Close, But No Steele
Episode 4

Author's note: I want to thank NewSue for her technical help on this story!

Daniel lay there under Laura's accusing gaze and Remington's worried one, trying to come up with a response that would satisfy them both. "Well?" Remington asked again. "Are you going to answer me?"

"You *did* con me, didn't you, Daniel?" Laura asked. "Last night was just-"

"Last night?" Remington asked, looking at Laura now. "What do you mean last night?"

"Well-" Laura began, but before she could explain, a nurse entered the cubicle.

Giving all four of them a decided no nonsense look, she said, "Excuse me, but we are running a hospital here. Mr. Chalmers needs his rest. I'm afraid I'll have to ask anyone who isn't family to leave."

"He's my father," Remington told the nurse. The woman's dark eyes turned toward Laura. "She's my fiancée," Remington explained, placing an arm around Laura's shoulders as she would have turned around to leave. Laura turned her head to look up at him in, just managing to hide her angry surprise at his announcement.

"And who are you?" the nurse asked, looking at Mildred, who was still standing beside Daniel. "I know you brought him in-"

"She's my wife," Daniel told the nurse, keeping his hand on Mildred's arm, his gaze pleading with her not to desert him, to leave him to Laura and Harry's less than tender mercies.

"That's right," Mildred agreed easily. "Where's his doctor?"

"Dr. Hadley will be here in a minute. I'll let you all stay- but keep it down, okay? Mr. Chalmers doesn't need to get overexcited."

"Thank you, nurse," Daniel said, relaxing back onto the bed.

"We'll keep an eye on him," Laura promised, and her tone caused Daniel to give her a wary look as the woman moved the curtain aside to leave them.

"Should I assume congratulations are in order?" Daniel asked Remington, and then frowned. "I don't see that ring on Laura's lovely finger-"

"We're not getting married," Laura told Daniel.

"Not yet," Remington added.

"You're not?"

"Oh, Miss Holt," Mildred said. "I really think you need to think this through-"

"I have. And we *did* come to an agreement, didn't we, Remington?"

"Uh, yes. We did. But I'd like to know more about this conversation that you and Daniel had last night-"

"That's between Daniel and I," Laura told him, her eyes on Daniel. "Right now, I think we should put his mind at rest and tell him what we've decided to do."

Remington frowned as he looked from Laura to Daniel, then said, "Laura's moving into the beach house."

"She is?" Daniel asked, his expression still wary as Laura approached the bed.

"Of course I am. Someone needs to make sure that you take care of yourself," she informed him smoothly, helping him to sit up before fluffing the pillow, and then helping him back onto it. "To see that you get exactly what you deserve."

"Laura, my dear, I really can explain-"

"There's time for that," Laura insisted, patting his hand under Remington's confused gaze. "Once we get you home, there'll be plenty of time. Don't you agree, Remington?"

"Uh, yes- Of course," Remington agreed as the doctor, wearing green hospital scrubs entered the cubicle.

He stopped, eyeing all of the people in the small area. "Are you all family?" he asked.

Remington stepped forward, hand extended. "Harry Chalmers, doctor," he said, nodding toward Daniel. "He's my father."

The doctor studied him for a moment. "Milton Hadley," the man said, shaking Remington's hand. "You look familiar. Have we met?"

For the first time in quite awhile, Remington found himself grateful for having left the house in a less than immaculate condition. It made it easier not to have to deal with explanations about different last names. His shirt was wrinkled, his hair uncombed, and there was almost a day's worth of stubble on his face. He'd slipped back into his canvas beach shoes as they had left the house as well. "I doubt it. How is he, Doctor?" he finished.

"He was lucky," Dr. Hadley announced. "It wasn't a heart attack," he told Daniel.

"It wasn't?"

"It's angina."

"Chest pains," Mildred explained for Remington and Laura's benefit.

The doctor looked at her. "You're familiar with the term?"

"Uh, well, my cousin- Walter. He had angina. Took nitroglycerin for it." Laura and Remington both nodded as they recalled Mildred having told them about her ex-husband Walter's heart problems.

"Does that mean I can go home now, Doctor?" Daniel asked hopefully. "I feel much better. The pain's gone-"

"That usually happens with angina," Dr. Hadley told him. "But angina is often a warning that there's something else wrong. Something that could become more of a problem if left undiagnosed and treated. Besides, we have to find out what caused the angina in the first place."

"And how do we do that?" Daniel asked.

"By running some tests. I think we'll admit you for the night, at least, depending on what the test results say."

"Is that really necessary?" Daniel asked, frowning.

"Now, Daniel," Laura said smoothly, placing her hand on his shoulder. "Let Dr. Hadley do his job. He's only trying to help. Besides, it will give -Harry and me the chance to get things ready for your homecoming so that we can take care of you properly."

Her words portrayed only concern and a desire to care for her "future father in law". But her tone and eyes reminded Daniel that paybacks could be hell. He had the uncomfortable feeling that he was going to pay dearly for his small lie that had gotten Laura and Harry back together.


Once the doctor had gone, with a promise to have Daniel installed in a room as soon as possible, Daniel became the center of attention for three sets of eyes. "Before you start taking me to task," he warned, "he did say that added stress could cause a recurrence-"

"He's right," Mildred told them, surprising Remington and Laura with her protective attitude. "Daniel doesn't need this right now."

Daniel's fingers tightened on Mildred's in silent gratitude. Remington nodded, but Daniel could tell that his son wasn't happy. "I'm just glad it wasn't more serious. When I read that note, Daniel- I don't think I've ever been more frightened."

"Or angry," Daniel added for him. "I didn't want to interrupt whatever you and Laura were talking about," he explained. "At least you were talking- no matter how that came about," he pointed out with a look in Laura's direction. "I was sure it wasn't anything serious. That's why I told Mildred to leave a note that we were going for a drive- not that she was taking me to the hospital."

"I wasn't thinking clearly either," Mildred told him. "A heart attack isn't anything to play around with."

He patted her hand. "Well, it wasn't a heart attack. Just a few- chest pains."

"How long have you been having them?" Remington asked.

"Just since last night- that I'd noticed anyway."

A nurse came in. "I'm afraid you'll all have to leave until we get Mr. Chalmers settled into a room on the fourth floor."

"Okay. We'll see you up there, then, Daniel," Remington told him.

Daniel smiled at them as they left the cubicle. "Nice family," the nurse commented as she prepared the gurney for transport.

"Yes. They are," Daniel agreed. "I'm a very lucky man, nurse. Luckier than I deserve to be, anyway."

"Well, Dr. Hadley will get you straightened out in no time. He's one of the best cardiologists in the state. You were lucky he was on duty today."

"See? I told you that I'm lucky," Daniel said again, then settled back against the pillows.


Once they were in the elevator heading toward the fourth floor, Remington kept his eyes front as he asked, "So it was Daniel who convinced you to come and talk to me this morning."

"No, it wasn't," Laura had to admit. "I told myself it was because he'd told me that he had some kind of heart problem that he didn't want you to know about, but that wasn't the reason."

"Oh?" he asked, finally looking down at her.

"I came back because I wanted to. Because I'd had a chance to think about things. I wanted to apologize for the way I acted."

"You mean to tell me that Daniel's visit didn't influence you at all, Miss Holt?" Mildred asked. Daniel had told her about his chat with Laura the previous evening en route to the hospital.

"I didn't say that. I knew that he wouldn't have tried it if he hadn't believed that Remington was truly unhappy. He was only trying to protect you," she told him, looking into those blue eyes.

"By lying to me again when he thought he really *was* having a heart attack," Remington nodded, putting an arm around Laura to pull her to his side. "Does this change things?" he asked. "Are you still going to-?"

"Move into the beach house?" Laura finished. "I think so. I think Daniel could stand to get some extra special TLC as payback for what he pulled, don't you?"

Remington grinned. "You're an diabolical woman, Laura Holt. But that's one of the reasons I-" the elevator doors opened, cutting him off as there were several other people waiting for them to exit onto the fourth floor. "Come on, Mildred." He looked around. "Do you see any phones about, by any chance?' he asked.

"Phones?" Laura questioned.

Mildred pointed. "Down that way, Chief. Why?"

"I want to call Nathan and let him know about Daniel."

"He won't like that, Boss," Mildred pointed out.

"He's not running the show at the moment, Mildred," Remington said. Dropping a quick kiss onto Laura's cheek, he said, "I'll be right back. Keep an eye out for where they put Daniel."

Mildred paced around the small waiting area, every so often peering, as if watching for Daniel. Seeing her, Laura went over to place an arm around the older woman's shoulders. "You're really worried about him, aren't you, Mildred?"

"I'm sure he'll be okay, but- it was kinda scary- driving over here earlier. I was afraid-"

"We'll take care of him," Laura assured her. "All of us."

"He really was just trying to help last night, Hon," Mildred insisted softly.

"I know."

"And it got you and the boss back together, didn't it? You weren't going to talk to him, were you?"

Laura's arm dropped as she moved away to stare at the linoleum floor tiles. "No, I was going to talk to him- just probably not this morning. I thought I owed it to him to try and explain."

Mildred went to her and took her arm. "But you're together now. And that's what matters."

"I don't know how I'm going to tell my mother about it," Laura sighed, sitting down. "One hint that I'm even seeing Remington and she'll be off and running with wedding plans."

"And would that be so terrible? I mean, that *is* where this is going, isn't it?"

"Eventually," Laura agreed. "But I need to work into it slowly."

"Test the water and see if you get burned?" Mildred asked, and Laura smiled.

"Something like that."

Remington entered the room, hands in his pockets, his expression thoughtful. "Daniel's in room 413," he told them. "They're only going to allow one of us in with him at a time since it's in the cardiac unit."

"You go first, Boss," Mildred said. "Did you get in touch with your uncle?"

"He's taking the next flight over," Remington said, nodding. "I know that Dr. Hadley's the best, but -"

"You'd prefer to have Nathan's input," Laura finished.

"I'd feel better about it, yes," he agreed. "Why don't you go in first, Mildred?" he suggested. "I wouldn't mention Nathan's imminent arrival, either. Not yet."

"Are you sure? You're family. I'm just-"

"His closest friend at the moment," Remington told her. "Now go on. They're limiting visits to fifteen minutes, as well." Mildred nodded quickly and left the room.

"Is Maeve coming with Nathan?" Laura asked.

"Of course. She's not going to pass up a chance to see Jarred."

The mention of Remington's young cousin who was in his second year at UCLA made Laura pause. "Did you call him?"

"I left a message with his room mate. He said that Jarred was working on an assignment for one of his classes." He sat down in one of the chairs, running a hand over his face. "I must look a sight," he commented, scratching at the stubble on his chin.

"You look wonderful," Laura assured him with a smile, touching her hand to his cheek. "It's- different."

Remington grasped her hand in his and brought it to his lips. "I wouldn't blame you if you changed your mind," he said. "About moving in. I know how much you hate to feel you've been manipulated. And even though you deny it, I'm sure that Daniel's little con last night had some bearing on your decision."

"Some. But- while it was a con last night- it's not now. He really may *be* ill. And he'll need both of us. Unless- you'd rather I not-" she began uncertainly.

Remington pulled her into his arms. "I need you, Laura. Now more than ever. This has made me realize more than anything else how short life is- how precious each day is. I don't want to waste anymore of them without you at my side. Even on your terms."

She burrowed her head into his shoulder before asking, "Would you have- left if I-"

"No," he told her, lifting her chin so that his blue eyes locked with hers. "Never. For better or worse, this is where I belong."

A slow smile spread over Laura's face. "For better or worse, huh?" she repeated, and leaned forward for a kiss. "Why don't we call mother this evening, then?" she suggested. "And I'll let *you* give her the news. That should qualify for worse, don't you think?"

"As I said, Laura. You're a hard woman. But that's one of the reasons why I love you."

Laura's expression became serious. "You do, don't you?"

"I've been trying to tell you that for seven years, woman. You're just now hearing it?"

"Oh, I heard it a long time ago," Laura assured him, sliding her arms around his neck. "I just wasn't listening."

His lips met hers as Mildred returned to join them. "Sorry," she apologized, then smiled as she realized he wasn't going to end the kiss the way he usually did.

Without taking his eyes from Laura, Remington said, "That's okay, Mildred. Is he settled?"

"He wants to see Laura," she told him. "Says they have something to clear up before he sees you."

Laura smiled at Remington's expression of surprise. Patting his chest, she said, "You handle my mother- I'll handle your father."


To Be Continued---

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Original Content © Nancy Eddy, 2001