Steele Working It Out
Part 3
By Kristen McNeil

Disclaimer: See part 1

Author's Notes: See part 1


"Douglas!" The woman exclaimed as she threw open the door to her flat. "I haven't seen you in ages! Come in!"

Straightening slightly, Douglas Quintaine stepped through the door. That was who he was now. That was who Dicky had known him as and that was who his wife had known him to be as well.

"I'm not here for a social call Anabell. I wish I could say I was."

Anabell Patterson's smile faded slightly as she took in Quintaine's haggard appearance and the bags under his eyes.

He hadn't had any sleep since the night Dicky was killed and having to come here and tell the man's wife that he'd seen her husband murdered before his eyes hadn't made his mental health any better. As it was, he'd been having some grisly nightmares about watching his friend die and not being able to do anything to help.

It was then he noticed Anabell was looking at him, concerned.

"Is's about Dicky isn't it?"

Quintaine's gaze shifted to the floor.

"How do you know?"

"He didn't come back last night...." Anabell trailed off. "I know in his....line of work, sometimes he has to hide, but....from the look on your face I can see it was more than that. What happened Douglas?"

"Anabell, there's no easy way to tell you this." Douglas replied with a deep breath. He met her gaze, fighting to keep the horrid images out of his mind as he spoke. "Dicky's dead. He was killed by four men with lead pipes. I couldn't stop them."

Anabell's hand instinctively fluttered to her mouth as she took in the news. Her eyes were vacant, almost as if she heard his words, but didn't quite believe them.

"No," she whispered softly, looking to Quintaine for confirmation. His deep blue eyes were filled with sympathy and compassion. He'd known Anabell almost as long as he'd known Dicky and he knew for a fact that they loved each other deeply. "No, it can't be made a mistake."

"There's no mistake Anabell." He insisted gently, his English accent taking on a soothing tone. "I saw it happened, I checked his pulse. He's gone."

"Not Dicky! It can't be Dicky!" She was crying now, huge, gut-wrenching sobs. Douglas wanted to comfort her, but there wasn't much he could do or say. Only one thing.

"I'm sorry."

"Why?" Anabell burst out, sinking to the floor. Her sobs had quieted now, almost as if that stage of grieving had passed. Now she wanted answers. Douglas went to take a step forward, but she held out her hand to ward him off. "Why didn't you stop them?"

"Believe me I wanted to." Quintaine said calmly. "I was grossly outnumbered and they had weapons. There was nothing I could do."

"Dicky," she whispered mournfully. "What was he doing there that got him killed?"

"I don't know." Douglas replied. "He was supposed to deliver some information to me about my father. I never thought they'd kill for it. Whoever they are."

"So it was you?" Anabell hissed, her eyes turning from grieved to angry. Turning her accusing glare at Douglas she pointed her finger. "You got Dicky killed?"

"Anabell, please. There's no use blaming me for his death. Don't you think I feel bad enough?" Sitting down next to her, he took her hand and patted it softly. "I'm going to find out what this was all about. I promise. I will bring his killers to justice."

Yanking her hand away, she glared.

"You can put them all in jail if you want." She said in a quiet, defeated tone. "It won't bring my husband back now will it?"

Quintaine looked at Anabell sadly, realizing there was nothing he could say that would bring comfort to her at the present time. It was best that he leave her alone.

"You're right, it won't." He agreed. "I'm going to find them anyway Anabell. Maybe it will bring you peace of mind, maybe it won't. That isn't the point. I'll leave you alone now."

"Douglas?" Anabell whispered softly as his hand touched the doorknob. He turned and smiled gently. "I hope whatever it was that Dicky was bringing you was worth it."

"I wouldn't know." Quintaine replied. "I never received the information. The killers took it with them." It was then he began to wonder why.

"Just go please Douglas."

Nodding, he left her alone.


"What time does your flight leave Miss Holt?"

"In two hours Mildred." Was Laura's distracted reply as she busily finished packing her carry-on bag. "Murphy's meeting me at the airport."

"What's going to happen to the office Miss Holt?" Mildred wondered as she was suddenly struck by an idea.

"What do you mean what's going to happen to the office?"

"I mean what's going to happen to the office?" Mildred repeated. "Who's going to take the cases with you and the boss gone?"

"Who's going to take cases? Mildred, we lost our license remember?"

Mildred's eyes grew wide as she was suddenly struck by a realization.

"You don't know?" She exclaimed. "Oh that's right, you weren't here! Miss Holt, we have our license back."

"How?" Laura demanded. "Since when?"

"Since before Mr. Steele left." Mildred replied. "The guy from the license bureau came to the agency the day I told you to go home. I was in the process of cleaning out my desk when he told me our license had been re-enstated. Apparently before the boss left, he went down to the bureau and roughed the guy up until he agreed to give the license back. He had some pretty nasty bruises to."

Laura was floored. Never in her wildest dreams had she thought he cared so much about her agency, her life's work.

"I....I didn't know Mildred."

"Are you going to go after him now honey?" Mildred asked her.

This time Laura considered it. Obviously he'd cared enough to see that she wasn't without her agency but maybe that was just a way to soften the blow his leaving had caused. No, she wouldn't fall victim to his manipulation. If she ever saw him again she'd thank him but not before. She had too much pride.

"No Mildred, I'm going to England as planned. You can keep the agency open as part of your training until I get back. As soon as I help Murphy with his case, I'll be back and life will go on without Remington Steele."

Mildred wanted to smile over the thought of being left in charge of the agency as part of her apprenticeship but the reasons for it, prevented that. "OK Miss Holt, but think about this."

"I'm listening Mildred." Laura said testily.

"He loves you. I know he's never said it but on more than one occasion he's proved it. If he left, you can be sure it was for a damn good reason. I think you owe it to yourself to figure out what it was."

"If he really wants me Mildred, he'll let me know." Laura replied with a grim smile. "I'll call you from England OK?"


"What do you think?" Murphy asked Laura the next day after they were settled in their respective hotel rooms. "I called Renolds' hotel. He isn't there. You think we should go there and wait for him to show or search the place and see what we can find?"

"I think before we confront Mr. Renolds we ought to have proof that he stole Mr. Styles' money. There has to be something in there, bank deposits, receipts, anything."

"So search the place then?" Murphy confirmed. Laura nodded.

"Let's go."

Upon arriving, Laura crumpled her nose in distaste as she stepped inside Edward Renolds' hotel room. Not only was it tiny, but it was dingy, dirt and smelly. If this guy had stolen a great sum of money, he certainly hadn't used any of it.

"I wonder how much this place costs per night!" Murphy muttered to himself as he began to search the drawers for bank books and such.

"Obviously not a lot." Laura replied. It's disgusting in here!"

"You don't need to tell me that." Murphy agreed.

"Anything?" Laura finally asked after about ten minutes. She had to admit that getting out of this hotel room as soon as possible would not be a horrible idea. Not only was it dingy and low-rent, but searching through people's things always gave her a tiny gnawing feeling in her conscience. Mr. Steele never felt it, she was sure, but she always did. Not to mention what they were doing was highly illegal.

"Nothing." Murphy replied, slightly discouraged. "All this guy has is clothing and toiletries as far as I can tell. No personal records of any kind." He looked to Laura. "What do you make of it?"

"Well, from my experience working with Mr. Steele this looks like the hotel room of a trademark con-man. They never leave any personal pieces of information lying around their hotel rooms. They never personalize anything. It's too easy to get caught."

"Hmmm, another lesson from the infamous Mr. Steele." Murphy remarked dryly. "At least he was good for something."

"Murphy..." Laura warned. "Let's just find something and go OK? I don't want to fight."

"I'm sorry Laura." Murphy apologized. His tone was genuinely regretful so Laura let the comment pass. "I can't find anything." He exclaimed in frustration as he finished looking under the beds.

"There has to be something Murph!" Laura insisted. "I left Mildred in charge of the agency to come all the way down here and we're going to nail this guy!"

"You left Mildred in charge?" Murphy repeated. "Of what? You lost your license. You told me so yourself."

"Well, the day I stayed at home instead of at the agency a man from the licensing bureau showed up and toldd Mildred that Mr. Steele sort of....forcefully got the agency's license back. We're still in business, Remington Steele or no."

"That's a small mercy." Murphy told her delicately, keeping his feelings about Mr. Steele out of the conversation. Grudgingly, he admitted to himself that while he didn't care for the man he hadn't left Laura with absolutely nothing. He'd taken great pains to see that she still had her agency. The problem was, Murphy was no longer sure what it was Laura wanted more; him, or her agency.

"I think I found something!" Laura exclaimed as she reached under the mattress of the bed. Murphy was by her side almost immediately. Pulling the item out, she noticed it was a passport in Edward Renolds' name. As she opened it up to view the picture, she gasped in surprise.

"Daniel Chalmers!" She exclaimed looking at the man's face and narrowing her eyes. "Edward Renolds is Daniel Chalmers, Murphy!"

"The name sounds familiar to me, but I just can't place it." Murphy said thoughtfully.

"Don't you remember? He was Mr. Steele's "old friend" that came on to my mother!"

It was then that Murphy's expression widened in realization.

"Something weird is going on."

Laura was inclined to agree.

"Come on, let's get back to the hotel and call Mildred." She suggested. "You parked the rental in the lot right?" Murphy nodded and the pair left just as someone else rounded the corner.


"Daniel?" Harry questioned as he knocked on the hotel room door. There was no answer. Gingerly, he pushed it open and stepped inside. The room was incredibly dirty and Harry found it hard to believe that Daniel was staying here. Still, that's what one of his sources told him. He said he was going under another name. It was something like Renolds.

Usually Daniel could be found staying in more upscale places than this. It made Harry wonder who he was hiding from. Sighing, he reflected on this being the third name change he made in the time he'd been in London. All he wanted was to find out who he was, pick a name and stick with it. He was tired of being someone else all the time.

Unfortunately his identity was the last thing on his mind at the current moment. He had to find out what happened to Dicky. He had to know why they'd murdered him and took his information. Knowing that Daniel and Dicky had been close, Harry took it upon himself to yet again deliver the news and watch Daniel's reaction closely. He had a feeling that somehow he knew what was going on.

The hotel room however was empty and it looked as if it had been for sometime. There were footprints ingrained in the carpet seeing as the place obviously hadn't been vacuumed. Their were two sets however, which could mean one of two things. Either Daniel had a lady friend up here earlier, or someone had searched the place. Harry was inclined to believe the latter.

Sighing, he wrote Daniel a short note and placed it in the hidden compartment of Daniel's suitcase hoping that he'd check there, then left the hotel room, not knowing what to do next.

"If only Laura were here." He muttered to himself as he headed to the parking lot. "She'd be full of ideas."

"Maybe." A voice so familiar it made Harry stop in his tracks spoke up. "Or maybe I'd be just as lost as you are." Harry turned around, shocked to see Laura and Murphy Micheals standing before him.

"Laura!" He exclaimed, not sure how his voice betrayed him. Laura's eyes were as cold as ice, not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt in the slightest. Harry could tell she wasn't in a forgiving mood. "What are you doing here?"

"We're on a case." She told him. "I think the question is what are you doing here?"

Harry looked down to the ground, wanting to tell Laura his true purpose for running out on her, but not wanting to get her hopes up in case he didn't end up finding his real name.

"I...I can't tell you." He finally replied.

"Big surprise." Murphy muttered. Harry couldn't help but wonder why he was back in her life. He had barely been gone a week and already Micheals was trying to get Laura to fall for him!

"Look," Laura said with a defeated sigh. "Whatever reasons you have for taking off on me are your business I suppose, but my heart is mine. If you don't want to be with me, I suggest you tell me now."

"I can't do that." Harry finally responded. "Laura I do want to be with you, I just can't be now. I thought you went to Mexico. What happened to that?"

Laura laughed bitterly. "I decided not to. I realized our relationship was worth trying for. I thought we had something special finally after all our time together. It turns out you're still the lying manipulating con-man you always were."

"Laura, that's not it!" Harry exclaimed, unable to believe how deeply that hurt to hear her say that. Murphy just stood there, smiling like an idiot until Harry felt like decking him.

"Then what is it?" She demanded. "I'm sick and tired of these games Mr. Steele! If you don't tell me now why you left, then you might as well stay out of my life."

"I'm sorry Laura." Harry whispered softly. He couldn't tell her. Not only because he didn't want to get her hopes up, but because whatever it was he'd stumbled onto at the moment was quite dangerous. He wanted to keep her safe no matter what. "You have to believe me that I..."

"No, I don't have to believe anything you say!" Laura cried angrily, attempting to keep the tears that threatened to form in her eyes from spilling over onto her cheeks. "I'm done OK? I can't handle these games any more!"

"I'm sorry you feel that way Laura." Harry told her gently. His heart felt like lead in his chest as he heard her words and for the moment he wondered if even trying to find his name any more was worth it. "If there's anything I can do...."

"There is." Laura replied, pulling herself together into her polished, business like self once more. The distance in her eyes was unmistakable and for the first time Harry felt his heart break to have hurt her so terribly. "Tell me where Daniel Chalmers is."

Harry blanched.


"Chalmers, Steele." Murphy interrupted. "He's the guy we're looking for. He stole some big money from my client's private home in the states and I've been hired to retrieve it."

"You're looking for the wrong man then Murphy." Harry told him calmly. "Simple house B&E isn't Daniel's style. I know him better than that."

"Nobody really knows anybody." Laura whispered sadly. Harry wished he could pull her into his arms and comfort her, but knowing he was the cause of her pain prevented that.

"I know Daniel. He didn't do it."

"Whatever." Laura said with a dismissive wave. "Look obviously you're not planning on helping us. I will warn you this Mr. Steele. Don't expect me to go easy on Daniel because you guys have a history. This isn't personal. It's business and I won't stop until this case is finished with."

"Fair enough." Harry replied feeling for the first time incredibly tired and broken. "Look, Laura, don't give up on me OK?"

"Why not? You gave up on me." Laura shot back coldly.

"I didn't." Harry vowed to her. "Laura look at me. Look in my eyes. Tell me that you don't still trust me."

Laura raised her eyes to meet his deep ocean blue ones and felt herself falling into that familiar trance she always experienced when she was close to him.

"Come on Laura let's go." Murphy urged, afraid she'd break down and decide to trust this guy again. Laura ignored him.

"What do you want to hear from me?" She asked him, a tremble present in her tone. "Do you want to hear that you hurt me? Is that it? Do you want to hear that I miss you? I do. I don't know what else to say. You left me. How does that inspire me to trust you?"

"It doesn't." He agreed. "I have good reason though. I just can't tell you right now. Laura, I don't want to lose you. That's the worse case scenario believe me. I just need you to give me some time."

"How much time?" She questioned, wanting, needing to trust in him.

"Laura!" Murphy exclaimed, shocked that she would even consider giving this guy a second chance.

"I don't know. I'm not sure how long it will take."

"Not good enough." Laura told him firmly. "I have a life too. I can't spend it hoping that one day you'll call me up and decide to take up where we left off. It just doesn't work that way."

"What do you propose then?"

"Meet me at the coffee place a block from here." Laura told him. "Meet me in two days and we'll have a talk. I'm warning you Mr. Steele, you owe me some answers. If I'm not satisfied, I will leave your life and move on. Do you understand?"

"Perfectly." Harry replied nervously, shooting a tentative look at the very unhappy Murphy Micheals. "I'll be there."

"I certainly hope so." Laura said quietly as she tugged Murphy's arm indicating it was time to leave.

As soon as she was gone, Harry felt a river of emotions coarse through him. Two days! That was all the time he had to find out his real name and identity and Dicky's killer. He wasn't sure he could do it. If he didn't though he'd lose Laura and that was simply just not an option. He'd have to get to work right away.

"Pssst, mate!" A voice said from the ally way. Harry turned around tentatively and watched as the man stepped out from the shadows. "Got the time?"

"Daniel!" Harry exclaimed as he leaned forward to hug his old friend warmly. "I've been looking for you."

"So has Linda apparently." Daniel stated.

"Laura." Harry corrected. Taking in the sight of Daniel, he noticed his clothing was torn and ripped, not to mention rather foul smelling. Harry could only assume he'd been out all night....unable to return to his less than stellar hotel room. "What's going on Daniel?"

"A lot Harry my boy." Daniel replied, patting him on the back and leading him into his hotel room once again. "Quite a lot...."

To Be Continued
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