Laura celebrates a birthday. Laura and Remington search for the perfect house, become involved in a possible murder.
- Part 1- Remington surprises Laura on her birthday, Laura goes house hunting, meets Robert Brandon
- Part 2- Lily Brandon dies, Laura and Steele are called to help discover who "helped" the woman to her reward.
- Part 3 - Laura gets to know a little about Robert's past, Robert confesses to killing Lily
- Part 4 - Robert sends Harley away, Laura becomes suspicious, Remington meets with Estelle Becker
- Part 5 -Remington makes a disturbing discovery, Laura, Robert, and Remington go to talk to Tom Bennett
- Part 6 - Lily's killer is found
- Part 7- Laura discovers Robert Brandon's secret
- Part 8 - Katherine meets Robert, she and Remington tell him about their lives with Daniel. Jessica joins the family reunion.
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