Steele Curious4
Episode Four

Ben Pearson, Harry thought as he faced the man in the security office. Could things get ANY worse? He shook the man's hand. "Mr. Steele," Pearson said in a clipped British voice. "I've heard a great deal about you."

"And I've heard about you as well, Mr. Pearson," Harry assured him, wondering how long he was going to be able to keep up this act of being Remington Steele.

"Mr. Pearson is here to help you guard the gems," Hunter pointed out.

"What a stroke of good fortune," Harry commented.

"You're aware, of course, of Raymond Kessler and Leo Neff?" Pearson asked.

Harry pretended to think for a moment. "Ah yes. The two men who stole the gems and murdered the courier. They've made their presence known."

"At least we know what to expect from them," Pearson said. "But I'm afraid there is an unknown quantity involved in all this."


"Apparently someone's been impersonating me. He did it in Paris, and then again in London."

"Really?" Harry asked. "Do you- have a description of the man?"

"Around my height, general build and coloring."

"It could be anyone, then," Harry said. "Even me, I suppose." He laughed, but Pearson's expression never changed.

"How can I help, Mr. Steele?"

"You could keep Kessler and Neff busy - "

"Will that allow you to do what you need to do?"

"It should facilitate matters to no end," Harry assured him.

"Consider it done."

"Let's get this show on the road, then, shall we?" Hunter asked.

As they left the office, Harry saw Hunter approach Laura as she paced the hallway.

"Mr Steele is -" Laura began.

"Here," Hunter told her, smiling widely.

"Mr. Steele is- HERE?" Laura repeated.

"Over there," Hunter pointed out. "With Special agent Pearson."

Laura turned wide eyes toward the security room door where Harry and a strange man were standing. Since Harry was using the Pearson alias, Laura decided that the stranger was the one pretending to be Steele.

*Here it comes*, Harry thought to himself. "I don't envy you, Mr. Steele," Pearson was saying. "Having to guard two and a half million in rare gems -" Harry moaned as Laura's gaze found the two of them. "Are you alright, old man?"

"Just something I ate," Harry said.

"Stress will do that. Good luck."

"You too," Harry said as Pearson moved away and Laura moved closer at Hunter's side, her gaze on Pearson's retreating back.

"Well?" Hunter said impatiently. "Don't you have to get to the airport?" he reminded them.

Harry took Laura's arm and they began to follow Hunter toward the exit. Laura grabbed his arm. "That man that was with you -"

"Yes?" Harry asked cautiously.

"He's NOT Remington Steele," she said.

"He's not?" Harry asked, beginning to realize what had happened.

"No. Please don't tell Mr. Hunter."

"I won't say a word," Harry promised, patting her hand as they got to the doors. Hunter closed the limo door behind them.

"What did he say?" Laura wanted to know.


"That fake Remington Steele."

"Oh, nothing much. We were simply introduced." He looked down at her. "Why didn't Hunter realize he was a fraud?"

"Mr. Hunter's never actually MET Mr. Steele," Laura said. "Mr. Steele was out of town when we took the case -"

"I see. Surely he realizes that he can't hope to carry this off when the real Remington Steele puts in an appearance."

"He's after the gems," Laura said. "This is wonderful. Now I have to keep an eye on someone ELSE. It was bad enough when it was just you and Kessler and Neff -"

"When do you think Mr. Steele might show up?" Harry asked, ignoring her distrust for the moment.

"That's hard to say, Harry," Laura said hesitantly. "It's difficult to explain -"

"Apparently," he commented. "What are you going to do?"

"I can't very well accuse him of being a fraud. It would destroy Mr. Hunter's confidence in the agency's plan."

"So you're going to let him continue his little charade?"

"At least until the gems are delivered safely," Laura agreed.

"And then you'll nail the faux Mr. Steele?"

"To the wall, Harry," she said. She placed a hand on his arm. "I have to trust you not to tell Mr. Hunter about any of this, Harry."

He put his arm around her. "Well, at least you can trust me about SOMETHING," he said. When she looked as if she might have said more, he smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry. I won't say word."


The gems arrived with little fanfare- and as Harry watched Laura vanish into the security room with a wave of her hand, he sighed in relief. "Mr. Steele," Hunter said, drunk with the glow of a successful transfer. "Went off without a hitch."

"So it did," Harry agreed, allowing the man to turn him toward the elevators.

"Miss Holt is certainly protective of you," he commented.

"That's part of her job," Harry pointed out as they waited for the lift.

"Yes, but really-. It always seemed like you were unavailable or out of town - I was beginning to wonder if you even exist." They got on the elevator, as Steele laughed. He had no idea what floor Steele's room might be on. So he lifted his hand, hovering, hoping that Hunter was the impatient type - Hunter leaned over and pushed the button for the "Penthouse". "What is this thing you have about secrecy?" Hunter asked.

"Anonymity is an asset in my profession," Harry said. It was as true for Steele's profession as for his own, after all.

"Yes, but- no photographs, no interviews, never involving yourself directly in a case. And it wasn't only mine. I spoke with several people who dealt with your agency and it was the same story. Plenty of Miss Holt, none of you."

"Well, it's simply easier for me to move undetected if my face isn't well known."

The elevator doors opened, and Harry lets Hunter go first, following him to the Penthouse. Patting his pockets, Harry looked distressed. "Hmm. I seem to have left my key at the desk-"

A maid was passing, and Hunter turned to her. "Would you let Mr. Steele into his room? He seems to have forgotten his key." She nodded, unlocking the door as Hunter said, "So, I'll look for you tonight."

The door barely open, Harry peered into the room, half expecting Steele to call out as he asked, "Tonight?"

"Yes. The formal unveiling of the Hunter JetStar 6000- and of course the gems."

"Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world," Harry assured him. He waited until Hunter was around the corner, then smiled at the maid before cautiously entering the room. If nothing else, he and Mr. Steele might be able to have a little chat - IF he could convince Laura's employer of his sincerity. He put out the Do Not Disturb sign, and closed the door behind him. The suite appeared to be deserted. Whoever Steele was, he seemed to go first class, Harry mused, spotting a briefcase on the desk. Expensive leather, Harry noted, opening it. It was empty. Not even a pen or pencil inside.

In the bedroom, Harry found a $200 suit laid out on the bed, complete with price tag. Going to the dresser, he discovered that all the shirts were brand new, still in their packaging. His curiosity peaked, he moved to the closet, where he found more new clothes, and shoes that had no marks on them at all.

The bathroom door was open, and he went inside, finding toiletries laid neatly on the cabinet. Again, they were all new, unused. A hairbrush lay on the counter, and Harry picked it up, examining it carefully. Strange. Nothing in the suitcase, brand new clothing - and not one hair in the brush. Harry smiled, shaking his head at his reflection in the mirror. So this was Laura's game. Risky - but at least it meant she was still capable of taking risks. Well, in for a penny, in for a pound, he decided. Hunter already thought HE was Remington Steele. And having that gentleman around might just be beneficial to keeping the gems safe. The only problem he saw was Laura's reaction- and if he was careful enough, he might be able to keep her from finding out - at least until all this was over. Opening the bottle of cologne - which, he noted, was quite expensive and something he himself might wear anyway, he poured some into his hand and patted it onto his face as he smiled again at his reflection.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Steele."


"I knew this was a mistake," Murphy fretted when she told him about the fake Remington Steele. "We should never have taken this chance. I KNEW we should have cut Hunter loose."

"Why? He's being watched -"

"By Special agent Pearson?" Murphy questioned. "What if HE'S a fake too, Laura?"

"You SAID he checked out," Laura reminded him. "Murphy, nothing is going to go wrong with this. Stop worrying, okay?" She picked up her purse and hat. "I'm going home to get ready for the reception."

"Bernice left an hour ago- said something about a beauty shop appointment."

"Why don't you go on as well?" Laura suggested.

"No. I think I'll wait here for awhile- the photo of Pearson that his supervisor was sending is supposed to be here any minute. I'll meet you there once it arrives."

She nodded. "Okay." When that photograph arrived, Laura thought to herself, she was going to HAVE to tell Murphy the truth about Harry. She only hoped Murphy gave her the chance to explain before involving the police.


Harry was waiting for her at the entrance to the reception hall, wearing a tuxedo. Laura's breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. He smiled at her. "You're late," he said, offering her his arm.

"Murphy and I needed to compare notes about our ersatz Mr. Steele," Laura explained.

"Where is Murphy?" Harry asked, his blue eyes examining her appearance.

"Waiting on a photograph of Special Agent Benjamin Pearson," she told him.

"I see. Then you haven't told him -"

"No. I didn't want to involve him that deeply. But I might not have a choice to keep him from going to the police." They moved through the crowd. "Where IS our fake Mr. Steele, anyway?"

"Last I saw, he was with Kessler and Neff," Harry told her.

"I wonder if they're working together?" She mused.

"I doubt it." When Laura sent him a curious glance, he smiled. "I mean that he seemed to be a loner when we spoke earlier." He pulled out her chair for her, then sat down beside her as Gordon Hunter came to the podium near the covered vehicle that was the focal point of the room.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you would take your seats, I think it's time to begin. But before I show you the Hunter JetStar 6000, I'd like to take a moment to thank the Remington Steele Agency -"

Laura smiled, leaning closer to Steele. "Great PR," she told him. "This could really be a boost to the agency." Harry smiled nervously, suddenly worried about what Hunter was going to do.

"Transporting and protecting the most precious gems in the world requires brilliant planning, daring execution, and plain old street savvy. So, without further ado, I would like to introduce to you to the person responsible for the safety of the Royal Lavulite."

Laura blushed, keeping her head down, for which Harry was greatful as he became more uncomfortable. "This is so embarrassing," Laura muttered. "I wish he'd stop."

"Wait," Harry said sternly, wishing there was some way he could warn her about what was coming.

"An absolutely astounding human being," Hunter finished, "Ladies and gentlemen-" Laura started to rise, but froze as Hunter completed the introduction, "Remington Steele." She looked around the room, expecting to see the man who had been with Harry earlier. But he was nowhere to be found- and Harry was rising to his feet, a worried expression his face.

"Years from now," he told her softly, "When you talk of this- and you will--please, be kind. Deborah Kerr to John Kerr, "Tea and Sympathy", MGM, 1956," he said, seeing her eyes widen in realization as he turned to approach the podium.

Laura watched him go, breathing deeply, trying to control her anger. She wanted to scream out that he was a fraud- that he WASN'T Remington Steele. He'd LIED to her. The only reason he could possibly have for this pretense was that he really WAS planning to steal those gems. Well, she promised herself, he wouldn't get away with it. She'd stop him. Somehow.


"Murphy?" Bernice asked, entering the offices to find Murphy sitting at her desk, looking at something in his hand. "I thought we were supposed to meet Laura?"

"We will," Murphy told her. "I was just waiting for something."

"What?" She took the manila envelope and photograph that he held out. "Who's this?" she asked.

"Special Agent Benjamin Pearson," Murphy told her. "He fits the description Laura gave me of the man who's supposedly "pretending" to be Remington Steele."

"But if HE'S Pearson, then who is -?"

"Yeah. That's what I need to ask Laura." Murphy took the photo, and picked up his jacket. "Let's go."

Bernice frowned as he hurried her from the offices. "Why have you got to ask Laura?"

Murphy's expression was grim as he closed the car door. "I have a feeling that Laura already knows about it, Bernice," he said. When Bernice's eyes widened, he told her, "And if so, she's got a lot of explaining to do."

To Be Continued---

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