ReJoined Steele
Part Tirteen

Harry noted Mildred's expression as they got into her car. "What is it, Mildred?" he asked.

Mildred put the key into the ignition, then stopped. "Are you really going to endanger Laura's life by trying to palm fake Royal Lavulite off on Hepplewhite?"

"Do you have a better plan?" he asked, and when she sighed, he reached across the seat to touch her arm. "Mildred, we have no idea where he might have taken her. So until he contacts us- you mentioned something about research?"

"Yeah," Mildred told him, picking up the folder she'd put on the front seat. "Here. Read this while we're heading back to the office." She started the engine and put the car into gear. "You're lucky that building security cleared all the reporters out this morning."

"Madhouse, was it?" Harry questioned as he read the disturbing report.

"Every reporter in the city was there, asking questions about whether or not you were coming back to the agency, where you'd been, how Laura feels about your return."

"I'm sure you gave them your usual line," he murmured. "Mildred, is this on the level?"

"It's all documented."

"If so, then Laura was in danger from Hepplewhite the moment they met." He slapped the seat with the folder. "Damn! And she wouldn't have taken the case if she hadn't realized that I was going to try and steal those gems. *I* put her in this position by coming back!"

Mildred frowned. "That's not true, boss." She winced. "Harry. Sorry. Anyway, that old man was after her for a month before you came back. He'd been determined to see her but she was always out. If anyone's to blame, I am."


"I was the one who called Mr. Hepplewhite and told him where Laura would be the other evening. He wasn't planning on attending the awards ceremony until then. I don't know how I could have missed it. Every time we met- the first time we discussed his case, we were in Laura's office- your OLD office- and he spent most of the time looking at the pictures on the wall."

"Pictures on the wall?"

She smiled. "You'll see what I mean." Turning the corner, she told him, "I think we'll go in through the parking garage. Less chance of being spotted that way, just in case someone's watching."

"Good idea, Mildred. I knew you'd make a first rate detective."

"Seems to me that you fought that tooth and nail," she told him as she parked the car in her assigned spot. "Didn't want to give up your little perks."

"Well, yes. But could you blame me? You'd spoiled me terribly, you know."

"Only because you deserved a little spoiling," Mildred said with an indulgent smile as they headed toward the elevators.

"Ah, Mildred," Harry said, putting an arm around her shoulders. "I DID miss you. Wasn't quite the same without you to keep me grounded."

"Oh- I meant to tell you. Someone named Jeannie called this morning right after I got to the office. Said that she wanted me to remind you to call-"

Harry laughed softly. "I called. And I'm going to have to talk to Jeannie about going over my head. I'll call and leave a message for her about it when we get upstairs."

"She and I compared notes while we were on the phone."

"Compared notes?" he asked warily. "What about?"

"You, of course. Seems I'm not the only one who spoils you." When Harry scratched his ear like an embarrassed little boy, Mildred laughed. "Don't worry. I liked her. But I don't think she's going to be willing to relocate to Los Angeles. It's too far away from her granddaughter."

"I know. I suppose I'll have to find someone else to fill her position."

"Then you're going to keep HCR open?"

"Yes, I am." He paused as the elevator doors opened on the eleventh floor and a wave of déjà vu overcame him.

"Harry?" Mildred asked, worried. "You okay?"

"Oh, just never thought I'd be here again, that's all," he said, joining her as they moved closer to the glass doors that had once borne the name "Remington Steele Investigations", and were now emblazoned with "Laura Holt Investigations". He paused again just outside, looking in. "I'd have thought she would have redone the entire place," he told Mildred.

"She thought about it," Mildred told him, watching him as he opened the door for her. Clarice looked up from the receptionist's desk, her eyes widening as she saw the man with Mildred. "Any messages, Clarice?"

"Um, just Miss Holt's sister," Clarice told the older woman, her gaze never leaving Harry. "You're-"

He held out his hand across the desk. "Harrison Chalmers," he said quickly. "And you are-?"

"Um, ah, Cla-Clarice Jones."

"Ah. Pleasure to meet you at last, Clarice. Mildred's told me what a fine job you've been doing."

Clarice finally looked at Mildred. "She has?"

"Oh, yes. Said that she and Miss Holt couldn't keep the place running without your capable assistance."

"It's about time you got back," Tony ground out from the main office door. He looked even more rumpled than before, if possible as he ran a hand through his hair. "I think I dozed off on the couch in there," he explained. "Did you tell him what you found, Mildred?"

Harry held up the folder. "She did. And it doesn't change the plan. Unless we can find out where he's gone to ground, looking for her would be like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"I think I found some possible places," Tony told them, turning and leading them into the office that he had come from moments before.

Harry entered behind Mildred, taking in the familiar room. It had Laura's indelible mark on it now- there were files on the desk- an ink blotter and pen set. A computer sat on a table nearby. And the wall that Murphy Michaels had once dubbed "the wall of shame", where pictures of Remington Steele had been hung, was now covered instead with photos of Laura and awards bestowed upon the agency. "What did you find, Tony?" Mildred asked.

"You with us, Chalmers?" Tony questioned.

"Uh, yes. Quite," he said, joining them behind the desk. "Go on."

"I did a search for property in the area owned by Hepplewhite. Came up with several warehouses, things like that, and a few houses. Most of them are in the city, no way he could hide her there. But there are a couple in the hills- more or less remote, no neighbors for miles."

Harry noted the locations of the property. "They're far enough apart that if we guess wrong, he'll have time to cover his tracks before we get to the other one."

"Then we hit them at the same time."

"Antony, you're talking a suicide mission. His men would cut you down before you had a chance."

"Well I happen to think getting Laura out of that - guy's clutches is important."

"Are you saying that I don't?"

Mildred stepped between the two men. "Hey! This isn't getting us anywhere," she told them. "Why don't we just call the police?" she suggested. "Have them search both places."

"If he so much as SMELLS police, he'll kill Laura, Mildred," Harry pointed out. "But I do need to get this information to Mike Jackson."

Mildred picked up the folder. "I'll take care of that," she offered, then turned toward her office. As she opened the door, she said, "You two behave yourselves."

Once she was gone, silence fell over the room. Harry concentrated on the photos and awards, while Tony sat behind the desk, watching him. "You were with Laura when I called this morning, weren't you?"

Harry glanced at him. "I don't see that it's any of your business."

"Laura's a friend. I don't want to see her hurt again."

"Seems we've covered this ground before, Antony," Harry replied. "What's wrong, mate? Upset that I've only been back a few days and have gotten farther with her than YOU have in twelve years?" The moment the words were out of his mouth, Harry regretted having said them. But it was too late.

"I KNEW it!" Tony said, rising to his feet. "You took advantage of her and-"

"I love Laura, Antony," Harry said in a quiet voice that brought silence to the room. "Even with a continent and ocean between us, nothing's changed in that regard. Laura wants me back in her life. She told me that last night. And I fully intend to do precisely as Laura wants."


Laura sat on the edge of the bed, her gaze fixed on the dresser drawer across the room. What had Hepplewhite said when they'd arrived? Something about having planned to bring her here and all of this just moving his timetable up? Slowly, she rose and crossed to the dresser again, picking a cream silk nightgown out from the rainbow of colors in the drawer. She held it up, judging that it was, indeed, her size or close to her size, anyway. Going to the closet, she found dresses, again her general size. The other drawers revealed equally expensive women's clothing.

Why would Lucas Hepplewhite, a man who had been married only once years ago, have women's clothes in this remote cabin, she wondered. And why would he plan to bring her here? She heard the bolt slide back on the outside of the door and stuffed the silk back into the drawer and pushed it shut, turning just as the door opened to reveal a dark suited man carrying a tray of food. "Mr. Hepplewhite said you were to eat," he told her.

"You can take it back. I'm not going to eat it. Or drink anything he offers."

"You really should co-operate with him, Miss Holt. He's much easier to get along with when you do."

"Co-operate with a madman? Are you AWARE of what he is? Of what he did during the war?"

"We've all got things in our pasts that we're not proud of," the man told her. "I'll leave the tray here in case you change your mind."

As he started to close the door, Laura asked, "How long is he going to keep me in here?"

"Until your friends return Mr. Hepplewhite's property." He closed the door. Laura picked up the tray and tossed it against the wood in a futile show of anger, then began to pace the room again, giving the dresser and its lacy lingerie a wide berth. Something about it being there at all made her VERY uncomfortable.


As Tony and Harry faced off, the telephone on the desk rang, and both men looked at it as Mildred came in. Moments later, Clarice's voice came over the intercom. "Miss Krebs, it's for Mr.- It's for HIM. Mr. Hepplewhite."

Harry looked at Mildred and Tony before picking up the phone. "Chalmers."

"Ah, I thought you might have returned to your old offices."

"Where's Laura? IS she all right?"

"Miss Holt is quite well. And she will remain that way- so long as I get what I want."

"The Royal Lavulite."

"Yes. Surely the life of your former partner and wife is more valuable than the paltry reward you would receive from the South Africans."

Harry gave it a beat before answering, pretending to consider the idea. "What guarantee do I have that you'll let us go after you get the gems?"

"You have my word as a gentleman," Hepplewhite assured him smoothly.

"Where do you want to make the exchange?"

"Take a cab to the top of Reseta Drive. I will have a car waiting there for you and your friend Roselli. He and I have unfinished business as well."

"Aren't you afraid I'll try and scam you?" Harry questioned. "Try to palm off fakes?"

"You'd be quite foolish to try something like that. Miss Holt would meet a very- tragic end. She's such a charming woman. Full of life, of fire."

Harry gripped the phone tighter. "I'd suggest you have someone at had to authenticate the gems, Hepplewhite. Someone you trust."

"You have thirty minutes, Mr. Steele-or whatever your name is. If you're late, then Miss Holt's death will be on your conscience." CLICK!

"Well?" Tony asked.

"We have to be at the top of Reseta Drive in thirty minutes. He'll have a car meet us there. Call a cab, will you, Mildred?"

He took out his cell phone and dialed a number. "We're about to leave," he said to the person on the other end. "Yes. If you haven't heard from us in two hours-That's right."

"The cab's on its way," Mildred told him. "Who was that?"

"Our insurance policy. Ready, Antony?"

"Yeah. Let's get this show on the road and find Laura," he muttered, grabbing his jacket and pushing past Harry through the doorway.

Mildred looked at Harry. "Be careful."

"Always," he promised, giving her that devil may care grin that she knew only two well. "Be back before you know it."

The cab was waiting in the parking garage as Mildred had arranged, and as they got in, Harry told the driver, "Top of Reseta Drive. And don't worry about the tickets, mate," he said, handing a wad of bills over the man's shoulders as incentive.

"You got it, pal," he said.

Tony sat back. "You wanna explain this to me one more time?" he asked, lowering his voice so that the driver couldn't overhear. "How is palming off fake Royal Lavulite on Hepplewhite going to get Laura and us out of there alive?"


Laura jumped when the door opened again and her "host" appeared. He glanced at the congealing mass of food on the floor. "Tsk, tsk, my dear. Starving yourself won't do anyone any good." The man who had brought the food before came in with another tray and placed it on the table, then went to clean up the first one before leaving the room.

He still looked like a harmless little old man, Laura thought to herself. Incapable of hurting a fly. But he was more than capable. She caught herself glancing toward the dresser again as Hepplewhite spoke. "Now please sit down and have something to eat, Laura. You're going to make yourself ill."

"Do you really think I'd eat anything you gave me? I don't want to be drugged- or poisoned."

"Such melodrama. Very well. Allow me to be your taster." He went over to the table and picked up one of the spoons on the tray. Taking a bite of what looked to be a casserole, he chewed, then swallowed. "You see? I'm quite all right."

"Not good enough, Hepplewhite. How much longer are you going to keep me here?"

"Everything should be resolved shortly. Your friends are on their way with my gems."

She looked at him. "They are?" She was grateful for her ability to hide her thoughts. How could Harry have the Lavulite? She'd seen him hand them over to Jackie at the bus station. "And then you're just going to- let us go?"

"Well, I was rather hoping that you might - agree to- stay. For awhile, at any rate. Give the two of us time to get to know each other."

"I don't think so," Laura said, backing away as he moved slowly toward her. She came up against the dresser.

"Not even if I agree to let your friends go? They're neither one worthy of you, you know. They're boys. Far too young to appreciate someone as delightful as you are, my dear." He touched her cheek, and Laura bit back a scream. "Think about it. But I'm afraid you don't have much time to do it. Once they arrive, it will be too late."

Laura remained where she was as he crossed the room and left, then sagged against the wood behind her. She went to the bathroom and found a cloth, wetting it and rubbing her cheek where he had touched it. She felt dirty from that touch. When she reached for a towel, something fell from between the terry cloth folds to the tile flooring.

Laura picked up the driver's license. "Dawn Elliot," she read. The name was familiar. The woman had vanished without so much as a trace. Unmarried, thirty-seven, approximately the same height, weight, and colouring as Laura. That had happened almost two years ago. The only reason Laura recalled it was that her parents had asked Laura to look into the disappearance after the police had given up their search. Laura had been unable to find any leads on the woman, either. How many other women had Hepplewhite brought up here, she wondered. How many had he killed?

Dear god, Laura thought. She had fallen into the hands of a sociopathic serial killer-and Harry and Tony were walking right into his trap.

To Be Continued>>>

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Original content ©1999 by Nancy Eddy