, watching her carefully. "You already knew that he wasn't Special Agent Pearson, didn't you?"

"I can explain-"

"I think that's a very good idea," Murphy agreed, taking her arm. "Keep an eye on him, Bernice."

"You got it."

"Where are we going?" Laura asked.

"To find a place to talk."

Harry glanced up to see Murphy leading Laura from the room and frowned. Apparently Laura's associate was none to happy with the turn of events. Bernice came toward him, fire in her dark eyes. "Ah, Miss Wolfe-"

"It's FOX," she reminded him.

The man with Harry smiled at Bernice. "And who is this ravishing creature, Mr. Steele?" he asked.

"Bernice -" he hesitated, then grinned at her. "Fox. The agency's capable and invaluable receptionist. Have you had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Davenport, Bernice?" Harry asked. "Of Davenport Motors?"

"No," Bernice said, flattered by the attention of one of the wealthiest men in the city as he took her arm and led her toward the dance floor.

"Shall we, Miss Fox?"

Harry smiled as her attention was distracted. He had to find Kessler and Neff, and make sure that they didn't get those gems that were on display across the room.


"Murphy,-" Laura began as he dragged her from the elevator toward a hotel room door. "What are you doing?" she asked as he knelt before the door and proceeded to pick the lock. There was a cut in the wood of the door, she noticed, frowning.

"Searching your friend's room," Murphy told her as the lock gave and he opened the door to usher her inside. "It's as good a place as any for you to explain to me what the hell's going on around here."

She watched as he opened several dresser drawers. "You can't search -" she began, only to stop as he found five passports.

"Oh, really? Why not? Because I might find these?" he asked, opening them and reading the names. "Douglas Quintain, England: Michael O'Leary, Ireland; Paul Fabrini, Italy; John Morrell, France; Richard Blaine, Australia." He looked up. "Those names sound familiar."

"They're from Humphrey Bogart movies," Laura told him in a tired voice. "He likes Humphrey Bogart."

"Who IS this guy, Laura?" Murphy asked, realizing that she had to know him well to know that he was a Bogey fan.

"He's an old friend," Laura admitted. "I've known him for a long time. Murphy, he's not here to steal the gems. He wants to help us keep Kessler and Neff from stealing them." Murphy had opened the desk drawer, and now drew out some papers.

"You're certain about that, Laura?" he asked.

"As much as I can be. He gave me his word-"

"Which would buy you a cup of coffee if you had a quarter to go with it," Murphy said, holding out the papers. "Look at these."

Laura took the papers, her earlier uncertainity returning as she looked at the sketches. They were easily recognizable as the plans for the security office, the laundry area, even a time table of when the gems were supposed to arrive and leave. He'd promised, she reminded herself, even though the evidence in her hand screamed that he'd been lying to her all along. Laura went to the closet. "Let's see if we can find anything else that ties him into - " She squealed as she opened the closet door to reveal the body of Ben Pearson hanging on the door. Turning, she moved away, trying to catch her breath.

"I think we've found the evidence, Laura," Murphy said. "He's a murderer."

Laura stood there, stunned, until she heard Murphy pick up the telephone. "What are you doing?"

"Calling the police," he told her. "There's been a murder- and we KNOW who did it."

"No," Laura insisted. "Harry's not a murderer, Murphy."

"How long has it been since you've seen him, Laura?" Murphy wanted to know.

"Eight years," she said.

"That's a long time. Someone like that - sometimes it's not much of a leap from thief to murderer. Laura, he's after the gems- and he's going to take us down with him."

"Which is EXACTLY why we can't call the police," Laura reminded him. "If he's arrested now, by the police, the papers will say he's Remington Steele. And to prove he's not, we'd have to provide a REAL Mr. Steele. No, we have to bring him in, Murphy. It's the only way we can clear the agency's name in this."

Murphy hung up the telephone. "Laura, are you trying to save HIM? Or the agency?"

Laura hesitated only a moment. "Murphy, IF Harry murdered Special Agent Pearson, I'll personally hand him over to the police. Now let's go find him shall we?"

Murphy shook his head, then followed her from the room.

Bernice was in the lobby, looking flustered. "I'm sorry, Laura," she said when asked about Harry's whereabouts. "He got away. He distracted me and when I looked around he was gone."

Laura looked into the quiet banquet room. "Has the party already broken up?"

"Yeah. I don't think Mr. Hunter's in a very good mood, either. Last I saw, he was carrying a half empty bottle of wine around with him."

Laura looked at Murphy. "You try to find Harry and the other two. I'll go tell Mr. Hunter that someone might try to steal the gems."

Murphy watched her walk away. "Who's- Harry?" Bernice asked. "Would someone care to explain all this to ME?"

"While we look for 'Harry'," Murphy told her, leading her across the lobby to the bar. It was as good a place as any to start his search.


He was crossing the lobby again when he saw Laura emerge from the banquet room and head for the elevator. He'd sent Bernice home, telling her that he and Laura would handle things, and now he followed Laura, watching as the elevator lights rose toward the penthouse floor. Of course, he realized. He should have checked the room they'd taken for Steele. Since "Harry" was pretending to be Steele, it made sense that he'd be in Steele's room. Murphy pressed the elevator for the button. He'd bet even money that Laura's old friend was also a crony of her step father. Both of them had the same smarmy charm that set off every alarm in Murphy's brain- and had women hanging all over them. Even Laura wasn't immune to it, apparently. He got into the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse. He just hoped that she was sensible enough not to put everything on the line for someone like HIM.


Harry frowned as he looked over the plans he'd retrieved from the hotel office. Being Remington Steele certainly had its advantages, he mused. If he HAD been planning to steal those gems, it would have been terribly easy as Steele. But at the moment, his main concern was trying to figure out the route Kessler and Neff would use to get to their quarry. He heard a noise at the door- recognized Laura's attempt to pick the lock and quickly carried the plans into the bedroom. No sense in upsetting her by letting her know that he had the plans here. Once they were safely out of sight, Harry went to the door as Laura's hand and arm appeared, trying to unfasten the security chain.

Slapping her hand away, he waited for her to withdraw before undoing the chain and opening the door. "I was beginning to think you'd skipped out," she said.

"I tried to find Kessler and Neff - have you seen Pearson? I can't find anywhere, either."

"Have you looked in your other room?" Laura asked as Harry used his foot to shove the plans further beneath the bed before closing the door.

"Why should I?" Harry asked.

Murphy spoke from the door. "Get it overwith, Laura and turn him in."

"Turn me in? Laura, I've been honest with you on this. I'm not here to steal the gems. I gave you my word."

"The word of a thief?" Murphy snorted.

"Kessler and Neff are thieves," Harry pointed out. "I'm an artist."

"You're a MURDERER," Murphy accused, dropping a hand on his shoulder. When Harry frowned, he said, "Ben Pearson, the REAL Ben Pearson, is hanging from a coathook in your room. Murdered."

Harry closed his eyes. "Those filthy animals -"

"Who?" Laura asked, not wanting to believe that Murphy was right.

"Kessler and his trained ape, Neff." He looked at Murphy. "He was killed with a knife, wasn't he? Blade about six inches long, an incision and upper thrust just below the third vertebrae?"

"Hell of an accurate description for an innocent man," Murphy pointed out.

"I've been chasing those two animals halfway across Europe. Believe me, I'm familiar with their work. If you want them, you'll have to move fast. They'll go for the gems tonight."

Laura asked, "What makes you so certain?"

"I would." Murphy turned away, shaking his head as Harry faced Laura. "But I'm not going to. How many times do I have to say it before you believe me?"

"We found some - plans in your room, too," Laura told him.

Harry lifted his eyes to the ceiling, cursing himself for not having gotten rid of the bloody things. "I was angry at you last night, Laura," he admitted. "For a few minutes, I CONSIDERED making a go for the gems. But I decided against it."

"There's still the matter of Pearson," Murphy reminded him.

"Only if you believe I killed him," Harry said, his blue eyes locked with Laura's dark ones.

"I do," Murphy said.

Harry's gaze flickered only briefly toward him before returning to Laura. "Your opinion doesn't bother me. I'm asking Laura. Do you, Laura? Do you think I killed Ben Pearson?" He could sense her confusion, her uncertainity. She WANTED to trust him, but she was frightened.

"I don't know," she admitted softly, obviously torn.

"Don't waste time agonizing, Laura. You know me. What would Remington Steele do in a situation like this?" he asked.

"Call the police," Murphy answered, picking up the telephone.

"Go ahead," Harry told him, picking up his tuxedo jacket and putting it on.

"Where are you going?" Murphy wanted to know.

"To find Messirs Kessler and Neff," Harry informed them. "They've been trying to corner me all day, I think it's time they found me. Think you could bring Pearson's body up here, Murphy?" he asked as he closed the door behind him.

Murphy gave Laura a confused glance, then finished dialing the number for the police.


Harry knew the only way to prove to Laura that he was sincere was to help capture Kessler and Neff and trick them into admitting that they had killed Pearson. He didn't really blame her for not being sure -
the evidence DID point in his direction, after all.

In the lobby, he picked up a house phone and dialed the hotel operator, asking her to page Remington Steele. "I've already tried his room. There's no answer. Thank you." He put the phone down on the table, then turned away, waiting for the page to begin.

As the young woman passed, calling Steele's name, Harry paused a beat before responding.


"Mr. Steele," she said with a smile. "Over here." She led him to another telephone. He picked it up.

"Steele here-" He grunted, hanging up the telephone as he felt a knife in his back.

"We've been looking for you, Mr. Steele," Kessler said menacingly.

"There's no avoiding good friends, is there?" Harry commented.

Kessler wasn't a very happy man, Harry noted. "This time, we brought our own transportation."

"I'd wager you'd have an easier time cracking that safe if you had the specifications."

"And were would we get them?" Kessler asked, curious.

"Remington Steele. After all, he's the one who's providing security for the gems. Shall we?"

To Be Continued ---

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