To Steal a Steele

Remington's decision to put his art collection on display sets off a chain reaction of events that results in Remington's being accused of murder.

Part  1 - An old friend turns up at the unveiling of Remington's art collection, much to Laura's chagrin.
Part  2 - A break in at Steele House
Part  3 -Laura wants to call the police, Remington talks her out of it, begins investigating the theft.
Part  4 - Laura and Remington interview a prospective nanny, Remington goes to see Felicia.
Part  5 - Det. Jarvis questions Remington about Felicia's murder. Laura takes Remington to the hospital, Laura collapses.
Part  6 - The noose around Remington starts to tighten, part of a plan is revealed.
Part  7 - Tony and Jessica have a talk with Harwood, he leads them to a possible answer, Mildred and Jessica visit a cemetery.
Part  8 - Tony tails the pawnbroker, Remington and Laura realize who is behind the frame, a step ahead of Mildred and her computer.
Part  9 - The pawnbroker is killed, his last words confirming everyone's suspicions, Steele is cleared of Felicia's murder, and Harwood to attempts to contact Jarvis.
Part 10 - Remington and Jarvis pay a visit to Major Descoine in prison.
Part 11 - Remington and Mildred come up with a plan for Laura, the guard changes outside Laura's hospital room door, Minor Descoine makes her move.
Part 12 - The Steeles return home, Remington surprises Laura.

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