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Steele In Pursuit
Part 12

"Come on, Mildred, luv. Wake up." Such a nice voice, she thought. Soft, gentle, with an Irish lilt, surely the voice of an angel. Strange, but he sounded a lot like Mr. Steele. "Just open your eyes," the voice coaxed.

She did as the angel asked, waiting a moment until the two anxious faces that hovered over her came into focus. "Mr. Steele? Mrs. Steele? Am I dead?"

Laura smiled, recalling a similar scene between the three of them. "No, Mildred," she assured the woman. "And neither are we."

"But- I saw the Auburn. It went over the edge-"

Steele patted her on the shoulder. "We jumped from the car after it went around that last corner and hid. Believe me, jumping from that car isn't something easily accomplished, either."

Mildred tried to sit up, wanting to hug her "kids", but a wave of dizziness and nausea stopped her. "Oooh."

"Just lie still, Mildred," Laura ordered gently, pulling the crocheted afghan she'd brought from the house over her.

Slowly, Mildred became aware of her surroundings. glancing around the darkening yard. "How did I get out here?"

"We knew Parker was going to try to kill you, Mildred," Laura told her. "He had to. So we got here as soon as we could."

"Did you see him?"

"He was already gone by then. But Harry picked the back lock and got inside."

"You two saved my life," she said, tears in her eyes, her hand tightly gripping Mr. Steele's. "If he'd succeeded -"

"He very nearly did, Mildred," Laura said. She noticed Mildred was shivering. "I'm going back in to see if it's cleared out enough -" she began, taking a step toward the house as the telephone begin to ring.

Steele made a flying leap to shield Laura as the house exploded into a ball of flames.


Jarvis pulled his car to a halt and released his seat belt just as the house erupted. Both men jumped in shocked surprise. "What the hell?" Reeves asked aloud.

"Ohmigod," Jarvis breathed, his eyes on the inferno. He fumbled for the radio, calling in the explosion, telling them to send an ambulance just in case.

"You really think she made it?" Reeves questioned as Jarvis joined him on the sidewalk.

"I doubt it." He hit the hood of the car. "Damn! This guy's got as many ways to kill someone as there are days of the year!"

"I know."

"You stay here, wait for the fire trucks."

"Where are you going?"

"To see if I can find the gas shut off. Should be in the back yard."


Laura looked up at the raging inferno as Steele helped her to her feet. "I guess it wasn't safe."

Putting an arm around her, he asked, "Are you all right?" The sense of deja vu was too strong. They'd played this scene before - when Laura's house had been destroyed in a similar explosion.

"I'm fine," she assured him, then nodded toward the woman staring wide eyed at the house- or what was left of it. "But I don't think *she* is."

They both turned to Mildred, Steele kneeling at her side. "Mildred -"

"My *house*."

"I know, Mildred," Laura said, putting a comforting arm around the woman's plump shoulders. "I know. But you'll get past this. It will get better."

Steele rose to his feet, watching the blaze at the sound of fire engines reached them. "We need to get going, ladies," he said.

"Are you strong enough to walk, Mildred?"

"I think so," she said, still obviously in shock. With Steele and Laura's help, she got to her feet.

Laura looked at her husband. "We can't go out the front to get help- Parker is probably watching the house. Is he sees us leaving-"

"He won't," Jarvis assured them, causing the three of them to turn toward him. He came into the light of the fire, a relieved smile on his face. "Came back here to see if I could find the gas shut off. I never expected - I guess I should have known. You two have more lives than a cat.." His gaze moved to Mildred, filled with concern. "Are you all right, Mildred?"

"I'm- not sure yet."

"What happened?" he asked.

As the lights of the fire trucks gave the area a carnival air, Steele said, "I suggest we wait until later to finish this conversation, Jarvis."

"Good idea. Parker's probably around here somewhere-"

"And if he discovers the Mildred survived his attempt at murder, he'll try again," Laura said. "That's *it*!"

"Mrs. Steele?"

"Laura -"

"I take it you have a plan, Laura?" Jarvis asked.


Reeves stood beside Jarvis' car, frowning. The firefighters had insisted he remain here, away from the action. Where was Jarvis? he wondered. Shutting off the gas shouldn't have taken this long- He saw several people turn toward the corner of the house, then saw Jarvis half carrying, half dragging a semi conscious Mildred Krebbs at his side.

Reeves pushed though to take Mildred's other arm across his shoulders. "Mildred?"

Jarvis tried to catch his breath as they moved closer to his car. "Found her- on the patio. Evidently she was trying to escape -" A paramedic came running across the grass, but Jarvis shrugged him off. "I'm taking Miss Krebbs to the hospital."

"But, -"

Jarvis' look stopped the younger man in his tracks. "Either help or get out of the way, Devon."

Devon easily lifted Mildred to carry her the final yards to the spot where Jarvis' car was waiting. Once the door was closed, he shook his head. "I'll have to put this in the report, Lt. Jarvis."

"You do that, Dev," he said, then got behind the wheel of the vehicle, waiting until Reeves had fastened his seat belt before starting the engine. "I'm a little out of breath-"

A voice from the back seat caused Reeves' eyes to widen in surprise. "You're just out of shape, Jarvis," Mildred said, tiredly. "Too much time spent at a desk."

"You be quiet, Mildred," Jarvis ordered, smiling. "And you too, Reeves, while I explain on the way to the hospital."


"In a related story," the newscaster began, "Police report that Mildred Krebbs, long time secretary of Mr and Mrs Remington Steele, was taken to Mercy General Hospital as the result of a gas explosion at her house."

Malcolm choked on his bourbon. "What- You -" He picked up the telephone. "You've heard, I suppose?"

"She was unconscious, Malcolm. There was no way she could have gotten out of that house before it went up. Someone had to have gotten in there and pulled her out first."

"Well, you'd better hope her injuries are severe enough to kill her, Parker. Because if she talks-"

"She won't. Miss Krebbs won't ever leave that hospital," Parker assured his employer in a cold, lifeless voice.


Laura and Steele peered out of the door marked "Linens", then, seeing that he coast was clear, entered the hallway. She smiled at his uncomfortable expression. "Why the frown?" she asked.

He indicated the surgical greens that they were wearing. "Not exactly a tailored fit."

She considered his appearance. "I think you look cute."

"Cute?" he repeated. "Cute, Laura?" His voice fell as several nurses moved past them. "*That* statement is going to require a payback."


The corridors were dark, lights dimmed to allow patients to sleep. The nurses station was deserted, the night nurse on this shift called away to find out why Mr. Peale in the room at the far end of the ward had pressed his call button and not answered. So there was no one to see the lone figure approach the desk and look at the clipboard with patient rooms on it.

Hospitals were so easy, Parker thought. No one noticed you as long as you looked like a doctor or nurse. No one questioned your reason for being on a floor, for going to see a patient - He moved toward Room 215 quietly. Wouldn't do to disturb anyone else. At least there was no guard on the door. That meant that they still believed Miss Krebbs' house blowing up had been an accident, not deliberate. No reason to try and protect her.

His latex gloved hand closed over the doorknob and turned slowly. The room was dark except for a shaft of light from outside that illuminated the area of the bed and the person in it. She was sleeping - and didn't look the worse for wear - certainly no sign of having been burned in that fire- Parker paused for a moment, then went to the IV tubing at the head of the bed. Pulling out a hypodermic needle, he inserted it into the place provided and fed a bubble of air into it.

Suddenly the lights came on, blinding him, as the door opened and Mildred lifted her arm to push him away. Parker, finding himself surrounded by people, including Laura Holt and Remington Steele, narrowed his dark eyes dangerously. "I wouldn't move around too much, Miss Krebbs. That air bubble-"

"Won't do me any harm," Mildred pointed out, holding up the end of the tubing. "It's not connected."

"You've lost, Parker," Steele said. "If I were you, I'd start talking- unless you want to take the fall on your own."

"I've no idea what you're talking about. And I believe," he said, looking toward Jarvis, "that I have a right to make a telephone call-"

Jarvis pulled out his handcuffs, fastening them tightly around Parker's wrists. "You'll get your call, Parker. And your lawyer. At the station."

"*If* you can get me there," Parker pointed out. "It's a long drive across town."

Seeing the looks directed at him, Jarvis went to the telephone and dialed a number. "It's Jarvis. We have him. Very well. We're on our way." He hung up. "There are six patrol cars downstairs, waiting, Parker. Just for you. And a bullet proof van as well to transport you to the station. Shall we go?"

Parker allowed Jarvis to turn him toward the door. "It's not finished yet, Mrs. Steele. Not by a long shot."

"I think it is, Mr. Parker. Your days of killing and threatening people are over."

"We'll see," he said.

Monroe opened the door for them, then followed them out, along with Reeves. "Might need an extra hand to keep an eye on him," he said.

Laura and Steele moved to Mildred's bedside. "Are you sure you're all right, Mildred?"

"He never touched me," Mildred assured them.

"You were wonderful, Mildred," Laura told her. "I don't know how you kept from opening your eyes when he was here -"

"How long do you think that doc's gonna keep me in here?" she asked.

"Overnight, I would think," Laura said, looking at Harry.

"I believe he wants to make certain that you don't have any after effects from all the gas you took in," he agreed. "I would think he'll release you tomorrow. You get some sleep, okay? We'll be back tomorrow morning." He stopped. "Unless - you'd rather not be alone -"

"You two kids go on home and get some rest. You've had as rough a day as I have-"

"But at least we have a place to rest," Laura pointed out.

"I was thinking about selling anyway," Mildred told her, "It was too big for just me. Thinking about getting an apartment somewhere -"

"We'll discuss it tomorrow," Laura promised, dropping a kiss on the woman's soft cheek. "Good night, Mildred."

Steele gave her a gentle hug and a kiss as well. "Pleasant dreams. If you need us- call. We'll keep the phone by the bed."

Mildred's smile didn't fade much as the door closed. They were the only bright spots in her life at the moment. No house, no clothes, but she still had Mr and Mrs. Steele. And somehow, that was all that really mattered. She'd started over before. After her marriage ended, after she left the IRS. She could do it again. As long as those two were there, she'd be fine.


Harry pulled Laura into his arms and held her tightly. "Are you still going to question my emergency fund?" he asked.

Laura looked up at him, smiling. "No. If you hadn't had that money, we couldn't have gotten to Mildred's so quickly. Or to the hospital."

His hands moved over the green cotton that covered her shoulders. "Speaking of hospitals, Mrs. Steele, I think it's time we lost these, don't you?"

"I don't know. They're really pretty comfortable," she told him. "Maybe I should ask for some to wear around the house."

"Ask who?" he asked, frowning, unable to follow her chain of thought.

"For my bridal shower," she told him, her eyes on his. "That is, if you still want to get married."

"If I still- You know I do." He pulled her against him again. "Oh, Laura. You won't regret it. I promise." He let her move away slightly. "I love you, Laura," he told her, lifting her into his arms to carry her to the bedroom.

"And I love you."


Mrs. Patterson rose as Lt. Jarvis entered her office with Laura and Remington Steele, as well as two uniformed officers. "May I help you?"

He flashed his badge. "We'd like to see Mr. Malcolm."

"Do you have an appointment? He's a very busy man -"

"No, we don't have an appointment," Steele admitted, "But I believe the Lieutenant has something that is guaranteed to gain us entry." He looked toward Jarvis, who showed her a piece of paper.

"A warrant for his arrest."

The secretary sat down again, pressing the button on the intercom. "Mr. Malcolm, Mr and Mrs Steele are here, with a police lieutenant who says he has a warrant for your arrest-"

"Thank you, Mrs. Patterson. Send them in."

She went to the doors, head high, and opened them, then stepped back, revealing a horrifying sight. Craig Malcolm was sitting behind his desk, a gun to his temple. "No--!" Steele and Jarvis both made a move toward the desk as Malcolm's finger tightened on the trigger. Mrs. Patterson screamed, and Craig Malcolm's head fell to the polished wood, now stained with blood.


Mildred was watching television when they arrived at the hospital. The scenes were of Malcolm's body being placed into an ambulance, reports of his death filling every media outlet in the city and state. "What about Parker?" she asked them.

"He's admitted to trying to kill us and you," Steele told her. "But nothing else. Phil Reeves is going to turn over a copy of his notes to the police. Hopefully there will be enough there so they can charge him with more."

She got out of bed. "The doctor said I could leave when the two of you got here."

"Then you'll be needing these," Laura said, holding out a package.

Mildred took the box and opened it. "Oh, Mrs. Steele. You shouldn't have-"

"You needed something new to wear home from the hospital," Laura pointed out as Mildred examined the clothes.

"Home. But I don't *have* a home to go to," she pointed out.

"Ah, but you *do*, Mildred," Steele insisted, holding out a key.

"What's this?"

"Well, it's to my old loft," Laura told her. "It's only a temporary arrangement," she explained. "Until Harry and I find another place to move to after we're married. Then you can buy our condo-"

"*Hold it*!" Laura stopped talking. "Married? You're *already* married, remember? The tuna boat? Juan? I was there."

Steele looked at Mildred. "Laura, dearest, why don't you go and see if you can find Mildred's doctor and get her release while I explain things to Mildred?" Once the door closed behind her, he turned back to Mildred, who had pulled the curtain to give herself some privacy to dress. "Mildred, the marriage on the tuna boat *was* legitimate. But Laura doesn't know that."


"I - conned her. It was either that- or try to con both the INS *and* Norman Keyes. I figured Laura would be easier in the time I had."

"You mean - you've been married for over a month- and she thinks you're not?"

"Which is why we're going to be married again- this time in a church, with a minister and everyone else. To put her mind at rest. But if she ever finds out the truth, Mildred -"

"You need to tell her, Chief."

"I will."

"When," she wanted to know, opening the curtain again, now wearing the new clothes Laura had purchased.

"On our- fiftieth wedding anniversary?" he suggested. When Mildred gave him that scolding look, he grinned. "Our tenth?"

"I won't tell her, Mr. Steele. But heaven help you if she finds out on her own." There was a tap on the door and Laura appeared again.

"That's settled. The nurse will be right here with a wheelchair to take you down to the limo."

A thought struck Mildred. "The limo. Oh, Mr. Steele. Your Auburn -"

"I've decided to give it up, Mildred. Two times, two strikes."

"But you *loved* that car."

"Not as much as I love the two of you," he told her, putting an arm around each woman. "Now. You haven't said anything about our idea regarding the condo."

"How long will it be until you get married?" she asked. "And how much are you going to soak me for the place? I know how much it's worth, remember -"

"I think we can come up with a suitable arrangement," Steele assured her. "As for when we're getting married- we haven't even started looking for a new place yet."

"It won't be long, Mildred," Laura assured her. "Unless, of course, my mother gets her hands into the wedding arrangements -" She gasped. "My *mother*!"

The nurse arrived, and Mildred got into the chair reluctantly. "What about your mother?" Steele asked Laura as they followed the nurse and Mildred.

"We have to find some way to let them know it's safe to come home."

"Why? Once she's home, I have a feeling that we're going to be seeing a *lot* of your mother while you and she plan the wedding. Why don't we simply enjoy the next few days if peace and quiet?"

Laura smiled up at him. "I knew there was a reason I loved you so much, Harry."

"Only one?" he questioned, pulling her to the side for a quick kiss.

"The other reasons will have to wait until we're alone," she told him with a grin, "So let's get Mildred settled into the loft, and then you and I can take the entire day off and we'll go over the list. One at a time."

"*That*, Mrs. Steele, is an excellent idea. One your better ones, actually," he informed her, turning them back to the waiting limo.

"Oh, there are a *lot* more where that came from, Mr. Steele. I just hope you can keep up," she teased, laughing softly at his surprised look as Fred closed the door of the limo.

The End

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