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Jewel of Steele
Part Seven
by Lisa Ann Richardson
A Remington Steele Round Robin
copyright 1998 by the Remington Steele Chatboard

DISCLAIMER: This story is purely a work of fiction and is in no way associated with REMINGTON STEELE, MTM, the actors...yaddah, yaddah, yaddah...we all know the drill. This is purely a bit of fun for the latenight RS Chatboard crowd.

Laura gazed out at the clouds as the plane began its descent into Dublin's airport. She would rather die than admit it to Remington, but she was scared. Scared of her father's death being left on her hands, scared of what she would say if...No, * when* they got him out of the Hand's grip. What could she say? 'Gee, Daddy, it's nice that you came back to see me after fifteen years, but couldn't it have been because you really wanted to know me rather than because you needed my help?'"

She felt a gentle hand squeeze her arm. Remington was staring at her in concern. "Laura, Love, I promise you, come hell or high water, we'll get your father out alive."

Laura nodded. "I know. So." She pushed her own turbulent emotions to the back of her mind and asked, "What do we do first?"

Remington shrugged. "There's nothing we can do until Felicia gets in touch with us."

"When will that be?"

"Soon, if I remember the way Felicia works. She'll know how to find us; she always manages."

A chill came over Laura and she moved closer to her husband. She didn't like the feeling she was having, almost a sense of foreboding that something was horribly wrong with this entire situation. Maybe it was just nerves from the pregnancy. Studying Remington's face, she saw a cold, calculating look that had been there in the early days of their association, the look of a hardened master thief. She shuddered. His arm went around her and automatically tightened, his face melting into intense, loving adoration. Laura held her breath for a second, taking in that one look of love reserved solely for her.


Ashford Castle was now a thriving hotel, with all the former servants happily employed (and paid). Mickeleen was evidently relishing his role as steward and facilitator of the castle and greeted the former Lord and Lady with his usual good humor. "Ahhh...yer Lordship an' yer luvly Ladyship.'Tis a great pleasure to have ye both return to Ashford. Emmm...where's Millie?"

Exchanging amused glances with Laura, Steele replied, "She's back in Los Angeles, Mickeleen. Unfortunately, she had to stay and man the fort while Laura and I are on a case here."

Mickeleen sighed in disappointment before perking up again. "Well, at any rate, we have the master bedroom set aside for yer Lord and Ladyship. No one ever goes in there." He spoke again, almost as an afterthought. "Well, except when we give guided tours. Ah, here we are! Now," he said as he clapped his hands together. "You will let us know if we can be of any service to ye both."

Laura and Steele nodded. "As always, Mickeleen."

Satisfied, the old Irishman walked away. Waiting until he was out of earshot, Laura giggled. "I do believe he thinks he owns the castle."

Remington smirked. "Well, let him have the bills then!"

Laura grinned, almost forgetting why they were here--until she walked into the room. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Felicia arose from the chair, elegant and beautiful, eyes like a cat. Ignoring Laura, she sidled up to Remington.

"Michael, lovely to see you again. Still want to play cops and robbers?" She attempted to wrap her arms around him.

Like lightening, Laura's hand reached out and grabbed her wrists. "Don't touch him," she warned.

Felicia opened her mouth to respond, but the cold fire in the smaller woman's eyes stopped her. So did the bruising grip coming from those deceptively tiny hands.

Remington smirked. Fear was something foreign to Felicia's makeup, but he knew she was threatened by Laura; had always been threatened by Laura. He responded in sardonic amusement. "Really Felicia, it's lovely to see you, although you should know better than to put your hands on married men, my dear."

Felicia shook off Laura's hand in an attempt to regain the upper hand. Staring at the petite brunette with intense dislike, she sneered, "Darling, I'd learn a little more in the way of manners if you want to see Daddy alive. Must be the hormones from pregnancy."

Laura gritted her teeth, ignoring the other woman's baiting. "Where the hell is my father, you bi--"

"Laura." Remington's voice held a warning. Turning back to Felicia, he asked, "Alright, we know you want us to find the necklace. The question is, do you intend to honor the bargain?"

"Why ,Michael! I'm insulted! You were never this distrustful before you hooked up with Nancy Drew here." She gestured to Laura.

"Be that as it may..."

Felicia laughed."Ah, yes, be that as it may. Yes, I'll honor the bargain, but there is a time limit. The Hand doesn't like to be kept waiting.So you have until Sunday night to retrieve it.That's seventy-two hours. Should be child's play for a great detective such as Remington Steele." She smiled evilly. "I really must be going now. The Hand would like to know they'll be getting back their necklace."

Laura stared at the other woman. "Which necklace are we trying to find?"

"My dear, even your peasant tastes could appreciate it. The Heart of the Ocean." (YES, I LOVE THE MOVIE! SO SHOOT ME! :)

Laura heard Remington whistle under his breath.

Before she walked out, Felicia turned back around, appraising Laura. "Don't worry, darling. Daddy's fine and he'll stay fine, so long as I get the necklace." She looked her up and down one more time. "I must say Lisa, it was awfully nice of Michael to marry you after knocking you up, but really, I thought he would have left his little mother-to-be at home."

Even Remington couldn't believe what Felicia had said. He saw Laura's fists clench. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he forced her chin up and began kssing her, opening his mouth above hers, proving to Felicia once and for all where his loyalties and heart lay.

Felicia narrowed her eyes on them, before slamming the door on the entwined figures.

To be continued...
