ReJoined Steele
Part Five

Harry rolled over in bed, intending to pull Laura close to his side. But his hand encountered cool sheets and an empty bed. "Laura?" he called out, but the room echoed back only silence. If it weren't for the indentation on the other pillow, he would have begun to wonder if she'd been there at all or if he had simply dreamed being with her again after so long.

Running his hands through his hair, he sat up. What had he done? Taking advantage of her that way was unforgivable. Of course, he didn't remember her trying to stop him. She'd responded to him as a drowning woman being thrown a lifeline. But that didn't make it anymore right, and he knew that. "Damn," he muttered in self-directed anger. Glancing at the clock, he realized that he was supposed to be at Lucas Hepplewhite's in two hours. He had to focus on the case, get it finished without making any more mistakes.

But how the HELL was he going to face Laura after last night?


Carlos met Tony at the airport. "Where is she?" Tony asked, tossing his bags into Carlos' Chevy that had seen better days.

"Well, she left the hotel around four this morning," Carlos told him. "She didn't look real happy, either. I put Miguel on to watch Chalmers. Last he reported in, Chalmers was still at his hotel."

"Where did Laura go?" Tony wanted to know, not liking the idea that she'd stayed almost all night in "Chalmer's" hotel room.

"Back to her place, then to the office. She was there last time I checked. But something's going on. I think she's got an important case she's working on."

"Thanks. Drop me off at the Wilshire Arms, okay?"

"You're the boss."


Laura hung up the telephone and looked up at Mildred. "The jet just took off from Mexico City. It should be here in a couple of hours. You need to leave for the Customs office before that."

"I'll be there, hon, don't worry," Mildred assured her, watching her closely. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Nothing's wrong."

"Hey, this is me you're talking to, remember? You look as if you didn't get much sleep last night."

"I didn't," Laura admitted, refusing to dwell on the reason she hadn't slept. Those few hours in Harry's arms had been wonderful. Until he'd fallen asleep and reality had fallen in on her like a ton of bricks. How had she ever let herself fall back under the spell of those blue eyes and smarmy charm? She should never have gone to see him, should have kept her distance. At least until after today, after the gems were safe. Once he had the gems, he'd be gone again. She was certain of that. He couldn't stay in one place for more than a few years. Hadn't he proved that when he'd left twelve years ago? The reasons he'd given had been nothing but an excuse for him to return to his former profession, to leave Laura and everyone here behind.


She saw Mildred's concerned look and tried to smile. "I'm fine, Mildred. Just spent all night worrying about today, that's all."

"You know, I think you need a vacation," Mildred told her. "You haven't taken ANY time off in over a year."

"I went to Connecticut at Christmas last year," Laura reminded her.

"That doesn't count. We ALL went somewhere at Christmas. I'm talking about some time away from the agency and everything. Time just for you."

"I wouldn't know where to go, Mildred," Laura sighed. "And it's far too busy for me to just pick and go."

"After today, I think I can handle whatever comes up for at least a long weekend, honey. You can take Friday and Monday- why not go to Acapulco? Or Reno? You could do some skiing."

"No, thank you, Mildred. But I'll think about it. I promise. You'd better get going, okay?"

Mildred nodded. "I just have to finish a couple of things in my office first, and then I'm outta here."

Laura had turned to look out of the window, and Mildred frowned deeply as she closed her office door. Something was wrong, and she had a good idea what the problem was. She picked up the telephone and dialed the number for the Wilshire Arms, asking for Harry's room. "Hello?" he answered, as if worried about who might be calling.

"Good morning, Harry," Mildred said, and heard the relief in his sigh. "Thought I'd call to see how you were doing this morning."

"Fine, Mildred," he assured her quickly. TOO quickly, she thought. "Just fine. Uh- tell me, - you haven't seen Laura today, have you?"

"Yes, I have. She's just in the next office. And she's not in any better shape than you are, by the sound of it. What's going on, Harry?"

"Going on, Mildred? She didn't tell you?"

"All she told me was that she didn't sleep because she was worrying about today."

"Ahh. I see. That's understandable. I had the same problem. Couldn't sleep a wink. Tossed and turned 'til dawn." Mildred heard a knock on the door. "I've got to go, Mildred, I think breakfast is here. See you later, okay?"

"Yeah. Later," Mildred agreed, shaking her head as she hung up. Time to get the show on the road. SOMEthing had happened between those two last night- and neither one wanted to talk about it. Well, once this today was finished, she'd get the truth out of them, even if she had to handcuff them together to do it.


"Just a second," Harry called out, hanging up the telephone as the knocking sounded again. He was going to have to speak to the bellhop about the tie between patience and generous tips, he supposed, wincing as he worried that the wood of the door might give way beneath the force of the blows. "Coming, coming," he said, opening the door at last with a smile. "In a hurry today, are we?" he asked jokingly, only to have his smile freeze and fade away as Tony Roselli pushed past him into the suite. "Come in, Antony. Make yourself at home."

Tony, as usual, didn't bother with pleasantries. He was barely in the room when he turned and shoved a finger into Harry's chest. "What the HELL are you doing back here, Steele, or Chalmers, or whatever you're calling yourself now? Laura was just getting over you, over what you did to her when you left her like you did. And now there's no telling how long it's gonna take her to recover from this little 'visit'."

If Mildred hadn't told him that Tony was still sniffing around after Laura, Harry might have been surprised to see the man here. But she had, and he was determined to keep his temper in check where the man was concerned. It wouldn't do anyone any good for the two of them to finish what they'd started in an Irish village thirteen years ago. He closed the door softly. "Hello to you, too, Antony. You're looking well, all things considered, I suppose." There was another knock on the door. "Ah, that will be my breakfast- care to join me?" he asked, opening the door and stepping aside for the bellhop, then signing the ticket. "Thank you," he said pleasantly.

"You haven't changed at all, have you? Still playing the high roller, letting that huge ego call the shots. You've lost Laura, Steele," Tony said. "You lost her the day you left twelve years ago."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that, Antony," Harry said, pouring a cup of tea for himself. "And the name's Chalmers now. Harry Chalmers. I've got a birth certificate to prove it. So if you think you're going to cause problems with immigration, go ahead and try. But I'm sure you've got better ways to spend your time."

"Yeah. Like protecting Laura from you." He looked through the doorway, and then headed in that direction. Harry followed, watching as Tony drug a suitcase from the closet and began throwing clothes into it.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked, lounging in the doorway.

"Escorting you to the airport and onto a plane back to London," Tony informed him as he worked.

"I've a place in Ireland, actually," Harry informed him.

"Fine. Then we'll send you to Dublin. As long as you leave Los Angeles, I don't care." He fastened the latches on the case and stood up.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Antony, old boy, but I'm not going anywhere. I've got business to finish before I leave. Then, it will be Laura's decision whether or not I go. Not yours."

Tony grabbed the case in a tighter grip, then placed a hand on Harry's arm. "I don't give a damn about any business. You're going. Now."

Harry easily turned Tony, pressing him back against the other door, arm at his throat. "I don't think so." Tony dropped the case and pulled at Harry's arm. Harry released him just enough to turn Tony's arm behind him, twisting it as he led his visitor to the door. "Now, I really hate to end our reunion, mate, but I've got things to do. We'll talk later, I'm sure."

"Yeah. I'm sure we will, Chalmers," Tony agreed angrily as Harry shoved him into the hallway and closed the door. "Just watch your back, Chalmers," he called out, then stalked off down the corridor, rubbing his aching shoulder.


Laura sighed as she typed a search into the computer. He'd sounded so certain last night that he was operating a legitimate business. Maybe if she could find something to refute that claim, it would help.

"Miss Holt," Clarice said through the intercom, "You have to be at the airport in half an hour."

"Call Fred with the limo, please," Laura said, her eyes on the screen as the search progressed. The machine beeped, letting her know it was finished. "Dear God," she breathed. Not only was HC Retrievals well known, the company had pulled in almost six million in American dollars last year alone. Home office in Dublin, other offices in London, Paris, Rome, Hong Kong-, Laura lifted her brows at that one. Twelve full time employees, varying numbers of part time as need arose. Wholly owned and operated by Harrison Chalmers of Glen Carey, Ireland. He'd been telling her the truth. Even the French police endorsed the operation. Scotland Yard was more reserved, but as long as Harry notified them about his work, they tended to look the other way.

"Laura, we gotta talk," Tony said, drawing her attention away from the computer.

Laura blinked as she looked up to see him standing before her desk. "Tony. I thought you were on an assignment?"

"I was. Till I found out that HE was back."

"Miss Holt, Fred's waiting downstairs," Clarice told her.

"Thank you, Clarice, tell him I'll be right there." Laura picked up her coat, purse and hat. "I can't talk now, Tony, I'm working on a case. We'll talk later."

"Laura-," Tony insisted, frustrated at being put off.

"Clarice, see that Mr. Roselli gets some coffee, please. He looks like he could use it."

"I don't want coffee," Tony told her, following her from the office. "I want to talk. Have you seen him?"

"Seen who?" Laura asked as the elevator doors opened.

"You know who," Tony said, aware of the others in the car with them.

"Yes, I have. We- talked. Last night."

Tony waited for the elevator to stop in the garage and got out with her. "Just talked?" he asked.

"Look, Tony, I really have to go," she insisted. "Mr. Hepplewhite's expecting me."

"Hepplewhite? You mean Lucas Hepplewhite?"

It was Laura's turn to look confused. "Yes. Why?"

"You're working for Hepplewhite? What are you doing?"

Laura glanced at her watch. "Making sure some gems he bought gets to his house."


Laura pushed him into the car ahead of her. "Mr. Hepplewhite's Fred," she ordered. "And don't worry about the tickets today, okay?"

"Yes, Miss Holt."

She looked at Tony again. "Now, WHAT is wrong with Mr. Hepplewhite? He seems a harmless, lonely little old man who probably spends more than he should on valuable art and gemstones."

Tony sat back. "Look, I don't want to talk about Hepplewhite right now. I need to know what's going on between you and Steele."

"He's not Remington Steele anymore, Tony," Laura said. "His name's Harry Chalmers."

"Yeah. So he says. Answer the question."

"I will- once you tell me about Lucas Hepplewhite."


By the time the limo picked up Lucas Hepplewhite, Laura was alone in the back seat. She smiled warmly at her client, assuring him that all was going according to schedule. Lucas frowned as he glanced at the driver. "That's not the same chauffeur as you had before, is it, Miss Holt?"

"No," Laura admitted, ready for this question. "My regular driver was ill today. This is his brother. Tony."

Tony pulled the cap farther down on his face as he nodded and started the engine. Lucas eyed him curiously. "Well, I suppose I can't say very much. As long as you've checked him out, that's what matters."

"Oh, believe me, Mr. Hepplewhite. Tony's VERY trustworthy. I've known him for years."

"Is Miss Krebs at the airport?" Lucas asked.

"She arrived moments ago and is waiting for the jet to land. She'll probably be leaving as we're arriving. I was wondering, Mr. Hepplewhite," she began, but Lucas placed a hand over hers.

"Lucas, please, my dear."

Laura met Tony's eyes in the rear view mirror, and smiled. "Lucas, do you have anyone available to authenticate the Lavulite once we get it to the house? Just to make sure that we've succeeded."

"Strange that you should ask, but the representative from the insurance company arrived yesterday to inspect the house."

"Really?" Laura questioned. "I wish you'd mentioned it to me, Mr. - Lucas," she amended, noticing that Tony glowered everytime she used the man's first name. "I would have liked to have checked him out."

"I checked with the insurance company myself," Lucas assured her smoothly. "They assured me that Mr. James was indeed in their employ and gave me an accurate description of the man."

"Mr. James?"

"Yes. Stuart James. Seems a bit on the reserved side for an insurance man, but he appears to be more than competent. And he's an expert gemologist. He'll be waiting for us at the house when we return."

Laura sat back. Stuart James. James- Stewart. It had to be Harry. "I'll look forward to meeting him," she said, ignoring Tony's glare in the mirror. So that was his plan. Pretending to be an insurance agent, and once he got his hands on the Lavulite, no doubt he would switch them for fakes and keep the real ones, declaring the fakes to be the real gems.

And it was her job to stop him. The problem was, after hearing Tony's story about Lucas Hepplewhite, she wasn't sure she WANTED to stop him anymore.


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Original content ©1999 by Nancy Eddy