This Story is Steele Untitled
by LoveSteele

Notes are at the end.

(Disclaimer:  I don't own the characters.  Don't sue me.  Don't flame me.  
Just be happy and read. No, that doesn't include stealing my work as yours :o)

June 24, 1986

It was bound to happen sooner or later.  He would get tired of her brushing
off his advances and seek what he needed in the arms of another woman.  
June twenty-first was the day Laura Holt would remember in infamy.  It was
the day she had walked in on Remington Steele having sex with a twenty
something bimbo he had probably picked up from a bar in Santa Monica.  
Fake breasts, bleached hair and long fingernails were all she remembered
when she thought of the woman. Heck, at least she hadn't been a hooker....
had she?

Laura took another sip of her gin and tonic.  Panty raider, she thought of her
drink.  That's what her friends had called gin and tonic in college.  Three of
these and a guy could get into any woman's pants.  Any pants but mine, she
thought disgustedly.  She had spent the night torn between being angry at his
deception or angry at herself for not giving into what he had wanted all these
years.  Obviously, he had wanted to wait no longer.


June 21, 1986

Laura glanced at her watch for the millionth time that morning.  Remington
was late.  Not that him being late is anything out of the ordinary, she thought.  
However, this morning he had promised to be there to meet with a new client.  
Mr. Johanssen was big money and wanted them to investigate the death of his
best friend and former partner.  The case had the potential to set them up
financially for a long time to come.  

"I'm going over to Mr. Steele's, Mildred," Laura announced as she grabbed her
purse and hat.  "If he calls, tell him he's dead meat."

"Will do, Miss Holt," Mildred said.  "I tried his place again but there's still no
answer.  Do you want me to start checking hospitals?"

"It couldn't hurt," she answered on her way out.  "Call me on the limo phone
if you find out anything."

"Sure thing, kiddo."  He's dead meat, Mildred thought to herself as she picked
up the phone and dialed.


Laura knocked on Remington's door a half hour later.  Traffic had been hell, and
everything was getting on her nerves this morning. She almost hoped he was in
the hospital so she would not have to wring his neck.  She knocked again after
getting no answer.  Finally, she let herself in.  

Everything looked normal as she walked into the living room.  His bedroom door
was shut.  Could he have slept in?  It wasn't like him to turn off his alarm and not
go to work.  Laura was about to open the door when she heard a moan. Thinking
Remington was just waking up, she opened the door.  To her horror, she found a
blond woman straddling Remington.  She stood there gaping, completely shocked.  

The couple in the bed didn't notice her as they continued to moan and groan.  
It was only after Laura gasped and slammed the door on the way out that
Remington noticed she'd even been there.  Typical of anyone in his situation, he
wrapped the sheet around him and went after her.


June 24, 1986

Laura still remembered how her face burned with embarrassment and rage.  She
had made it to his front door when he called after her. She pretended not to
hear him and continued out the door to the elevator.  

"Laura, wait!" he had called.  She hadn't listened.  Instead, she had taken the
stairs and had Fred drive her home.  He hadn't asked her any questions, but the
look on his face said it all.  Mildred called as she entered her loft.  Laura hadn't
told her anything except that Mr. Steele was fine and would be in the office

Of course, not twenty minutes later, Remington had been pounding on her door
and calling her name.  I should have parked in back, she thought as she listened
to the pounding.  She swallowed two Tylenol with a glass of wine and parked herself
on her sofa. Remington had stopped pounding but was still talking.

"We need to talk," he was saying.  Too late, she thought as she took a long sip
of the wine.  "I know what it looked like," he had tried to say, but Laura cut him

"You mean, it looked like you were FUCKING another woman?" she screamed.  

Remington cringed at her vulgarity.  In four years he had yet to hear her use
that word.  She obviously did not want to speak with him. He stood at her door
for another minute listening to Laura's sniffles.  When he could no longer stand
her crying, he left.


June 24, 1986

Laura was pouring herself a second gin and tonic when there was a knock on the
door.  "Who is it?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"It's me," Remington answered.  

"I already told you I don't have anything to say to you," she said, trying to sound
strong.  She wasn't going to tell him she had spent the last three days crying on
her couch.  She had simply told Mildred she was taking a few days off to get over
a cold.  Whether or not Mildred believed her was irrelevant.  However, there was
no way she was going to tell HIM that she had cried over what happened.  She
was stronger than that.

"Laura, please," he all but begged.  "Please don't shut me out.  I need to explain."

"I'm tired of hearing you beg," she snarled.  "It's unbecoming."

"Please... please," he was whispering through her door.  "I need to see you.  To
tell you what I want to say.  Please?"

"I think you've already done enough for this week, Mr. Steele."

"Fine, then I'll say it right here and you can decided what you want to do."  He
paused.  "Laura?"

"Fine.  Just say it and go away."

"I just..." he started.  "I wanted to say that I'm sorry.  And... to say that no matter
what you saw, or you think you saw... I still love you."  He waited a few moments
then was shocked to see the door open and a very upset woman standing behind it.

Part 2

"You dare to tell me that you love me and that I *think* I saw you with some
bimbo in the same sentence?"


"You think you can come over here after I told you I don't want to see you again
and tell me that you're SORRY!?!"  she screamed.  "I deserve more than that."  

"I know," he answered.  He'd expected her anger and her outburst.  "All I want is
the chance to explain, Laura.  Then you can tell me to get the hell out of your life."

"No," she said, rejecting him.  "I got your explanation of everything concerning us
when I accidentally walked in on you and that... that... BIMBO!.  I don't care why
you did it or who she was," she lied.  "I only care that you've ruined everything!"

"But-" he tried again.  

"No buts," she said, cutting him off.  "I don't care who you see from now on.  I
don't want you calling me, visiting me or talking to me again unless it involves
work."  Yep, she thought.  Lay it all out for him.  Don't give in.  "That is, if you're
even going to stick around now that it's over between us," she spat.  "I'll give you
some time to think that one over."

Remington's jaw hit the floor as she slammed the door in his face.  That had not
gone well.


June 25, 1986

Monday morning came all to quickly, and Laura found herself at work much
earlier than usual. At four a.m. she had decided that staring at the ceiling wouldn't
help her solve her problems. Frustrated and tired, she flipped the covers open and
headed for the shower.

She made it into work by five and found the building mostly empty. At least other
people can sleep
, she thought as she made a pot of coffee. Sleep hadn't been her
friend for the past four nights, and it looked as if she'd go a week or more without
it. How could one sleep when all they thought of was their worst nightmare? she
asked herself. She'd just have to get on with her life and get over HIM.

By the time seven rolled around and Mildred arrived, Laura had finished the
paperwork on five cases and opened files on another two. When the clock hit eight
she asked Mildred for another pot of coffee. By nine she wondered if Remington
was going to show, and by ten-thirty was certain she probably would not see him

Fate proved her wrong a few minutes later as he breezed in the door. She could
hear him greeting Mildred and could swear he paused by her door, but seconds
later she heard him in his own office. That should by MY office, she thought
angrily. I'm the only one that does any damn work around here. Heck, even
Mildred's more qualified.

Speaking of which, Mildred seemed to be avoiding her today as well. A brief
conversation was all that had transpired that morning, and it seemed as if she
somehow knew what was going on...


June 25, 1999

By four o'clock Laura's brain picked up on the detail that no clients had called
upon their services. Remington stayed in his office and Mildred busied herself at
her desk. She figured Mildred knew something was wrong since she hadn't come
in on Friday and practically snarled when Remington's name was mentioned.
Getting up from her desk for the first time in hours, she thought about her options
in this matter. That's how she thought of the situation. A "matter" to be handled
professionally from this point on. After all, they'd worked together before without
being involved. They could do it again, couldn't they?

Not likely, she thought to herself. Who am I kidding? The least she could do is
be a professional and go in and talk to the man. He'd sat in his office most of
the day as well.

She knocked on his door as she opened it but was surprised to see him whispering
into the phone. He obviously hadn't heard her knock and sat with his back to
the door as he whispered. Her mouth hung open as she processed what he was

"I don't know, Marie," he whispered. "Laura's still upset about the other night,"
he paused, listening to the voice on the other end. "No, she doesn't know. She
won't get within ten feet of me much less listen to me," he paused again. "I tried,
but-" Another pause. "I'll try. Can we meet at six? I can arrive by then."

That bastard! He's STILL seeing her!?!

Finally, the conversation ended, and Remington hung up just as Laura shut the


Remington left the office at five fifteen, unaware that his partner was tailing him.
She'd arranged for a rental to be delivered within the hour since she knew he'd
identify the Rabbit in no time. So far, he'd stopped at his apartment and changed
clothes. She was shocked to see him come back to the limo in jeans and a button
down shirt.

Now she was tailing him through Hollywood then up into the hills. Whoever he
was meeting was obviously loaded to live in the area. Finally, the limo pulled up
to a large house high up on the hill. She imagined that the view alone was worth
a million dollars. Instead of stopping, she passed the limo and pulled into a
driveway a few houses up. Seconds later, Fred drove by. She backed out and parked
on the narrow street.

Remington had already entered the house by the time she could see the front door
again. She turned off the car and sat low in the seat. Nothing would stop her from
getting to the bottom of this.


Remington sighed as he unlocked his apartment door. It seemed there was no
chance of conversing with Laura about this mess. Who knew that taking on a case
by himself would result in this? Surely he hadn't known all the possibilities. He had
tried to talk things over with Marie up at her place. She had pulled him into her
house with the intent to pick up where they had left off, only he hadn't been
interested. Instead, he had told her that he was going to bring Laura in on the case.

The next thing he knew she had turned to ice and dinner had been spent in near
silence. He had left feeling deflated, confused and very angry. When Marie Jacobs
walked into his office a week ago complaining of being stalked he saw it as the
perfect opportunity to prove to Laura that he was able to handle things on his own.
Big mistake, he told himself as he threw his rumpled jacket on the couch.

In an attempt to ferret out the stalker, Remington had taken Miss Jacobs to a trendy
restaurant downtown the night before. The stalker had not shown after three hours
of waiting. That, in itself was not unusual. Criminals were not known for easily
walking into investigator's hands. He found himself at the table planning their next
stake out when he started to feel a little light-headed. He remembered going back to
his apartment to plan their next move, yet he could not remember what had transpired
until Laura barged into his bedroom. He had still been in a fog but had finally found
presence of mind to go after her.

As it had turned out, however, the 'stalker' wasn't even a stalker and Miss Jacobs
wasn't Miss Jacobs. Someone was after his hide and Miss Jacobs had helped by
slipping a depressant into his scotch. It had not been enough to knock him out,
but it had lowered his inhibitions to the point where he ended up in bed with a
woman whom he had no interest in whatsoever. It also left him with a bit of amnesia
about the whole thing.

Remington stripped of his clothes on the way to the shower. He couldn't seem to
get clean no matter how hard he scrubbed.


She couldn't believe it! After spending the evening camped outside of the 'perp's'
house, she'd finally made her way back to the office once Remington left. Two phone
calls and a flustered Mildred later, Laura found what she was looking for. Her
computer screen read:

[ Marie Eleanor Jacobs
2100 Skyridge Terrace
Hollywood CA 90748

DOB: 12-19-57
SSN: 548-06-1287

Aliases: Kathy Marshall; Marie Harris; Marie Jacobson, Ellen Marsh ]

It turns out that Marie Jacobs was wanted in question with several burglaries
in Southern California and Arizona. Mildred had reluctantly informed Laura
that Remington had taken her on as a client so he could demonstrate his
abilities as a private investigator. They had intentionally kept her out of the

"Ha!" Laura shouted to the empty office. He handled it all right. Right into
his bed with a con artist... And to think she had been intent on moving things
forward. It figures, she thought. Maybe he got tired of waiting. Maybe he had
been sneaking around behind her back the whole time. Maybe...

"Damnit," she told herself. "He probably never loved me in the first place."
Still, this woman's MO was to drug men and get them into bed in order to
acquire information about their work in the art world. There was no doubt
that this is what had happened in this case, but she was not about to forget
what she had seen many days before.


Remington breezed into the office the next morning intent on straightening
things out with Laura. She would understand that he had been drugged into
doing things beyond his control. She was very logical... if she put two and two
together it would be more than obvious that he had not wanted what she had
scene. Only... she had to listen to him instead of throwing him out on his rear.

"Morning, Mildred," he announced before he noticed her empty desk.

"In here, Boss!" she answered from Laura's office.

"Where's Miss Holt?" he asked as he entered.

"She's left for the day. There's a package on your desk for you," she said as
she left.

"Thanks, Mildred," he said as he headed for his office. He spotted a large
manila envelope with the name "Marie Jacobs" printed neatly across the
middle in Laura's handwriting.

Damn. He should have known Laura would jump into the middle of the
investigation. He knew better than to underestimate her, especially when
he screwed up.

He dumped the contents of the envelope onto his desk, immediately noticing
a letter from Laura. He put it aside for the moment and looked over the black
and white photographs she must have taken. The pictures showed Marie
Jacobs alongside some of the most prominent art dealers in the area. The police
reports Laura had added showed that other men had been drugged and the
contents of their galleries and private collections stolen. The last report showed
Miss Jacobs arrest the previous evening, though the report had not been officially
filed yet. She must have pulled some strings in order to get the preliminary report.

Laura must have learned that he had been drugged as well. Surely she would
have let him know if she knew. Maybe she thought it was still consensual?
Damn, the letter...

"Mr. Steele,

I thought you might be interested in seeing who your client really is. The
information here should be enough to fill you in on Marie Jacob's motives and
criminal history. On a more personal note, I've decided to take some time to sort
through this mess on my own. Mildred has my travel information in case you need
to reach me in an emergency. My schedule has me returning a week from tomorrow.


He let the note slip from his boneless fingers. It wasn't Laura's style to run away
from her problems. She usually dove into her work. Something was very wrong.



11:30pm Local Time

Laura felt much better after her second strawberry daiquiri. The beach was crowded
with tourists this time of year, but the weather was spectacular. Things were
looking up, if that was possible. The LAPD had arrested Marie Jacobs, and Laura
wasn't surprised to hear the numerous charges against her. She had also heard
from Mildred that Miss Jacobs had intended to get Remington under her spell in
order to learn if any important pieces of art were being moved or protected by the
agency. Apparently he had quite a reputation in the art world as well as the gossip
circles among women both in Europe and the U.S.

She had always speculated about his past but was still surprised to have her
suspicions confirmed. Her thoughts about his promiscuity were true if she believed
what Miss Jacobs had said in her statement to the police. It seemed he had quite
a reputation... but, it was not fair to him to judge his past. She could not hold him
accountable for his relationships with women when they had not known each other.

Still, during her most liberal moments, Laura never jumped into bed with a stranger
simply because she had heard he was a wonder between the sheets. The fact that
other women had with Remington made her ill. The alcohol from the daiquiris sat
like lead in her stomach, forcing her into her room for a nap.


1:30pm Los Angeles Time

Mildred had not been forthcoming about Laura's location. It seems that Laura had
interrogated Mildred the night before about Marie Jacobs and the fact that they hid
the whole thing from her from the beginning. There was no chance of getting it out
of her now.

However, the whole mess had started over his eagerness to prove to Laura how good
a detective he is. Surely he could find her before she did something rash like cutting
off his credit and closing the lease on his condo. It was difficult to admit that she
would probably end their relationship over this. Drugged or not, he was still in bed
with a woman when she had walked into his bedroom. It was doubtful she would
forget that any time soon. She had been so angry when he had attempted to explain
things at her loft. Couple that with her hasty departure and Remington could guess
the outcome.

Still, he had spent the last four and a half years trying to prove to her his commitment.
He was not about to lose everything because he had been duped by some she-devil. If
he could not use Mildred to help him out he would use his own sources.

By three in the afternoon he was making reservations for Maui. It seems a young
woman had checked in alone at a beach front resort. That was not unusual, but one
of the staff had recognized her from a picture in the LA Tribune a few weeks ago.
She had taken a direct flight from LAX and checked into the resort under her real
name. Gathering his information, Remington left his office to go home to pack.

"I'm taking an early day, Mildred. See you tomorrow," Remington said on his way
out the door.

"Night, boss," Mildred said, a little sad about everything.


5:38pm Los Angeles Time

The flight was booked solid and Remington had been unable to get a seat in first
class. He had ended up sandwiched between a couple on their honeymoon and a
five year old spoiled brat. It was the longest flight of his life.


6:45pm Local Time

Once Laura's stomach felt better she had wandered around the main part of the
resort. A full body treatment seemed the thing to do. Four hours later she had a
new hair style, a full body massage, a manicure and a pedicure. She felt like a new
woman. Almost.

Her brain still demanded she contemplate the past few days from every angle
imaginable. A large part of her wanted to return home and tell Remington that
she understood he had been drugged and did not hold him accountable for what
had happened. Yet, another part of her could not reconcile what she had learned
about his past and definitely could not forget what she had seen. She had finally
chosen to eat dinner in her own room to try and relax but couldn't find peace for
hours to come.


11:28pm Local Time

Remington found himself in a dilemma as he arrived at the resort. It was 11:30pm
local time and he was unsure if Laura was still awake. Sneaking into her room was
not the best option in this case since he was trying to earn her trust instead of destroy
whatever was left. At least he was certain she was alone. He couldn't see her hopping
into bed with someone just to get back at him.

He opted for playing the safe route and checked into the resort as Michael O'Leary.
It would do no good to spread word of Remington Steele's arrival. At least the
employee who had recognized Laura had been paid to keep his mouth shut.
Remington also made sure to get his room on the opposite side of the resort, just
in case.

He would formulate a plan overnight and try to unwind from the awful plane ride.
It would do no good to be tired and cranky as he explained everything. That was
presupposing Laura even agreed to listen in the first place!


6:12am Local Time

Laura woke surprised to find that she had slept relatively well the night before.
Glancing at the bedside clock, she notice she had slept in past eight Los Angeles
time. A shower seemed like a good idea if she wanted to make it down for breakfast
before the rush. She started to get up but remembered she promised Mildred she
would check in with her today.

6:16am Local Time/8:16am Los Angeles Time

"He what!?!" she exclaimed minutes later.

"He left about two, Miss Holt. He didn't say where he was going but I got vibes
that he wouldn't be in today," she admitted.

"Great," Laura sighed.

"I'm sorry, hon. He asked me yesterday about your plans but I didn't tell him
anything. I swear!"

"Well it's not as if I'm trying to disappear on the face of the planet. Call and leave
a message if he arrives." Click.

Laura flopped down on the bed in disgust. He would find her in no time if Mildred's
vibes were correct. "Might as well get up and face the music," she told herself.


7:00am Local Time

Remington had decided the direct approach was on the best and was waiting
outside her door by seven in the morning. So much for the sneak attack he thought
as he heard Laura open the door. However, instead of the shock he expected on her
face, Laura seemed relatively calm.

"I talked to Mildred," she said by way of greeting. "She seemed a little suspicious
yesterday when you left early."

"Yes, well she's usually on the mark about things," he replied. "Hi."


Uh... what now, Sport? "Would you like to get some breakfast? I hear the buffet
is exquisite."

"Sure," Laura replied as she shut her door. "I don't feel like discussing things
on an empty stomach anyway."

"Lead the way, Miss Holt," Remington said and followed her down the hallway.



"So," he began after they had filled their plates at the wondrous buffet. "This is

Laura sat and placed her napkin on her lap. "Well... Donald and Frances came
here a few years ago for a convention. Actually, the convention wasn't here, but
they stayed here anyway."

"Ah, well I'll be sure to thank them for recommending it to you," he said.



"You've obviously come all this way to see me, and I'm sure it's not to get me
onto some moonlight beach to..." she trailed off as her annoyance rose.

"To, what?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter now," she snapped.

"Laura... I know that anything less than total honesty would be pointless now,"
he started. "Should I start at the beginning?"

"By all means," Laura said as she sipped her fresh pineapple juice.

"Yes. Well, as it happened... This all started out by my wanting to impress you."

"You failed miserably," she said, smirking.

"Laura, please... this is hard enough without interruptions like that," he all but
begged. "Anyway, I thought that it would go a long way to proving my commitment
to you if I could show you that I was capable of handling a case on my own. Mildred
agreed to help me as long as everything went smoothly. So, we waited until
something came long that seemed perfect.

"Marie Jacobs hired me to help protect her from an old boyfriend who wouldn't
leave her alone. I learned that she was using me the night you came over. I'm very
sorry that you had to see what you did. I don't remember much from that evening,
but we'd gone to a restaurant posing as a couple to try and get her ex to show.
Obviously, that wasn't going to happen. She slipped something in my drink before
we left... and everything is a blur after that. Until you came over. Laura, I swear to
you that I had no idea what was going on," he finished.

"I know," she said, taken by his confession. "It seems you're only the latest victim
in her schemes. She's done this to many prominent men in the art world," she told
him. "She was arrested yesterday."

"Well that's good to know," he said. "I tried to explain what had happened that
night but you were in no mood to listen. Not that I blame you."

"I know that too," she said. "I should have listened, but it appeared as if you were
only saying what you said in order to distract me."

"It did appear that way, didn't it?" he asked. Laura nodded.

"I shouldn't have driven over to your loft in my condition, but I needed to tell you
what had happened. I hadn't planned on telling you... I mean, what I told you. I
mean, telling you under those circumstances," he finished.

"I'll admit I didn't want to hear it then. A lot of men tend to only say it when they're
in trouble or in bed," she said. "So, what do we do now?"

"Let's walk," he answered, knowing that was not what Laura wanted to hear.


8:00am Local Time

"On the beach again," Remington mused. "This is becoming tradition."

"At least it's not raining," Laura said. "I guess this is where I say I'm not dealing
with this very well."

"Join the club," he joked.

"I'm not exactly happy that woman targeted you partly because of your reputation
in bed," she said, watching his expression.

Remington's eyebrows rose in shock. "I didn't know that, Laura. From what I
understand she chose me in hopes of gaining access to some pieces from a local
art gallery or from other clients."

Laura rolled her eyes.

"Look, Laura. Since we've been together I haven't been with anyone. It's been over
three years since for me... since we started to see each other," he told her.

"Somehow I find it hard to believe you abstained after the disaster in Cannes,"
she said as she picked up her pace along the surf.

He grabbed her by the arm before she could get away from him. "Wait, please. Can
we sit down and talk about this? I'm tired of walking." She nodded and they
wandered up the beach to find a vacant spot of dry sand.

"Ah, that's better," he said as they sat. "Anyway... I can't say that I didn't try. I
did. I found that I couldn't go through with it, however. It wasn't exactly my
choice to stop seeing you, and from one week to the next I was never sure if you
really wanted it to be over."

Finally, he looked Laura in the eye as he told her what she'd always wanted to
hear. "And, I never stopped loving you, even when I was sure you didn't want me

"I'd like to believe that," Laura stated with a minimal hint of skepticism.

"Well, isn't that what you've always wanted, Laura?"

"Of course I want that," she spat at him. "I'm sorry," she apologized at his
started expression. "I'm just a little perplexed at everything that's happened

Remington remained quite, waiting for Laura to continue.

"I mean, things were okay. Not great, but okay. And then this happens and
I came here to find some clarity and get out of my head for a while."

"And have you? Found clarity, I mean," he asked, digging his feet into the cool

"I'd like to think so," she answered and imitated Remington's fascination
with the sand. "I guess... I guess I was just so angry about what I saw. I feel
awful about assuming the worst about you. It felt like I'd fulfilled my own
self-fulfilling prophecy."

"Meaning you'd rather be right about my less-than-honorable intensions
than put yourself on the line with me," Remington stated, obviously deflated
at the turn in the conversation.

Laura's silence answered his mood.

"Laura, is being alone for the rest of your life what you really want?"
Remington asked. "I mean, you're well on your way to that now."

"Is that what you think?"

"Well..." Remington paused, carefully considering his answer. "Let's
evaluate, shall we? You. You're thirty. Thriving business. Wonderful
reputation. Yet, you live alone. No lover, no husband, no children. Your
cat ran away years ago. One possibility for a romantic relationship."

"Well, I guess if you're going to simplify-"

"Me," he cut her off. "A young thirty-something who, thanks to you, has a
superb reputation as well. No kids, not pets. Like you, one possibility for
doing the right thing in my life."

"Which would be me."

"I haven't stuck around for the free suits, Laura," he said in all seriousness.

"I know that now," she said as she stared at her buried feet. "There's
something I haven't been real honest about, either."


"I mean about me. Not really my intensions for us, but it does concern us."

"Alright. I'm all ears."

"I mean romantically."

"I'm listening."

"This isn't exactly the easiest thing for me to talk about..."

"You're referring to sex."

"Partly, yes. But, I mean... not just that. More than that," she faltered.

"I hope you feel like you can share anything with me, Laura. Especially about
this," he gestured helpless between them, knowing Laura was stuck.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I have a hard time dealing with
intimacy. Not just sex, but being close with someone."

"You don't say," he said in mock seriousness.

"I'm trying to be serious here!" she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Remington apologized. "I just meant that I know
you do."

"Believe it or not, I have to be really comfortable with someone before I can
just hop into bed with them and-"

"Wait a minute. I'm not asking you to just 'hop into bed' with me."

"Of course you are!"

"Bed, yes," he stated calmly, not wanting to upset her again. "But, please
don't make this out to be something less than what it is."

"You said earlier that you were certain there were times that I didn't love you."

"Meaning that you would rather have the option of not dealing with me, yes."

"You believe that?"

"It seems to make sense, Laura. That's how I came to understand your not
wanting me, or at least your confusion about things. It would have been much
easier for you if you hadn't been interested in me, or if I hadn't been interested in

"But, you wouldn't have stayed."

"Probably not, no."

"You stayed for me."

"For the idea of you, initially. Once that changed I realized that it was for the
reality of you. Los Angeles is my home now. You're there. Our work is there.
My home is there."

"Things could be better."



"We'll work through your concerns around intimacy, Laura. As long as we
feel that we're trying to achieve the same goals here."

"Like you being more willing to talk."

"And you being more willing to be physically intimate. Yes And in case you
haven't noticed... we're talking here."

"I suppose that's worth something..."

"Hmm... what to do... what to do..."

"Maybe a kiss?" Laura asked, leaning in expectantly.

"No, I don't think so," Remington said, millimeters from her lips.


"No... I was thinking something more along the lines of a confession."

"Confession?" Laura squeaked.

"Yes, Miss Holt," he said, standing and brushing the sand from his pants.
"Seems to me that I let the cat out of the bag a while back."

"Ah, I see. That kind of confession."

"It's only fair, don't you think? I tell you how I feel, you tell me how you feel..."

"Alright, alright. You want to hear those three little magic words?"

"More than anything in the world, Laura."

"Fine," Laura said and stood up as well. "I suppose a beautiful tropical
beach is a good enough location to tell you that I love you. And I do. Whether
or not I think it's the best thing for me," she hedged, hoping he'd understand
her tease.

"Now I have a confession," he said, taking her into his arms. "You're the
first person who's ever said that to me and meant it." He squeezed her for
emphasis. "Thank you."

"I'm sorry," she mumbled into his chest. "You deserve much better than

"Don't be, Laura. I'm just glad you're the first."

"So, what happens now?"

"Now? Now we kiss, make up and go to bed!" he laughed.


"To sleep. I was up all night worrying about us."

"What am I supposed to do while you're sleeping?"

"Oh, you'll think of something, Laura. You have the entire island at your
disposal." Noting her frown, he added, "Or you could take a nap with me."

"Uh huh."

"Well, we at least have the 'kiss and make up' part of the discussion left to

"I thought you said you were tired..."

"Not too tired to do this," he said and gently touched his lips to hers in
the gentlest of kisses. He pulled away, noting her shock at his restraint.
"I'm not expecting anything today besides your company and a few hours
of solid sleep."

"I won't break, you know. I mean, you don't have to watch your step around
me now that I told you I-"

"I know, Laura, I know. But, you might run away again...."

The End

AN: I tried. I really tried. I know they go off to have sex, but it wasn't going to
come through my fingertips this time. Use your imagination. :o)

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