House of Steele
Part Six

Tom Bennett was a big, bluff man with red hair that was liberally flecked with gray. He was loading the pickup truck when Fred pulled the limo into the drive, and turned as Remington handed Laura from the car. His welcoming smile froze as he saw Robert Brandon's cold dark gaze. "Mr. Brandon. This is a surprise. I didn't expect you'd be over so soon-"
"Where is Harley, Tom?" Robert asked.
"In the- greenhouse. I don't think it's a good idea for him to see you so soon. He's still upset-"
"We're not here to see Harley. We need to talk to you about- Lisa." He indicated the couple at his side. "This is Remington and Laura Steele."
Tom nodded in their direction, but he didn't look away from Robert. "Mr. Brandon-"
Robert's expression didn't falter. "Why don't we go into the house, Tom?"
"Sure." He nervously led them into the modest little house, pointing to the living area. "Why don't you sit down? I'll find something to drink-"
"This isn't a social visit, Tom," Robert reminded him.
Tom sank onto a chair. "No. I guess not. How did you find out?"
"Remington and Laura are private detectives. They are- however misguidedly- attempting to prove that I didn't - kill Lily. Their assistant checked on Harley's background."
"And found out that I'm his father," he said flatly.
"How COULD you, Tom? Lisa's parents trusted you with her-"
"I know. I KNOW. I've lived with what happened for over twenty eight years."
Laura's voice was soft. "What DID happen, Mr. Bennett?"
"It started out innocently enough. Lisa needed a ride into town- and I needed someone to talk to. My wife- Felice- she wasn't very strong. Emotionally or physically. We hadn't been- close for years. Lisa seemed interested in what I had to say, was always urging to me to tell her my problems. Then, one night, I was working in the greenhouse when she came in. She told me that she loved me. I tried to send her away. God know, I tried. But, I suppose I was flattered that such a pretty young thing would want me. And it had been so long since I'd been close to anyone. I was lonely." Seeing Robert's sickened expression, Tom said, "I know. It's no excuse. I should have been stronger. But I wasn't. I didn't make her any promises- and Lisa didn't ask for any."
"So you became lovers?" Remington asked. At the moment, he wanted to wring Tom Bennett's neck, and it was all he could do to maintain his coolly detached tone.
"Yes, Mr. Steele. We met as often as we could- then, one day, she stopped coming over. While I was at your place, Mr. Brandon, she cornered me, told me she was going to have a baby. MY baby. There was no question that it was mine. She expected me to leave Felice and run away with her. I told her it was impossible. That Felice needed me. My leaving would have killed her. I suggested that she put the baby up for adoption. She refused."
Remington felt his control slipping. "No doubt hoping you would change your mind once the baby was born."
Tom was unable to meet that icy blue gaze. "I couldn't, Mr. Steele. I'm a weak man. Felice was so ill- and everything was in her name. We started the business with her inheritance from her father. If I'd left her-"
"So you simply abandoned Lisa- and your son," Remington accused.
"No. I offered to help- discreetly. Give her money. She wouldn't accept it. And after- When I saw how deeply Lisa's death affected him, I-"
"You spent as much time with him as you could," Robert said, his voice distant. "At least YOU had the opportunity to do that much for him."
"I didn't dare tell Lisa's father. He would have killed me."
"I can understand that feeling," Robert agreed. "So when Lily became ill, you saw a chance to have your son with you."
"That wasn't my idea," Tom insisted. "Harley had been upset when I came over to see him, telling me that Miss Lily was very sick. I had no idea HOW sick until I saw her sitting in the gazebo and she called me over. She told me what the doctors were saying, said she was worried about what would happen to Harley. She asked me to help. I couldn't refuse. I never could. Something about Miss Lily- she was- one of a kind." He looked away. "That day- she told me that Lisa HAD told someone who Harley's father was, and had sworn that person to secrecy."
Robert shook his head. "I never thought Lily kept ANY secrets from me. But if she'd given Lisa her word-"
"Mrs. Brandon asked you to take Harley to live with you once she died," Laura suggested.
"Yes. And I was glad to agree. To have Harley, my son, here with me-"
"Believe me, Tom," Robert said, sounding tired, "I DO understand. And I'm relieved that Harley has you to rely on now."
Remington's eyes searched Robert's face as he filed away those remarks along side the photograph in the man's study. "Mr. Bennett, are you aware that the police have accused Robert of killing Lily?"
"N-N-NO!" Harley was standing in the doorway, and he entered the room to stand directly before Remington. "H-H-He d-d-didn't d-d-do"
"Take your time, Harley," Remington said patiently, in a quiet calming voice. The younger man tried again, then stopped, obviously frustrated. "Let a bit of air through your teeth before each word, Harley. Like you're trying to whistle." He pursed his lips to show the man how to do it, while an amazed Laura stood watching.
Harley took a deep breath and did as Remington suggested. "He-didn't-do-it."
"Excellent, Harley. How do you know that?"
"He doesn't," Robert interrupted. "He's trying to protect me, Remington."
Harley shook his head. "Is that true, Harley? Did you see Miss Lily last evening?"
"Why don't you want him to answer, Robert?"
"I-I" Harley took another breath. "I - went- to - see - her. T-To- bring- her - some- roses."
"Fresh roses," Laura told Robert and Bennett. "Like he did every other day. And both Mrs. Hobbs and Pamela Craig told me that no one else EXCEPT Harley ever put roses in her room." She turned to the gardener. "Harley, was Robert asleep when you took her the roses?"
"No," Robert said. "I was only pretending to sleep- to stop Lily from arguing-" He put a hand on Harley's shoulder. "I opened my eyes, saw Harley talking to her. So I closed them again, fell asleep. The next time I opened my eyes -" He sat down again. "She was gone."
Remington went on the attack again. "What did you talk to Miss Lily about, Harley?"
"She-she-wanted -me -t-t-t-to"
"Did you, Harley?"
"Now see here, Remington-"
"Mr. Steele-"
"N-NO!" Harley insisted. "I-I l-loved M-M-" He took another deep breath. "Miss-Lily. I - didn't - want- her -to- die." He glanced at Tom Bennett, then away. "I- didn't- want -to- leave-her- or-or-Mr.-Robert."
His only suspect's lack of motive caused Remington to turn to Laura in a silent appeal for help.
She shrugged. "It makes sense. It's possible that the thought of having to leave the only home he'd ever known would give him the strength to refuse Miss Lily's request."
"Then who killed her, Laura?" he asked.
"Remington, I've already-"
"I don't want to hear your 'confession' again, Robert. You couldn't have killed Lily anymore than I could kill Laura. The only reason you tried to make us think that you had was to protect Harley. Admit it."
Laura took up the thread, working her way though the fabric of the murder. "Lily was alive when Harley left the room. You were asleep, with your hearing aid turned off."
"She's right, Robert. Anyone could have come into that room and you wouldn't have known about it."
"Who else would have done so, Remington?" Robert asked calmly. "Pamela was out- and Mrs. Hobbs would have been busy elsewhere. She told me she was watching television."
Laura's mind was whirling. "It had to be someone with something to gain. Something important enough that it would cancel out any reservations about doing what Lily wanted."
Tom went to Harley, his movements jerky, nervous. "Why don't you go finish loading the truck, Harley?"
"A-Alright." He started for the door, stopping as Laura stepped into his path.
"One more question, Harley. Did you see anyone else go in to visit Miss Lily last night?"
"I-" He took another breath, grinning at Remington as he did. "I-didn't-see-anyone. I-was- talking-to- Tom,-not-looking-at- Miss-Lily's-room."
Laura sensed Remington and Robert turning to look at Tom Bennett. She smiled at Harley. "Thank you, Harley. You can go finish your work now."
"Sure-Mrs.-Steele," he said, smiling at his new trick.
Once the door closed behind him, Robert asked, "Why were you at the house last night, Tom?"
"I wanted to see Harley. Is that so strange?"
"Was this visit before- or after he went in to see Miss Lily?" Remington asked.
"After," he admitted, his eyes wide, unable to tear themselves away from Remington's accusing ones. "Harley was upset by what she wanted him to do. I calmed him down, took him back to his rooms over the garage-"
"What then, Mr. Bennett?" Remington asked, his tone dangerously soft.
Tom gulped. "I-came home."
"Did you? Or did you go into Lily Brandon's room while her husband slept, take a pillow and suffocate her to death?"
"NO! No, I-" he turned away, looking for a way out. "I-" he met Robert's eyes. "No," he insisted. "He's MY son. You're not going to take him away from me." He rushed past Remington as he said, " I've waited so long to have him with me-" He was out of the house before anyone could move.
Remington told Laura, "Call Jarvis, Laura. I'll get Bennett," he said, his face a determined mask.
"Remington-" she said, but he was already gone. She sighed in frustration, but picked up the telephone as Robert went to the door.

To be Continued----

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