Steele Curious
Episode 15
by Nancy Eddy

Laura heard the soft *click* and lifted her brown eyes to Harry, a broad smile creasing her face. "I *did* it!" she declared, elated by her success.

"And it only took you three days," Harry agreed, reaching around the cut out section of door that Daniel had used for Harry to hone these same skills. "Now," he told her, tripping the lock, "Again."


"Practice makes perfect, remember? And *this* requires a *lot* of practice to be able to do it quickly every time." He smiled. "Once you master this, we'll have lunch."

Laura turned her concentration back to the hairpin as she placed it in the lock. Another *click*. She sat back, her smile turning to a frown as Harry locked it again. "Are Mother and Daniel back yet?"

Harry sat down, watching her. "No. I don't expect them back until this afternoon. I think Daniel planned to show her the Crown Jewels this morning."

Another *click*, and this time Laura locked it again herself, making a face at Harry as she did so. "Mother seems to be enjoying having Daniel show her all the sites of London," she commented, back at work.

"Hmm. Apparently. Has she mentioned anything more about the rat?"

"Not a- " *click* "word," she finished, sitting back again. She looked up at Harry. "Do you still think that Daniel will be able to charm her into letting me stay?"

"I think the chances are excellent," Harry told her, rising to turn the lock again.

Laura glared at him. "You're a hard taskmaster, Harry-," she accused. "What last name do you use if you need one?" she asked, hoping to distract him.

"For the duration of your mother's visit, it's Chalmers."


"She asked Daniel why I was here- he explained that I'm his nephew that he raised."

"I see."

Harry tapped the wood. "Back to work."

Laura wrinkled her nose at him, but returned her attention to the task before her.


Abigail smiled across the red checked table cloth of the little French restaurant Daniel had brought her to. Watching the waiter pour the wine, Daniel handed hers to her. "Happy, my dear?"

"It's been such a *wonderful* three days. I'm almost going to regret leaving."

"Must you? Other than your bridge partners, is there any reason you need to rush back?" His dark eyes met hers. "A gentleman for instance?"

Abigail shook her head. "No. I haven't seen anyone since - well, since Mitchell left."

Daniel reached across the table to take her hand. "Then all the men in Los Angeles must be blind."

Abigail took a deep breath. "I *do* need to get Laura back and into school -"

"About Laura, Abigail- you're aware that she still doesn't want to go back to Los Angeles?"

"She'll get over it."

"What if she doesn't? It's quite likely that she'll simply run away again. Only *this* time she won't have her father to run to."

Abigail sighed, examining the stem of her wine glass carefully. "I've considered that," she admitted slowly. "But I don't know what else to do -"

"I believe I have an idea, my dear," Daniel told her. "One that might satisfy all concerned."

"What idea?"

"You remember that I told you about Mitchell asking me to take care of Laura when he-"

"And I'm grateful for that, Daniel. She was very luck that you were here."

Daniel's smile was gentle. "I happen to think that I'm the lucky one," was his comment. "What I intend to suggest is that you allow Laura to stay here, at my house -" When Abigail would have spoken, Daniel shook his head. "Hear me out," he asked, then forged ahead. "I know of several excellent schools in the area. As a matter of fact, Mitchell asked me to check them out before his death. Laura would be most welcome-"

"It would be *such* an imposition, Daniel," Abigail objected. "I couldn't-"

"Not at all. I rather enjoy having a young person around. Keeps me on my toes, as it were. And to tell the truth, business would make it more than likely that Mary would see to most of looking after Laura. She already thinks the world of Laura, and Laura of her. Mary had three girls of her own," he explained. "All married now and on their own."

"I'm still not sure about this, Daniel-"

He reached out to take her hand again. "I promise that Laura will write or call, at least once a week. And I'll bring her to Los Angeles for a visit in a few months-" he smiled. "Personally."

Abigail giggled like a schoolgirl. "I hadn't considered -"

"Oh, but I had, my dear," Daniel assured her. "Just think about it. Laura's happy here- and she can receive a good education- and if she chooses to pursue her dream of becoming a private investigator, she can do it here as well."

"I'll think about it," Abigail promised as the waiter appeared to take their order.


Laura looked at the mashed potatoes on her fork. "Can you open a combination lock as easily as you do a regular door lock?" she asked Harry.

Mary, just entering with dessert, snorted. "I've never seen anyone faster, lass," she told the girl, ignoring Harry's grim stare. "Well, lad, if she's going to be staying, she might as well know everything," she told him.

"How do *you* know how quickly he can open a safe, Mary?" Laura asked the housekeeper.

It was Harry who answered. "Mary was a very good pickpocket in her day, Laura. And a fine hand on a jewel theft or two, to hear Daniel talk."

Laura understood Mary's reason for the embroidery. "To keep your fingers limber. I understand now. But you're- retired?" Laura asked.

"Aye. For a very long time." She glanced at Harry. "You'd better eat your food now, before it gets cold. And y'might want t'tell your mother that the rat's gone."

Laura's hand stopped midway to her mouth. "Rat?"

"She came t'me the other morning, all het up about rats in your room. I assured her that the trap I set would take care of the little creature. You can tell her that it's been caught and will be no further bother to her."

"Mary - thanks for backing me up -"

The woman picked up an empty bowl. "Don't be thanking me. If I discover that someone's been hiding under your bed -again," she said, green eyes fixed on Harry, "I'll set a trap for sure."

Laura laughed at Harry's expression. "I can explain, Mary. It was all quite innocent."

"Innocent? With this one here about? Not bloody likely." She turned and went back through the kitchen doorway as Laura's laughter bubbled over.

"What are *you* laughing at?" Harry asked.

"She thinks that *you're* after *my* virtue," Laura whispered. "When it's the other way around."

Harry finally saw the humor in the situation and laughed as well. "Hurry and finish. We've got more work to do before you mother and Daniel get home."

"Not more lock picking," Laura moaned.

He shook his head. "A safe."

Laura grinned, and dug into her food with relish.


Laura shook her head as she tried again to hear the tumblers in the lock. "This is impossible!" she declared. "I don't know how you-"

"Keep working at it, Laura," Harry told her. "A light touch." He watched her for a moment. "I have to take a trip. I'll be gone a few days - perhaps a week-" he said.

Giving up, Laura turned to look at him. "A trip? Where to?"

He shook his head. "I don't think I should tell you. Might compromise you in your future career."

She understood. "You're going on a job. Going to steal something, aren't you?"


She lifted her hands. "All right. I won't ask anymore questions." She turned her attention back to the lock. Harry saw her struggling with that innate curiosity that was so much a part of her, wondering how long it would be before she gave in to it. He didn't have to wait for long. As she struggled with the combination, she asked, "When do you leave?"

Harry hid his grin. "This evening, right after dinner, as a matter of fact. Late flight out of Heathrow."

"Oh," Laura said, sighing. She shook her head. "I don't think I'm going to be able to get this, Harry," she told him.

He looked at her for a long moment, then rose and held out his hand. "Let's go for a walk, shall we?"

Laura's smile was as bright as the sun outside as she placed her hand in his.


Laura was getting ready for dinner when there was a tap on the door. She was humming to herself, happy, hopeful for the future. Her mother had mentioned the possibility of going home alone earlier. Going to the door, Laura stepped back for Harry to enter. "I wanted to have a few minutes to tell you good bye," he explained. "I don't know that I'll get a chance later - with your mother about -"

"I understand. But it's not good bye," she reminded him. "You'll be back before I know it."

"I hope so. And I think you'll be here, if Daniel's attitude this evening is anything to judge by."

She nodded. "How dangerous is this, Harry?" she finally asked.

"No more than anything else I've done. A quick in and out, and then back home -"

"What if something goes wrong? What if -"

Harry pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back. "Shhh. It won't. I'll be back as soon as I can, and you can tell me all about your new school, and your new friends that you'll make -" He grinned down into her face. "You'll probably forget all about me - some young man will come along-"

Laura shook her head. "Never. Can't happen." Harry slowly lowered his head to hers, capturing her lips with his in a gentle caress. When he lifted his head, his blue eyes were dark, and Laura wanted to beg him to stay, not to leave.

"I have something for you. A late birthday gift," he told her.

Her eyes widened. "What is it?"

He lifted his hand, letting a simple gold chain fall to reflect the light. "This."

Laura touched the glittering metal, then turned, lifting her hair. "Put it on, please." Harry unfastened the latch, then placed it around her neck. She fingered the chain, turning back to face him. "Thank you. But you didn't have to -"

"I wanted to get something more than that silly sketch -"

"It's not silly," Laura insisted. "But thank you again, anyway." She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. "How could I *ever* forget you, Harry?" she asked.

"Why don't we go down to dinner?" he suggested, extending his arm toward her.

Laura took it and they left her room. This evening was turning out better than she'd hoped. Her mother was probably going to agree to let her stay in London with Daniel, and now Harry had given her this wonderful gift. In Laura's mind, it was proof that Harry cared more about her than he was capable of saying. *All in good time*, Laura, she thought to herself. *All in good time.*


After dinner, Harry stood by the window in the drawing room, watching for his ride to the airport. "Harry, sit down," Daniel admonished.

"It's getting late," Harry reminded him. "If I don't leave soon, I'll miss the flight - throw the entire timetable off."

"This must be a very important business trip," Abigail commented.

"It's *quite* important, Abigail," Harry confirmed, turning toward the window as a car horn blew twice. "Ah. At last." He wished Abigail a hasty farewell, then Daniel, then winked at Laura. "Be good." Laura smiled impishly at him, the smile fading as he picked up his cases and left the house.

Daniel saw her distress, and looked at Abigail. "Perhaps now would be a good time to tell Laura about your decision, Abigail," he suggested as Laura moved toward the same window where Harry had been standing.

It wasn't a taxi after all. It was a *very* familiar, low slung sports car. And the driver got out to greet Harry as he stowed his bags in the trunk. Maybe greet was too tame a description, Laura decided, watching as Felicia gave Harry a long kiss. Harry smiled down at her, then said something, nodding toward the car. Felicia held up the keys and he took them before seeing her to the passenger side and then getting behind the wheel. He was going away with *her*, Laura realized. With the peroxide piranha.

"Laura? Laura, are you listening to me?" Abigail asked. "I really expected *some* kind of reaction to my deciding to let you stay here-"

"That's alright, Mother," Laura assured her. "I've changed my mind."

Daniel frowned, moving to the window in time to see Felicia's car leave the drive. His lips thinned in anger at his friend. He'd known that Felicia was going with Harry, but he'd expected her to meet him at the airport- or in town. "Changed your mind, Laura?" Daniel asked.

She refused to meet his eyes. "Yes. I want to go home," Laura said. "Back to Los Angeles. Tomorrow." She looked at her mother. "Can we leave tomorrow, Mother?"

Abigail's eyes moved to Daniel, trying to figure out her daughter once again, hoping that he could explain. But he shook his head. "Laura- are you *certain* you want to go home? Just a few days ago-"

"I was wrong," Laura said, her voice listless and dull. "Excuse me, but I think I'll go to bed now." She kissed her mother on the cheek, then gave Daniel a similar good night. When he placed his hand on her arm, she shook her head at him. "It's for the best, Daniel," she assured him.

Daniel let her go, watching as she climbed the stairs, concerned. He was going to have a long talk with Harry when the young man returned, he decided. "Daniel, what just happened here?" Abigail asked. He turned to look at her. Perhaps it was time she learned the truth. Or at least the part she could understand.


Laura finished packing her case as Abigail knocked and entered the room. "I thought you were going to bed?"

"I wanted to get this done so we could leave as soon as possible."

Abigail sighed, sitting on the bed. "You really care about him, don't you?"

"Mother, I thought we got through this the other evening. I do *not* have a crush on Daniel."

"I wasn't talking about Daniel, dear. I was talking about Harry."

Laura sat down beside her. "I've never met anyone like him," she whispered. "And I don't think I ever will."

"And simply because he left on a business trip with his secretary, you've suddenly decided to go home."

"It's *more* than that, Mother," Laura insisted. "You've never met Felicia. She's everything I'm not. She's sophisticated, tall, blonde, *older* -"

"All things which will come to you in time," Abigail assured her. "Well, maybe not the tall and blonde, but -"

"He didn't *tell* me she was going," Laura said. "That's what's so terrible. He had every chance to just say, 'Oh, by the way, Felicia's coming along -'. But he never said a word."

"Maybe because he expected you would react the way you are now," Abigail pointed out. She handed Laura a tissue from the nightstand. "This is your decision, dear. If you want to stay, I'll agree. And if you decide you want to go home, back to Los Angeles, then we'll go."

"I want to go home, Mother. I want to see my friends, to see Frances-"

Abigail heard the broken heart in that tone, and pulled Laura to her. "We'll leave as soon as I can make the reservations, Laura," she promised. "But I think you owe Daniel an explanation."

Laura dabbed at her eyes with the tissue, nodding. "Tomorrow. I'll talk to him then. Before we leave."


Abigail looked at Daniel as they waited for Laura to come downstairs. "I hope Laura's decision doesn't mean that we won't see each other again, Daniel."

He smiled at her, taking her hand and lifting it to his lips. "Of course we will. I fully intend to keep in touch with Laura. Even if it's only through her charming mother."

Laura came down the stairs slowly, her eyes focused on the carpet, the paintings on the walls, the vase of flowers on the foyer table - anything to keep from looking at Daniel. He took her case from her. "Mother says we should talk," she told him.

"I agree," he said. She'd avoided him for the entire morning, and Daniel's worry had increased. "The drawing room?"

Laura nodded as Abigail said, "We have to leave for the airport soon."

"We will," Daniel assured her, ushering Laura into the other room and closing the doors. Laura moved around the room restlessly, finally settling before the painting she had admired that first evening - one of Harry's. "So you're going to run away? Not give him the chance to explain?" he began, getting right to the point.

Laura whirled, fire in her eyes. "Explain what? That he preferred the delectable Felicia's company over *mine*? No, thank you. I don't need to hear that from him. He was right. I'm not old enough, or ready to fall that much in - in love-," she wiped an angry tear from her face.

Daniel pulled her into his arms as she began to cry. "There, there, my dear. I understand. And believe me, I fully intend to speak to Harry when he comes back-"

Laura shook her head. "No. Don't. I don't want this to come between you and him." She sniffed and accepted his handkerchief with a grateful smile. "He won't admit it, but having you here for him to come to is very important to him."

"You think so?"

She nodded. "He thinks a lot of you, Daniel. You know that."

"Harry's not one to discuss his feelings, Laura," Daniel pointed out. "Except with you, perhaps."

"He never really did with me, either. It's just something I sensed."

Daniel smiled at her gently. "I hope you won't mind if I keep in touch with you?"

"I think I'd mind more hurt if you didn't," Laura told him.

"What shall I tell Harry about why you left?"

She placed something in his hand. "Give him this. I think that will explain things so he'll understand."

Daniel looked at the gold chain, knew that Harry had given it to Laura the previous evening as a gift. "Very well." He dropped a kiss onto her hair. "Let's get going."


Harry returned to the house in London a week later in a bad mood. The job hadn't gone well- in fact, if he ever saw Felicia again, he was likely to strangle her lovely, long neck. He was looking forward to spending some time with Laura, relaxing, putting the experience he'd just been through behind him. Just thinking about the girl brought a smile to his face. Putting his case on the floor, his smile faded into a frown.

The house seemed empty, lifeless. As if the soul had been taken out of it. "Laura?" he called, moving to the drawing room. "Daniel?"

"Harry?" Daniel's voice replied, coming from the direction of the study. He embraced the younger man. "How did it go?"

"Don't ask," Harry said darkly. "Just suffice it to say that I don't intend to see Felicia for some time- if ever."

Daniel lifted his brows. "Close call?"

"*Very*." He looked around. "Where's Laura?"

Daniel's hand brought out the chain and held it up. "She's gone, Harry."

"Gone? What do you mean, she's gone? She's supposed to be here- don't tell me she ran away again-"

"She decided to go back to Los Angeles with her mother, Harry," Daniel told him, watching his reaction as Harry took the chain. Harry took a deep breath. "She said it was for the best, whatever that meant, and that you would understand when you saw this."

Harry's gaze fixed on the gold in his palm. "I think I do. She saw Felicia, didn't she?"

"Did you expect her not to watch you leave?"

"No. I suppose I should have told her - but - Was she very upset?"

"At first. But once she decided on a course of action - she seemed to start recovering. No doubt she's returned to her friends and school and forgotten all about us, my boy," Daniel told him, placing an arm around Harry's shoulders. "Now, I want to hear all about what happened between you and Felicia."

Harry sighed deeply and put the chain into his pocket. Someday, perhaps, he'd have the chance to give it back to her. When she was older, more certain of herself - and of him. But he knew that even if Laura Holt forgot all about him, he would *never* forget those tilted dark eyes and those dimples, her sense of adventure- and her curiosity. God, but he was going to miss her.

Until I write the sequel, that is! :-) N.E.