Steele Curious4
Episode One
Late Summer, 1983

"Does Laura seem happy to you?" Abigail Holt Chalmers asked her husband as the airplane they were on taxied for take off. She peered out of the window, trying to catch a last glimpse of her daughter in the terminal windows.

"She's doing what she's always wanted to do, my dear," Daniel reminded her. "For as long as I've known Laura, all she's ever wanted to do was be a private investigator. She's very good at what she does. You've seen the news reports-"

"I wasn't talking about her work, Daniel," Abigail insisted. "Since she broke up with Wilson, there hasn't been anyone else in her life. I don't like to see her burying herself in her career to the exclusion of her personal life."

Daniel took his wife's hand. "I know, Abigail. But I'm sure Laura will find her way." He knew the truth behind the break up with Wilson Jeffries, even if Abigail didn't. Soon after Laura had called her mother to inform her of the end of the long term relationship with the young banker, Daniel and Abigail had made a trip to help Laura celebrate the opening of Laura Holt Investigations.

While Laura had maintained to her mother that the relationship had been ended by mutual agreement, she hadn't been able to hide her unhappiness from Daniel, and had told him the entire story. He had wanted to go have a word with the young man, but Laura had refused to allow it.

Now, almost five years later, Daniel patted Abigail's hand, intending to comfort her. But she was right: Laura HAD thrown herself in her work, concentrating wholly on furthering her career, putting her life away from that career on hold. Oh, she had dated, of course, but Daniel couldn't recall hearing any man's name mentioned more than once.

"The only men she mentions at all," Abigail said, as if reading his mind, "are Murphy Michaels- and her boss, of course."

"Hmm," Daniel agreed. "Remington Steele."

"She's not interested in Murphy. She treats him like a big brother."

Daniel nodded. "Too bad that the young man hasn't realized that," he commented. He'd seen the way that young Michaels looked at Laura. Murphy had been there for her during that awful time after Wilson - and they were, as far as Laura knew, merely friends. She'd even gotten him a job with Steele- "I'd still like to meet Laura's mysterious employer," Daniel said. "Doesn't it strike you as strange that he's been out of pocket both times we've visited Laura?"

"She says he's a very busy man," Abigail reminded him. "Have you spoken to any of your friends about him?"

"None of them have met him- or seen him, for that matter. Several have never even heard of him."

"But to hear Laura talk about him -"

"I know. He sounds perfect." Daniel frowned. "No one is perfect, my dear. Not even Remington Steele."

"I'm sure we'll meet him eventually," she assured him. Abigail sighed, aware that much of Daniel's distrust of any man in Laura's life sprang from one source. "I wonder where Harry is these days?"

"He was in Paris last month," Daniel reminded her. "Since then- I haven't heard from him."

Abigail placed her hand over his. It was her turn to offer comfort. "I'm sure he'll be in touch soon."

Daniel's smile was tinged with regret. "At least you can let Laura know that you're concerned about her without her wondering why you've that right. I don't HAVE that right with Harry. As far as he knows, I'm simply an old friend-"

"You could be more -" Abigail reminded him. "If you'd just tell him, Daniel-"

Daniel shook his head. "No." When she would have argued the point, he sat back. "We've been over this, Abigail. I won't risk it." He closed his eyes to end the discussion as the stewardess approached with a cart.

"You're entirely too stubborn for your own good, Daniel Chalmers," Abigail stated, but she smiled to take the sting out of her words. "And you wonder why Harry's so stubborn."

"Would you care for a drink?" the stewardess asked.


"Welcome home," Mary said as she took their coats. "And how was the lass?"

"Laura's doing very well," Abigail assured her. "Oh, it's good to be home."

"And it's good to have you home," Mary agreed. "The mail's on your desk, Daniel-" her blue eyes sparkled. "And Harry's upstairs in his room."

"Harry?" Daniel questioned, glancing up the stairs. "When did he arrive?"

"Yesterday. He said he was going to America at the end of the week-"

"America?" Abigail repeated. "Did he say where?"

"Not to me." When Daniel made a move toward the stair, Mary shook her head. "He was out until the wee hours, Daniel. He needs his rest." He looked at her face, trying to read her expression, as she handed him the folded newspaper. "Why don't you read the paper and catch up the local news? I'm sure he'll be down by the time dinner's ready."

Daniel glanced at the article that Mary had wanted him to see, then looked up at the housekeeper. "I want to see him as soon as he comes down," he told her.

"You will," she said, returning to the kitchen area.

Abigail smiled. "I'm going to call Laura and let her know we made it home all right," she told him.

Daniel nodded absently as he read the article more carefully. "Oh, Harry, my boy," he sighed once Abigail was out of earshot. He folded the paper and tapped it against his leg as he moved toward his study. Things might work out after all.


Daniel had just poured Abigail a before dinner drink when Harry appeared in the doorway. "Harry."

"Hello, Daniel, Abigail." He gave Abigail a kiss on the cheek, shook Daniel's hand. "Hope you don't mind my stopping in while you were gone-" he began.

"Of course we don't," Abigail insisted, taking his arm to lead him toward the sofa. "You know that this is as much your home as ours, right Daniel?"

"Yes," Daniel agreed. "Drink?"

"Please." He sat down beside Abigail. "How were things in Los Angeles?" he asked, hoping he sounded as unconcerned as he wanted to be. Daniel's eyes told him he'd failed miserably.

"THINGS are very well there, actually," Daniel told him, handing him the glass of whiskey. "Mary said something about your planning a trip abroad?"

"Uh, well," Harry said, shifting uncomfortably, "It's still in the planning stages," he hedged.

"Where are you planning to go?" Abigail asked, wanting to pin him down a little.

Harry's eyes met Daniel's again. "I- I haven't decided yet."

"I think what Abigail's hinting at, Harry, is that if you happen to find yourself in Los Angeles, you might drop in on Laura."

"I'll- think about it," Harry hedged again.

Mary came into the room. "Dinner's on the table," she announced.

Harry sighed in relief, rising and offering his arm to Abigail. "Shall we?"

Daniel shook his head, then caught up with them in the hallway. "So, my boy, how was Paris?"


After dinner, Abigail left the men to cigars and brandy in the the study. "I have some letters to write," she told them, giving Harry a kiss on the cheek. "It's good to have you home, Harry. Good night."

"G'night, Abigail," Harry replied.

"I won't be long,dear," Daniel assured his wife as the door closed. He caught sight of Harry's expression. "What?"

"I never thought I'd see the day that you'd be-"

"Happy?" Daniel completed the sentence. He pulled out the newspaper, glancing again at the story before tossing it into Harry's lap. "I might be- if I thought you were smarter than THIS."

Harry glanced at the headline. "Attempt To Steal Rare Gems Foiled. No Suspects In Custody." Harry scanned the article quickly. "You knew I planned to make a try for them, Daniel."

"In Paris, yes. But NOT in London- and NOT when you come here directly after almost being caught. You might have led them directly to my front door, Harry, and I will NOT allow you to-"

"Then perhaps I'd better leave," Harry decided, starting to rise. Daniel placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No. No, I'm sorry. I just hoped that you'd have thought about this-"

"I did. No one knew I was involved. There were no security cameras - I would have gotten the bloody things if those two idiots hadn't gotten in my way."

"What two idiots?" Daniel asked in spite of himself.

"Kessler and Neff."

"I've heard of those two- they killed the courier. You know that. And they'll likely kill anyone else who gets in their way. Including you."

"I'll get them in Los Angeles-"

"You will NOT try to steal them in Los Angeles, Harry," Daniel said.

"Since when do you give me orders, Daniel?" Harry asked, his temper flaring again.

"It's only a suggestion, Harry," Daniel said at last. He refilled his glass. "Do you have any idea who is handling security for the gems in Los Angeles?"

"Haven't had the chance to find out," Harry reminded him.

"Remington Steele Investigations," Daniel informed the younger man. He could see that the name struck a familiar chord in Harry's memory. "As a matter of fact, Abigail and I said goodbye earlier today to the person who's in charge of making the arrangements for the arrival and safety of the gems in Los Angeles."

Harry's eyes widened and he shook his head as if trying to deny what Daniel was trying to tell him. "Not- Of course. Bloody HELL. I can't just stay away, Daniel," Harry insisted. "To do so would leave the door wide open for Kessler and Neff - "

"And if Laura gets in their way, they might hurt her," Daniel agreed. "So I'm not saying that you shouldn't go to Los Angeles, my boy, only that you put aside your plan to steal the gems yourself- and help Laura protect them so that you'll be able to get to them wherever they go from there."

"San Francisco," Harry told him. "Laura won't accept my help, Daniel. We both know that. She doesn't trust me-"

"With reason, I'm afraid," Daniel said. "But perhaps this is your opportunity to gain her trust. To show her that you can control your impulses when it comes to things like this."

Harry watched Daniel. "Why is it so important to you that I go to help her?"

"I want you to find a way to meet her employer. Find out about him-"

"You think he and Laura-" Harry shook his head. "She wouldn't do that. Sleeping her way into a job isn't Laura's style, Daniel."

"I just want to know everything you can discover about Remington Steele, that's all."

"Surely you know as much about him -"

"Abigail and I haven't met the man."

"You've been to Los Angeles twice since Laura went to work for him. And you haven't met him?"

"He's always out of town or too busy with a case - yet my contacts in California insist that they've never seen or heard of Steele before the Agency opened its doors about the time Laura went to work for him." Daniel looked at the end of his cigar. "I'm sure Laura can take care of herself, but, well, Abigail is worried -"

"Don't try to fool me, Daniel," Harry said. "I know that you're as concerned about Laura as if she was your own flesh and blood. I'll go," he decided. "But I haven't the faintest idea about how I'm going to convince Laura to trust me enough to let me help her protect over two and half million dollars worth of precious gems."

"You'll find a way, my boy," Daniel said. "You always do. But just remember that it's Steele that I want the information on. If he's not on the up and up, Laura needs to know about it. To protect herself."

Harry smiled, lifting his glass. "To solving the mystery of Remington Steele," he toasted.


Two days later, Abigail waved goodbye to Harry, then looked up at Daniel. "He never did say if he'd decided to visit Los Angeles," she sighed.

"I think he will," Daniel told her. "But if you speak to Laura, it might be a good idea not to mention the possibility. You know how -prickly she gets whenever Harry's name is mentioned."

"You're afraid she'll refuse to see him, aren't you?"

"She probably would- if she has any warning. And he might just have the opportunity to find out something about Steele with a surprise visit. Perhaps even meet the man himself."

Abigail smiled. "That's why you talked him into going, isn't it? You're worried about Laura's possible involvement with someone that you don't know anything about. So you sent Harry to do some detective work."

"Why not? And it also gets the two of them talking again- I hope. You said that Harry was stubborn, my dear, - he doesn't have a thing on Laura in that department." He kissed her hand. "I've tickets for the theatre this evening- if you'd like to go-?"

"You know I would. And you needn't worry about my warning Laura. She told me when I called the other day that she was going to be VERY busy with this case she's working on- protecting those gems- what were they called? Royal- " she paused, trying to remember the second word.

"Lavulite," Daniel finished for her. "Royal Lavulite."

To Be Continued---
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