in addition II
Part 9

Disclaimer: This "Remington Steele" story is not-for-profit and is purely for entertainment purposes. The author and this site do not own the characters and are in no way affiliated with "Remington Steele," the actors, their agents, the producers, MTM Productions, the NBC Television Network or any station or network carrying the show in syndication, or anyone in the industry

WARNING: While this story isn't rated NC-17, it does have adult situations so once again, if YOU are offended by sexual innuendo or situations, PLEASE don't read this storyline!!!!
Some parts rated "R". If you don't know what that means, don't read it

Part 9 : Laura and Remington are in Marty's trying to have their romantic dinner and mix business with pleasure.

After taking a few turns they arrived at Marty's.

"So Miss Holt, it seems that finally we will be able to have our romantic dinner, no?" he said.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Mr Steele?? The case? Thanks to it we've arrived here for what appears to be a romantic dinner but we still have to observe the couple."

"Oh...yes...of course, the case..but finally we've managed it Miss Holt, we saw the entire ballet and hopefully we can dine without being interrupted."

"Yes Mr Steele, we have managed it," and she smiled as she entered the restaurant.

"Good evening Mr Steele, Miss Holt, how have you been?" asked Tony, the maitre d'.

"Good...very good, Tony, is our table ready?" Remington asked.

"Yes, of course Mr Steele..everything is ready and I hope you both can enjoy a pleasant evening."

"Good, thank you Tony." The moved towards a great table in the northern corner of the restaurant with an incredible view of San Francisco from both the windows that surrounded the table. In the center of the table there were candles surrounded by flowers and, of course, a bottle of Dom Perignon was already cooling. As soon as they sat down, Tony showed the bottle to Remington for his approval and selection and proceeded to open and serve the champagne.

In the meantime, Laura tried to observe the couple who were seated two tables away.

"Uh, Tony..." Laura said, "Could you come here for a second..."

"Yes, Miss Holt, what would you like?" he asked her in a low voice.

"Could you tell me if you know those two sitting over there and if they're waiting for someone before they eat."

"Yes, Miss Holt, they're a handsome couple don't you think? Just like the two of you...He is Mr Stefenson, a computer engineer or something like that, and she is Miss Harris, an executive secretary of a company...I don't know what kind of company....Ah! And they're waiting for another person before dessert, a Mr Orsoff or something of the kind."

"OK, thank you Tony."

"Why do you ask Miss Holt?...You're not here to always...are you? I thought that this time...."

Remington interrupted and said, "Actually, it's a combination Tony, of business and pleasure, and we're eager for it to finish up being only the latter," he said while looking slyly at Laura.

"Ah!! Well," Tony sighed, "At last. I hope your wishes come true."

Remington sighed with relief, thinking that he had anticipated Laura's reaction and had instructed Mildred to explain to Tony everything he was supposed to say.

"Well, Tony, tonight we'll leave it up to you to decide what we will you agree Miss Holt?"

Laura was absently trying to watch the reactions of the couple. She answered, "Yes.....yes, OK"

"Very well...I'll arrange everything," Tony said and quickly left them aline.

"Laura, my love," Remington interrupted her thoughts, "Don't you think we should drink a toast and not fail to take advantage of this wonderful champagne?"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry..but this case is fishy to me, something doesn't fit."

"Come on, forget the case for a moment and let's drink to us and that our days be always this wonderful. Cheers, my love, to many more days like today."

"Cheers, my love, may all your wishes come true!" They crossed their glasses and he took her by the shoulders and drew her towards him and they clinked glasses, took a sip and gave each other a tender kiss, looking with intense love into each others eyes. The mood was broken when Laura saw that the young woman had headed for the bathroom.

"I have to follow her," she said to Remington, with a look full of affection, she threw a kiss in the air, stood up and went after the young woman.

Remington sighed deeply, thinking, this has all been so that we could have our much longed for romantic weekend WITHOUT INTERRUPTIONS.

Laura entered the bathroom and positioned herself next to the young woman, who was in front of the mirror touching up her makeup. Laura did the same and took advantage of the opportunity to speak to the young woman, "Beautiful night, don't you think?"

The young woman looked at her in surprise, "Yes, actually it is...especially when one can share it with a loved one, don't you agree?"

Laura felt her heart tremble.... she was trying to prove something against a person who, just like herself, was living a moment of the sweetest love of her life. What am I doing? she thought, but her professionalism stopped her from forgetting her objective, even though her heart said otherwise. "Yes, it's just like you say....without that person, these moments wouldn't be so beautiful," Laura said, while looking into the young woman's purse which was half open on the table. She saw a disk among the makeup, keys and a handkerchief and said to herself, There it is, if I take it, I finish the story, they won't have anything to sell. Oh, if Mr Steele were here with his natural ability for these things. But while she was thinking all this, the young woman had taken her purse and begun to leave the bathroom, near the door she turned, looked at Laura and said,

"I hope your night is as wonderful as mine. Good evening." and she left.

Laura stood perplexed, unable to say a word. Yes, indeed she was hoping that this would be as wonderful a night as their day had been, she remained several seconds longer, watching the door close behind the young woman, moving her head with a gesture of perturbation, and then she returned to her table. When she was again seated in front of Remington, Laura wore a lost expression.

"Well, what happened? Is something wrong?"

Laura recovered her senses, "No, Mr's just that this damn case is all a mess, I don't like it.....I don't like it at all," she said, angry, but in fact angry with herself because what she wanted was for there to be no case and for them to be there enjoying the moment, that had already been delayed, with the man she loved, and for the young woman to be able to do the same.

"But, what's got you worried, my love?" When Laura heard him she became more enraged with the situation.

"That young woman is lovely and she's so in love.... and we....we have to ruin all that."

"My darling, calm down...did you discover something that has you so upset?"

"Yes...yes," she said between sobs, "She has a disk in her purse that must surely be what they will give to whoever...and then...we.....we have to intervene and...."

"OK, I know..I know, Miss Holt, but it seems to me that whatever has you so upset is not merely the case..or am I mistaken?"

Laura breathed deeply and said, "Ah!.......Mr Steele, how well you know me. Yes, it's true, I don't want to interfere between the two of them, just as I don't want anyone to interfere between us....I WANT TO LEAVE ALL THIS AND..."

"US?? Miss Holt...US? How beautiful that sounds coming from your lips.....OK, let's not hurry, maybe we won't have to destroy anything.....Hmmm...let's see if I can put this into my best Holt style. Mmm... Mr Warren already knows what information is missing, what he wants to know is who is selling it....right?"

"Right...but how can we make it so that we don't ruin anything?"

"Well, let's see if I've learned from my teacher...we'll leave the couple to give the disk to the buyer, then we follow him and steal it back and we leave the couple to spend the weekend and on Monday we take the disk to Warren and the details of the buyer and the information on the couple, at least that way we give them a few days of happiness....what do you think Miss Holt?"

" sounds like a plan...but there are some details that aren't coming out right."

"Mr Steele, Miss Holt, here's your meal," Tony said interrupting them, "I hope you enjoy it. You won't have to leave it for later this time, right?"

Remington and Laura looked to him and with a sigh they said, "Thank you Tony.....not this time, we'll be here and we'll enjoy the food."

"Ah, what a relief."

Remington took his glass of champagne, "So, my love, it's time for us to leave business and devote ourselves to pleasure...wasn't that our objective?...You mix..." he told her with a cheeky gesture.

"Oh! Yes, any case, there's nothing we can do until dessert," she responded with a certain sadness in her voice. Touching their glasses together they set about enjoying Tony's exquisite crab crepes.

In the kitchen, Mildred waited, along with Max Donahue (Atomic Man), for the culminating moment, the moment towards which all her preparations with the boss had been directed.

Max asked her, "Mildred, won't Laura be angry with all of see, I appreciate her so much and I wouldn't see her harmed for anything in the world."

"The Boss assured me she wouldn't..and I believe him, he told me that at first she'd get angry....that's just the way Laura is....but then THE MOMENT would arrive... I don't really know what moment...and everything would be fine....and I think that's how it will be...If you had seen the faces on those two this afternoon, you'd know what I was talking about."

"But why all the deceit? If what they want is a romantic weekend for the two of them, alone, why are we in the middle?"

"Well, actually, the boss had intended various times for them to have a weekend in San Francisco or a romantic evening and they've never managed to carry it off because work always interrupts them, their plans are always cut short because of the arrival of a case. Just at the moment when they... know....So the boss thought he'd invent a case that would bring them here and when they discovered that this case didn't exist, they could finally take advantage of a weekend together and meanwhile have everything controlled so that nothing external could interrupt them."

"It's all right, I get the point, but there's something I don't understand. How is he going to manage it so that Laura doesn't get angry and go back to LA when she sees that she's been deceived?? You already know my girl doesn't like anyone who deceives her."

"Well....I'll be honest with you, there's still a part of the plan that the Boss hasn't told me, but I suspect it will make Laura SO HAPPY that she'll forget all the deceit...Surely that later she'll make the Boss pay for his deceit but I'm certain it won't be today."

"AH...but you know all that's going on and you don't want to tell me!!"

"No,'s just a suspicion I have from something that the Boss asked me, quite insistently, to bring, but really, I don't know what he has in mind....the only thing I can tell you for sure is that the Boss wants all the deceit to be discovered, you and I will be there beside them both."

"Very well, I won't ask any more...I really want those two to be able to be together...they're the most beautiful couple I've ever seen in my life and I love that girl like the father she lost as a child....and like the daughter I never had."

"OK, Max, now it's your turn to get in on the action, just when they've ordered dessert. Oh, Tony, how's everything going?"

"Well, I think, Miss seems the situation is under control. I already have the violinists read for the moment Mr Steele gives me the sign."

"Well, I think everything is in order, let me know when they order dessert so that I can put the last part of the plan into action."

Laura, despite the delicious meal and Remington's sweetness in trying to distract her attention, talking of the ballet and how much he liked Romeo and Juliet and of how fortunate it had been that they played that program, couldn't set aside her feeling of perturbation. She thought of the case for several moments, immediately tearing her mind away and only focusing on Remington. Then her mind jumped to another subject and finally she felt an unstoppable desire to take him by the hand and run from there and lose themselves in San Francisco, like two lovers hungry for solitude. Why am I having these feelings, she thought, I should be feeling happy..finally we've managed to be here for a romantic interlude and I'm looking to ruin it...why? Why can't I enjoy it? What is it that has me so upset?

Remington knew when Laura was disturbed, "What's wrong my love, perhaps you're unable to separate the waters?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! But these waters are a little too churned up for my liking....there's something...something.."

"All right...calm down...we'll do something....we can leave pleasure...if you want? Why don't we just focus on work...and try to finish this as quickly as's always been difficult to mix oil and water. It will make you feel better, I think."

"Yes, OK," she said to him, shaking her ill at ease head.

"Mr Steele, the usual desserts...strawberry flambee for Miss Holt and lemon sorbet and champagne for you?" Tony asked.

"Yes, Tony, the usual."

"OK," Laura said hurriedly, trying to see if dedicating themselves to the case had made her feel more safe and calm, "How are we going to get the floppy disk from whoever they give it to?? You're going to have to follow him and change it over I don't know how." While she tried to explain a plan, Remington began to make gestures with his eyes, trying to show that someone had entered the scene.

"Oh, my God, there he is, the third man, and we haven't planned anything...."

"Come on Miss Holt...relax, we've already thought of something.... and incidently....are you referring to the movie when you say the third man??"

" just left my lips, I see you've also made a school Mr Steele," she told him with a small smile, cheering up, although for an instant Remington felt extremely guilty for deceiving Laura. It's all for a just cause, he told himself.

"But....Mr know something.....this third man seems familiar to me... isn't he well known to you?"

No..not really..." he said fearfully, thinking of Laura's observation despite the excellent disguise Max wore.

The third man sat with his back to Remington and Laura and between the couple, they spoke for a few minutes and soon the young woman opened her purse and took out the disk, the man also took out an envelope and gave it to the young woman.

"There it is....they've made the exchange," Laura stated excitedly, "Now it's your you have what you're making the change with?"

Remington called Tony over with out saying a word and asked that he bring him a disk, in a low voice in his ear. Tony quickly brought Mr Steele what he had asked for and he slipped it into his pocket. "Is this OK, Miss Holt?"

"Yes, it's fine....when are you going to make the change?" Laura asked anxiously.

"When I leave stay calm, I have enough experience in these things and I don't think I've lost my touch yet."

"Yes, I know..." Laura said, somewhat bothered thinking about Remington's dark past
and that it had always caused her so many doubts but that it had also been very useful in many occasions. At that moment, the third man rose, said goodbye to the couple and walked out.

To Be Continued---

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