Steele Curious2
Episode Three

"Daniel-" Harry began, but the older man continued as though he hadn't heard.

"Abigail has been worried sick. You might at least have telephoned to let us know that Laura was all right. She was *supposed* to be at a party-"

"I was," Laura insisted.

"Daniel," Abigail said gently, placing a hand on his arm as he would have spoken again.

Looking at her, Daniel realized that he had just done the very thing he'd asked her *not* to do. "I'm waiting to hear your explanation," he said in a quiet voice.

Laura saw Harry's anger at being questioned, and took his hand in hers. "I *did* go to the party, but someone spiked the punch, and then James tried to- well, he-" Three concerned faces stared at her.

"You didn't tell me that, Laura," Harry said.

"You mean that Evers boy?" Abigail asked.

"What did he try?" Daniel asked.

"I handled it myself, okay? I'm fine. No damage done," Laura assured them all. "But I decided that I didn't want to stay at the party after all, so I left. I started walking home- then I heard a car following me, so I stopped at a pay phone. Only, I didn't have a dime to call - and suddenly, there was Harry."

"That was three *hours* ago, Laura," Abigail reminded her. "Where have you been all this time?"

Laura smiled. "At the movies."

Daniel lifted his gaze to Harry, and seeing the expression there, laughed. "I should have known." Coming forward, he welcomed his protege warmly. "Good to see you, my boy."

"You too, Daniel."

Stepping back, Daniel looked the younger man over. "You're looking well- a bit thin, perhaps, but-"

Harry smiled, then nodded at Laura's mother. "Mrs. Holt."

"I had no idea that you were in Los Angeles, Harry," Daniel said as the four of them moved farther into the living room. Where are you staying?"


It was another hour before the two men took their leave, after arranging for the four of them to have dinner together the next evening. Laura pulled Harry to the side as Daniel spoke quietly to her mother. "Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked.

"I'll call," he told her, glancing behind her, bringing her hand to his lips. "Sleep well."

"I will," Laura assured him as Daniel turned toward them.

"Ready, Harry, my boy?"

"Ready. Good night, Abigail."

"Good night, Harry. Daniel."

Laura waved goodbye until she could no longer see the tail lights of the BMW before turning to see her mother standing there, watching. "What?" she asked, wondering is she had dirt on her face or something.

"Are you certain it's a good idea to spend so much time with Harry, dear? I mean, you were so devastated after the last time-"

"I wasn't devastated, Mother," Laura corrected. "I was hurt. Harry hasn't seen Felicia since then. And he *did* come all this way to see me, so he must care a little-" She yawned. "It's late, and I'm tired. G'night, Mother."

"Good night, dear." Abigail watched her climb the steps with a worried frown. As much as she adored Daniel, she was certain that his charming nephew could hurt Laura - deeply. Even if Laura couldn't. She was going to have to talk to Daniel about the situation as soon as she could.


"Where have you been?" Daniel asked Harry as they drove toward their hotel.

"Here and there. Spent some time in Greece- and a couple of months in Argentina - "

"Argentina? What on *earth* did you find to occupy you there?"

"Boxing, actually," Harry said with a grin as Daniel frowned. "The Kilkenny Kid, Pride of the Pampas."

Daniel laughed out loud. "Now *this* I have to hear all about," he said, settling back on the sofa.


Laura was up early the next day, sitting beside the telephone, pretending to read a book on criminology that she'd checked out from the library. Every time it rang, she picked it up quickly, hoping it was Harry calling to talk to her. But the calls were all from her mother's bridge club- or Frances, who *did* want to talk to Laura.

"Just for a minute, Frances," Laura insisted. "I'm expecting another call -"

"I just wanted to ask you if you think Mr. Chalmers is serious about Mother, Laura," her older sister began. "I mean, he comes here to see you, and ends up taking Mother out to dinner almost every evening-"

"Usually with me along, Frances," Laura reminded her. "What difference does it make whether Daniel's serious about Mother? And what *exactly* do you mean serious? He likes her - and she likes him."

"Maybe too much," Frances insisted. "I mean, what do we really know about him? Donald's tried to get him to talk about his business, but Mr. Chalmers always manages to change the subject."

"He's told you that he's in investments and acquisitions, Frances, that should be enough."

"Investments and acquisitions? What kind of work is that? Really, Laura-"

"Listen, Frances, Daniel was a friend of Daddy's, and he's been absolutely wonderful to Mother and to me since Daddy died. He didn't have to come here at all. He's here because he wants to be. And I'm not going to agonize over what kind of business he's in simply because he may or may not be interested in Mother."

"I'm just concerned for Mother, Laura," Frances said quietly. "I'd hate to see her hurt by someone else. You weren't here after Daddy left. She was really torn up about it."

"So was Daddy," Laura explained. "Frances, let's just let Mother worry about this, okay? Right now, Mother tells me that you've got enough to worry about. Is Donald really up for a partnership back East?"

Laura's ploy worked as her older sister began to tell her all about Donald's promising offer of a partnership in a dental practice with a friend from school. After enduring the constant barrage for a couple of minutes, Laura said, "Look, Frances, we'll talk later, okay? I really am expecting another call. Bye." She hung up, taking a deep breath.

Abigail paused in the doorway. "Who was that?"

"Frances. She wanted to tell me about the partnership that Donald's been offered."

"Oh. It's a very good opportunity," Abigail said. "Although I hate to think of them living so far away."

"You could move East as well," Laura suggested slowly. "Once I'm in college, there won't be any reason for you to stay here-"

Abigail looked thoughtful. "I suppose you're right. What are you doing spending such a beautiful day inside, young lady?"

"I was reading-"

"Then go outside. You can read out on in the backyard as easily as you can in here- and at least you'll get some fresh air while you're at it."

"But -" Laura said, indicating the telephone.

"I'll let you know if Harry should call," Abigail assured her. "Now scat."

Laura sighed and went out to the backyard, sitting in a lawn chair, the book open on her lap, unread. *Why doesn't he call?* she wondered. *Maybe he's decided that you're still too much of a child after all,* she thought with a frown. Even though the sun shone brightly, Laura felt as if a cloud were hovering over her, blocking its warm glow. He *had* to call. He just had to.


Daniel knocked for the third time on the door of Harry's hotel room before it opened to reveal the room's sleepy eyed occupant. "Daniel? What the devil do you want?"

"Tsk, tsk, Harry," Daniel scolded, smiling as he did so. "Still in bed at this hour?"

"What time is it?" Harry asked, turning back toward the room, leaving Daniel to enter and close the door behind him.

"Gone ten, already. I thought you might want to pop over to see Laura with me -"

"Laura?" Harry asked, digging some clothes from the dresser and closet. He looked up at Daniel. "Or Abigail?"

"And just *what* is that supposed to mean?"

"Just that I don't think Laura is the only reason you've been spending time in Los Angeles." He went into the bath room, closing the door and turning on the shower, leaving Daniel frowning deeply.

"Nonsense!" he called out, not certain that Harry could hear him. "My only interest here is Laura. After all, I *did* promise her father to look after her, didn't I? And if that means I'm forced to spend time in the company of her mother -" He stopped talking, realizing that he was talking to himself- and the excuses sounded lame even to *him*. Daniel sat down on the edge of the bed with a groan. How was he ever going to convince Harry that he wasn't interested in Abigail Holt when he couldn't even convince himself?


Laura sat back, closing the book as she gave up on concentrating on "Methods of Deduction". All she could think about was a pair of deep blue eyes and a devil may care smile. "Oh, Harry," she sighed.

Suddenly a pair of hands covered her eyes from behind, and she jumped. "Guess who?"

She smiled, turning in the chair. "Harry!" She very nearly rose to throw her arms around him, but at the last moment, decided to make him suffer just a *little* for waiting so late to come over. "You finally decided to show up."

"Daniel and I stayed up pretty late talking," he explained. "If you're busy, I can always go-" he started to turn away.

"No," Laura said quickly, pulling him back with a hand on his arm. "I was just reading-"

Harry took the book from her and read the title. "Modern Criminology? Rather dry reading for such a lovely day. Or is this something to do with your plans to go to college?"

"No. It's just something I picked up at the library. I'm planning on majoring in math at college," she told him. "Stanford doesn't have much of a program for budding private investigators."

"I see." He glanced through the book, then closed it with a loud "snap!". "Why don't we try to catch the rest of that Sherlock Holmes festival this afternoon?" he suggested. "And then I think Daniel's made reservations for the four of us to have dinner."

"Sounds good to me. Let me go change clothes," she said, indicating her shorts and halter top.

"I don't know. You look fine to me," he assured her.

"Mother wouldn't let me ten foot outside the front door wearing this," Laura told him. "I won't be a minute," she called as he followed her into the house to watch her disappear up the stairs.

Abigail and Daniel were in the living room, and both glanced up as Harry entered. "Where's Laura?" Abigail asked.

"Gone to change her clothes. We're going to watch the rest of the festival - if you don't mind, Abigail."

"As long as you have her home before six. We're having dinner with Daniel -"

"Before six. I think we can manage that."

Laura returned a moment later, now wearing jeans and a slightly more conservative blouse, tied at the waist. "Bye, Mother, Daniel!" she called as she and Harry left the house.

Abigail watched them go, unaware that Daniel was watching *her*. "You're worried, aren't you?"

Abigail smiled tightly, then nodded. "I can't help it. She was so upset after she came home, Daniel. It took over a month for her to even smile again without looking sad. I don't want to see her hurt again."

"For what it's worth, Harry wasn't much better when he returned from Paris. He was ill tempered and had a nasty habit of snapping at the maids- one even quit because of it." He turned her to look at him. "They have to sort this out for themselves, my dear. Laura's a grown woman- even if you don't want to admit it -"

"She's still my baby, Daniel. Oh, I know that I should be ready to let her go - but -"

"Letting go of a child gracefully is probably the hardest thing any parent can do," Daniel told her softly. Abigail's eyes met his curiously. "So I understand. You simply have to learn to trust your daughter, Abigail. She's very capable."

Abigail sighed deeply. "I suppose you're right, Daniel."

He lifted her chin with a gentle finger. "What shall we do this afternoon?" he asked.

"Whatever you want to, Daniel," she said.

"How about a drive up the coast?" he suggested.

Abigail smiled in agreement.


On their way to the theater, Laura paused before the museum again, eyeing the photograph of the "Rajah's Star" diamond. She reached out to touch the glass that covered the picture. "It really is beautiful." She turned, keeping a hold of Harry's hand. "Can we go inside and see it before going to the movie?"

Harry looked doubtful, glancing at his watch. "The next feature starts in ten minutes," he reminded her.

"It shouldn't take that long," Laura insisted. "Please?"

He shook his head, but led her to the entrance, where they purchased the tickets necessary for admission to the show. Once inside, Laura drug him to the display case in the center of the room, where the huge diamond sat on a bed of blue velvet, surrounded by a clear box. "You're right, Harry. It's even prettier in person."

Harry looked around the room without appearing to look around the room, noting the location of the security cameras, and the general arrangement of the room. Glancing up to the ceiling, he saw a skylight directly above the display case.

"Security for something like this must be a real nightmare," Laura said, catching his attention. She looked around much as he had earlier, but with more apparent interest. "Four cameras - and I bet there's a motion detector as well."

"Probably," Harry agreed.

"No motion detectors," a voice said, and Harry and Laura both turned to see a young man in a security guard's uniform nearby. "Sorry. Couldn't help but overhear," he explained, obviously wanting to impress Laura, as he directed his words in her direction.

"No motion detectors? Surely you don't just rely on the cameras," Laura said, pointing them out.

"There's a grid in the floor that is pressure sensitive. Once it's turned on, if anyone sets a toe in the doorway, it brings barred doors down on every exit."

Laura pointed to the skylight. "What if they came in that way?"

He shook his head. "It's a twenty foot drop, miss. And there's a light beam halfway down that alerts the police if it's broken. No way for anyone to get their hands on that little baby," he said, nodding toward the diamond. "Museum had the system specially installed to protect it."

"How much is it worth?" Laura asked.

"Oh, around five million, give or take. Of course, that's *if* you could find a buyer for it."

"Harris!" Another male voice called.

"Gotta go. See ya'," he said, tipping his cap at Laura.

Laura glanced at Harry and laughed. "Sorry about that."

"He was trying to impress you."

"Do you think so?"

"Hmm. Ready to do to the theater?" he asked.

Laura stole another glance at the diamond, then turned to take his hand and let him lead her back out onto the street. "That security set up is a joke," Laura commented once they were headed toward the theater.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because any thief worth his salt could get into that place and steal that diamond. I'd bet that you could do it without breaking a sweat."

Harry stopped, looking down at her with a frown. "Really, Laura-"

She grinned. "Don't worry, Harry. I was only teasing. Let's go. We're going to miss the movie."


Daniel smiled, reaching down to take Abigail's hand as it lay on the seat between them. "Abigail, my dear, I - I think we need to talk-"

"About what, Daniel?" she asked, turning her gaze from the brilliant blue of the ocean to his eyes.

"You and I. And what's going to happen once Laura goes to college."

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Daniel," she said nervously. "I've been considering moving East. Frances and Donald will be moving to Connecticut soon, and I don't really have any reason to stay here in Los Angeles once Laura's gone-"

"You know you'd be more than welcome to come to London -"

"You mean- for a visit?" Abigail asked, her eyes back on the water below the cliffs.

"No. To stay," Daniel said quickly, lifting her hand to his lips. She turned to look at him again, her eyes shining. "But before you answer, I need to tell you some things about me - about my 'business' -" He lifted a hand to her cheek, and happened to glance at the face of his watch. "And we're going to be late getting back if we don't start now," he said quickly, torn between gratitude and anger at the reprieve. "After dinner tonight - you and I need to have a long talk, my dear," he said, retaining her hand as he turned the car back down the coast road. This just might be the biggest, most important gamble he'd ever taken- no, he amended. The second most important. He only hoped that this one turned out better than the first one had.

To Be Continued----

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