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Linked Steele
Part Two

Remington sat down heavily on the sofa across from her desk, the wind knocked out of him. "Oh good Lord. What am I going to do? Laura doesn't believe me, YOU don't believe me-"

"I think she believes you, Mr. Steele," Mildred said. "It's just a shock. And she's right about that woman getting her hands on the agency. Even if you try to divorce her, it'll create a mess."

"Do YOU believe me, Mildred?"

She looked at him for a long moment, her expression causing Steele to look at her uncertainly, before she smiled. "Yes. I believe you, Mr. Steele. But unless you can come up with SOMEONE who saw you at home this weekend-"

"I'm a dead duck," he said.

"That about sums it up." She held out a pencil and note pad. "Why don't you do what Miss Holt suggested? Write down everything you did, anyone who might have seen you? Maybe you'll think of something."

Remington gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Mildred."

"Start writing," she ordered, by she smiled, hoping her cheeks weren't TOO red.

"Wonder how's Laura's fairing in there?" he asked, his gaze on the closed door.

"Oh, you know Miss Holt. If anyone can get the truth out of that bimbo, it's her."


As Laura closed the door behind her, Rachel turned from inspecting the wall of photos over the sofa. "Remy certainly gets around, doesn't he?"

"Yes," Laura agreed. "He does." She indicated the sofa. "Would you like some coffee? Or tea?"

"Coffee, please, thank you," Rachel accepted, not taking the offered seat, but moving around the office instead. "I've been practically living on a steady diet of champagne since I met Remy -"

Laura's smile never faltered. "Yes, Mr. Steele DOES love champagne, doesn't he?" Rachel nodded as Laura picked up the telephone. "Mildred, would you bring us some coffee, please? Thank you," she said quickly before the older woman could ask any questions or voice a protest. Rachel's hand ran along the back of the chair behind Remington's desk before she turned to look out of the window. Laura heard her soft gasp. "Impressive, isn't it?" Laura commented.

"VERY," Rachel agreed. "I knew that Remy was a big wheel private detective, but- well, I had no idea. I mean - I guess I've got this image most people have of that kind of person, you know?"

"Yes. I know very well what you mean. Tough guy image, smoky, dark little cubby hole office with a secretary who files her nails all the time and barely answers the telephone, who's there mostly for decoration."

"Yeah. Like that." The door opened, and Mildred carried a tray into the room.

Laura took the tray from her. "Thank you, Mildred."

"Oh, I can stay, if you'd like, Miss Holt," Mildred offered. "You know how I LOVE girl talk."

Laura turned the woman back toward the door. "Maybe later, Mildred. Right now, you have work to do."

Rachel looked at Laura with huge eyes as Laura returned from closing the door. "You're not scared of her?"

"Of MILDRED? No," Laura assured her, laughing. She handed Rachel a cup of coffee. "Cream or sugar?"

"Both," Rachel confessed, heaping the cup full of those items.

Laura sat down, sipping her own coffee. "How long had you worked in Las Vegas?"

"Oh, not long," Rachel said. "In fact, I only started last week. I wanted to work in one of the shows as a dancer, but I didn't make the cut, and I wasn't ready to go home, so-"

"Where is home?" Laura asked.

"Oh, a little place in Oregon. I doubt you've heard of it."

"So you're a dancer," Laura said. "Have you had any professional training?"

Rachel nodded. "Some. But I guess that's all behind me now. I mean, I won't be needing to pursue now that I'm married to Remy, will I?"

"No, I don't suppose you will," Laura agreed. She wasn't getting anywhere. The only thing this little chat was doing was to make her LIKE the woman, for goodness sake. Well, perhaps like wasn't the right word. "That's some ring you've got there," Laura commented, capturing Rachel's hand to study the wedding and engagement rings there."Remy bought them. There was an all night jeweler near the chapel and the minute I saw these I just HAD to have them. He's just so sweet. I mean, you must know. Working with him like you do.-"

"Oh, indeed. That's Mr. Steele. Just as sweet as pie," Laura agreed.

"All I can say is, I'm glad he didn't go with that other woman to visit her family this weekend," Rachel said, taking a drink of her coffee.

"Other woman?" Laura questioned.

"Remy never mentioned her name, only that she left him to his own devices and went to visit her family back east for the weekend."

"Oh, really? I don't suppose he mentioned that HE was invited to attend as well," she said, then winced as she noticed Rachel's expression.

"It was YOU, wasn't it? Oh, my. No WONDER you said we had so much in common. You and he-"

"No. No, it's nothing like that, Rachel," Laura hastened to reassure her, then wondered why she was even trying.

"No wonder he didn't tell you about me. He probably wanted to keep us both on the hook -" She rose from the sofa and stalked to the door, placing her hand on the knob just as Laura got there to keep it closed.

"NO, Rachel!" she said again, loudly enough that she was certain Remington and Mildred had heard in the outer office. Suddenly she KNEW why she didn't want this woman to think that she and Remington were anything more than employer and employee who just happened to be friends. If it was a scam- and she was beginning to have some doubts about that - then what better way to take Remington- and the agency -for money than to threaten to involve him in a messy divorce, naming his associate as co-respondent? She grabbed the blonde's arm and forcibly drug her back to the sofa, pushing her down. "Listen to me! Mr. Steele and I are- nothing more than friends! The reason I'm asking all these questions is because he IS a friend, and I worry about someone taking advantage of him. You're right. He IS sweet, and wonderful, and all of those things- but he's NOT a very good judge of women most of the time. He's a friend, and I'll do whatever I have to make sure he's not hurt."

Rachel looked up at her, as if trying to judge the truth of her words. "You're in love with him, aren't you?"

Laura lifted her chin. "If I am, it doesn't matter now, does it?" She smiled widely. "He's married. And I don't make a habit of throwing myself at married men." Or UNmarried men, for that matter, Laura reminded herself. "I have an idea. Why don't you go back to the apartment and get some rest? You've had a hectic thirty six hours, I'm sure. You need time to adjust. I'll send Mr. Steele home as soon as we finish up around here."

Rachel still looked uncertain. "You promise?"

"I promise you that your husband will be at home by dinner," Laura said sincerely.


Remington and Mildred were both bent over the computer screen, scowling, when the door opened and Rachel came out with Laura. "I'll hold you to your promise, Miss Holt," she said.

"Promise?" Remington questioned, straightening and moving away from the desk as Rachel came closer.

"Miss Holt promised me to have you home for dinner," she told him, sliding a hand up his jacket before giving him a kiss. "Don't be late, darling."

He drew back, glancing at Laura. "Later," he said.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Krebbs," she said, before sailing out of the office.

Laura found herself pinned by two pairs of eyes. "You did WHAT?" Remington asked.

"I told her I'd have her husband home by dinner," Laura said. "I never mentioned YOUR name," she told him, seeing him smile in relief.

"Did you find out anything, Miss Holt?" Mildred asked.

"Not really. She's from someplace in Oregon, she just started at that casino last week, she wanted to be a dancer. I don't think she's the brains in this. There's someone else."

"Then you DO think it's a scam," Remington said.

"It HAS to be. She's not your type."


"Oh, she LOOKS the part, certainly. Tall, blonde. But- she plays at being sophisticated. She's not. It's like she's been trained - taught to play a role, and - " Laura's eyes widened. "Play a role." She turned and ran back into Remington's office. Mildred and Remington exchanged a look, then quickly followed her.

"Laura, what the devil are you doing?" Remington asked as she grabbed the handkerchief from his pocket and carefully picked up the cup that Rachel had used. He watched her carry it into her office and set it on the desk before rummaging around in her bottom desk drawer for a box. "Laura?"

"Dusting for fingerprints. And then I'll have my contacts run a check. If she's got a record, we'll find out." As she worked, she asked, "What did the two of you come up with?"

Mildred looked at Remington, who nodded his encouragement. "A lot- and none of it very good, Miss Holt," she confessed.

Laura paused, looking from one to the other. "Out with it, Mildred."

"It- might be better to show you," Mildred said, bustling back to her office and returning with a computer printout.
"The report on Mr. Steele's credit card from Friday night to last night."

"I never signed off on one of those items, Laura," Remington reminded her as she carefully laid down the soft brush she was using before taking the paper. "But I can't prove it. I can't think of anyone I saw all weekend that could testify that I was here and not in Las Vegas."

Laura looked at the charges. They were exhorbitant, the way they usually were with Remington. But there was something missing in the charges. Something out of place. "Let me finish this," she said, returning to her dusting, "And then we'll go over it more carefully." She realized they were awfully silent again, and glanced up.

"That's not all, Miss Holt," Mildred admitted. "The minister who runs the Chapel of Perpetual Happiness was hit by a car yesterday afternoon- he's in a coma in a hospital in Las Vegas -"

"There has to be SOMEONE there- What we NEED to do is go to Las Vegas and see if they can positively identify you as having been there this weekend."

"Then let's go," Remington suggested.

Laura pinned him with a look. "You're forgetting something, aren't you, Mr. Steele?"

He started to shake his head, then stopped. "Rachel."

"If you and I take off to Las Vegas, she's going to raise the roof. It was all I could do to stop her from confronting you earlier -"

"About what?"

"Nothing," Laura said. "Mildred, can you go to Las Vegas? Take a photo of Mr. Steele and show it around?"

"Sure, Miss Holt. When do you want me to leave?"

"Right away. The sooner we prove that she's NOT Mrs. Remington Steele, the better."

"I'm on my way," Mildred said.

"Oh, and Mildred-"

The receptionist paused in the doorway. "Yes?"

"Stay away from the tables, okay? No gambling this trip."

Mildred looked disappointed, but nodded. "All right, Miss Holt."

Once the door closed behind her, Remington watched Laura work until she put everything away again, placing the cup into a plastic bag. She got up and grabbed her coat and hat. "Where are you going?"

"To see my contact about the fingerprints," she explained.

"Want some company?" he asked.


"Call me as soon as you get anything, okay, Sidney?" Laura asked the bespeckled man at the desk.

"Might call a lot sooner if you agree to have dinner with me," he said, grinning. Steele's brows rose slightly as Laura laughed flirtatiously at the suggestion.

"You never know, Sid. One of these days, you might get lucky."

"I'll call as soon as I can. You say you want anything on the prints?"

"Anything you can find. DMV, criminal, whatever."

"Consider it done. But you're gonna owe me big time."

Laura and Steele left the building, and she glanced up at him. "You're scowling."

"Yes, well - something about seeing you flirting with another man tends to cause me to do that," he admitted as Fred opened the limo door for them.

"Where to, Mr. Steele?" he asked.

Remington looked at Laura. "Lunch?" he asked.

"Not a good idea," she said. "Back to the office, Fred." She looked at Remington. "We'll order something sent in."

Remington frowned as the limo started back toward the towers that held the agency offices. "What did you stop Rachel from confronting me about, Laura?" he asked.

"It was- nothing," she insisted, pulling the printout from a pocket. "Fred, did you see Mr. Steele this weekend?"

"No, Miss Holt, I didn't. After I dropped him off at his apartment, I didn't hear from him for the rest of the weekend. I thought it was strange, so I tried to call - there was no answer, and so I took the weekend off."

"When did you try to call, Fred?" Remington asked. "What time?"

"Oh, Saturday afternoon, around four, I think. Yes. Four. I remember, because I was going to a movie if you didn't need me."

"What movie?" Remington asked.

Laura knew she'd lose him if they started talking cinematic glories, so she held up the printout. "Let's concentrate on the matter at hand, shall we, Mr. Steele?"

Remington frowned at her sharp tone, but sat back. "The telephone never rang, Laura. Not once. And I know it was working, because I -"

Laura looked at him. "You called someone."

He nodded. "You're not going to believe this. I couldn't believe it myself when I did it. I still don't know what came over me-"

"WHO did you call?" she demanded.

"A pizza place. I ordered a full pizza with the works -"

Laura's eyes widened. "YOU ordered a pizza? From who?"

"That little place on the corner. They wanted my number to call me back to confirm the order. When they didn't call back, I called them and they said that there hadn't been any answer. Anyway, they sent someone over to deliver it."

"How did you pay for it?" she asked, looking at the paper in her hand.

"With cash," he said. "But I tipped the young man who delivered it quite well."

"So someone DID see you," she said.

He smiled. "You're right." Leaning forward, he told Fred, "Mario's Pizzeria, Fred. Just on the corner from my place."

"I know where it is, Mr. Steele," Fred assured him, turning the corner smoothly.

"Now," Remington said, what were we talking about?" he asked Laura, still smiling.

"I think the best thing to do is to take these charges in order," Laura told him. "A rental car from Los Angeles for the weekend- from this price, it COULD have been driven to Las Vegas and back-"

"Laura, WHY would I drive to Las Vegas? I'd take a flight. They're in and out all of the time. Much quicker and easier."

"True. Alright. Next charge. Hotel accomodations at the Eldorado Hotel and Casino."

"They certainly look like your charges. Champagne, room service, - STRAWBERRIES and WHIPPED CREAM?"

He met her look. "Laura, I wasn't THERE," he reminded her.

"Well, whoever WAS there apparently LOVES strawberries," she commented.

Fred brought the limo to a stop before the pizza place, then opened the door for them. "Thank you, Fred," Steele said, following Laura inside.

The man behind the counter looked up. "Can I help you?" he asked, obviously busy, as the lunch rush was just beginning.

"I hope so," Laura said. "We're trying to find out if you remember having a pizza delivered on Saturday night."

The man shook his head. "Lady, do you have any idea how many pizzas we deliver on a Saturday night? It's our busiest night of the week."

Remington stepped up. "This would have been around seven. I called and placed an order for a large pizza with the works to be delivered to my apartment."

"Look, Mr-"

"Steele. Remington Steele."

"Remington Steele, huh? Well, Mr. Steele, I wasn't working Saturday night. My night manager was here. He called in yesterday, said his mother was sick and he had to go to New York. He's gone for at least a week."

"What about your delivery personel?" Remington asked. "The young man who delivered my pizza-"

The man glared at them. "Look, are you gonna order a pizza or not? I got other customers. PAYING customers."

Laura looked at Remington, then back at the man. "We'll take a large- with the works," she said, opening her purse. "To go."

To be continued---

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Original content © 1999 by Nancy Eddy